If someone is using qsp by skatanafao and is having trouble with kate's dad questions you should be aware that the qsp has been edited in a way that the first answer is always correct so if you try to answer the questions correctly you will actually fail
, i took the first file i found , i didn't read that , so i must now reset somehow the variables
try to add this at gs_inv_show under the glory week line
'<a href="exec: $res_question_test_father_katya_answer=''true'' & $res_question_test_father_katya_answer_2=''true'' & $res_question_test_father_katya_answer_3=''true'' & $data[''события_катя_занятия_дома_цепочка'']=5 & $data[''открытие_лок_дом_кати'']=1 & $gg[''Работа_в_репетитор_литературы''] = 1 & gt $curloc"> Fix Kate</a></p>'
Speaking of, what does "Glory Week" and "Ecstacy" stand for?
well i have added these because i didn't want to do the glory star works
(the week variable just increases the amount of money you make for the glory star company , i believe you usually need over 150k) and the ecstasy well are the ecstasy pills you get from gopnic and you use them with tea