Thank you for this.
This right here, evidence that he hates this thread. Everytime he comes here to shill his game with his passive-aggressive attitude, this is the reason why.
This is what one of the developers of this game thinks of you. He's hidden how much they earn each month,
18k a month, because people was questioning why he he's getting so much for so little content. He's now doing cross promotions, because he wants more money and that means people who follow this sham of a project now get ads.
An honest question to any patron supporter. Why continue to give this guy $5 a month when lighting it on fire or investing in Crypto is more financially sound? This guy resents the fact that he gets money from you every month, he only cares for metrics "
3:1 Android download ratio" "100k views on"
Don't give money to people that resent you. There are better ways to use your money.
See what I mean, passive-aggressive.