
Oct 11, 2019
Not really flawless in my opinion, yeah he is a good guy, and an open person, but he doesn't demonstrate emotion enough too robotic, but that will depend on the person there are people who think that him being a decent human being is a flaw (not wanting to sleep with a drunk woman), or that him being generous is a flaw as well, but I understand what you mean, although I would say again that he is only a decent human being, sad that this minimum is what is considered a flawless person.

Yeah I consider "minimum" that he would use his considerable wealth to help some soldier he has met, he has more than enough so it is the minimum helping the rest of society

edit: About the English, my recommendation, if you are in a browser, is to use Grammarly, it helped me a lot, it got in the way some times but mostly helped.
Thanks for your suggestion I'll try it out from now on!

Yeah, I can only join you on the opinion that the mc is a little bland, not much internal psyche writing but to me it sounds more like most other independent VN writings as they start their story, English native speaker or not. Usually, I find this issue will resolve itself later on when the dev really gets the hang of it.

It's something I actually really enjoy watching evolve, not from a gamer perspective but from a reader/writer's one. At the start it's always difficult to come up with but as longer you work with the character the better you get at it, so I'm used to giving it a pass until it evolves through the next updates. It's just my personal take on the international narrative independant gaming world, not perfect but I still stand by it. Thanks again for your advice!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Thanks for your suggestion I'll try it out from now on!

Yeah, i can only join you on the opinion that the mc is a little bland, not much internal psyche writing but to me it sounds more like most other independant VN writtings as they start their story, english native speaker or not. Usually, i find this issue will resolve itself later on when the dev really get the hang of it.

It's someting I actually really enjoy watching evolve, not from a gamer perspective but from a reader/writter's one. At the start it's always difficult to come up with but as longer you work with the character the better you get at it, so I'm used to give it a pass until it evolves through the next updates. It's just my personnal take on the international independant gaming world, not perfect but i still stand by it. Thanks again for your advice !
I completely agree with you there, The dev has evolved leaps and bounds from their previous game, and I'm seeing them evolve during the development of this one and I love it.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2020
Yay time to butcher some quotes! Let's see... Meant as in chopping the quotes in a more manageable size.
I guess you can criticize the fact he went with the flawless type of hero who's destine to achieve anything but even if it sticks as a safety way to display a story, it stills can bring something valuable together at the end of the line.
That kind of sums up every hero in media, written, movies, etc. since forever? But it is valid criticism overall.

Conflict is either internal or external, so for the lack of better term failure points. We aren't at the point where the external failure points come in, but the problem with the external failure points in this type of story will lead easily to the main character's death and game over. The partial solution is to give the player a choice, now that brings another set of issues. But the non-lethal failure points could easily if used too often, lead to portraying that main character as a bumbling fool, which is irritating to me personally. Occasional mess up is fine, but continuous isn't.

I don't know what choices you made regarding Susan. Did you tell her about magic being real when you two were watching the TV? If not, you get another chance to do so in the 0.9.0 update. If you do tell her this time you will see something different, in other words, a point of failure for the MC, nothing drastic but it still there. If you told her about magic to her earlier, you don't get to see that. So occasionally, the points of failure are negated by the choices that the player has made previously. And if you decide not to tell her about it this time... well, that would be a spoiler.

As for internal conflicts. The typical "hero's journey" often starts with a young main character. This is usually done so that the "mistakes" are easier to write as the lack of life experience for the main character, and thanks to that you easily see the "spiritual growth" of the main character. Here the MC is 37 years old, so he has had events that have shaped his point of view, both failures and success. And his upbringing has shaped his views and behavior. A lot of those events aren't exposed to the reader until there are a need and natural way to do it.

And partially that accumulated life experience negates the typical internal struggle that you see in the younger MC's. Again, to illustrate the point, when the inquisitors attack the old apartment depending on the choice you get a short scene where he laments a bit about needing to kill them, he knows there is no real alternative to the killing so he does it because he needs to, not because he wants to. Maybe I should have expanded that a bit, but there is time for me to do so later on as well, so note taken that is all I can say.

And eventually, this will come up, the MC has had the faerie dragon since birth, she has been there for his whole life, invisible, or ethereal if you wish. She is the MC's "6th sense", she is the reason that he knows when there is trouble behind the corner, she is the reason why he can point his gun at someone who is out of the line of sight. And what has been her subconscious influence on him? And there is something about this coming later on.

Not really flawless in my opinion, yeah he is a good guy, and an open person, but he doesn't demonstrate emotion enough too robotic, but that will depend on the person there are people who think that him being a decent human being is a flaw (not wanting to sleep with a drunk woman), or that him being generous is a flaw as well, but I understand what you mean, although I would say again that he is only a decent human being, sad that this minimum is what is considered a flawless person.
Just to illustrate the point really, no other reason to use and mangle the quote. >.>

The upbringing again, raised in a catholic orphanage or ran by nuns. Certain values are reinforced from a young age. Spend time from early on to aid veterans, homeless people, and those who are in a more vulnerable state, this is some you could see nuns easily doing (and they do), so it leaves an imprint that will carry one way or the other through your life. In his case, this is shown as a willingness to help others in need, and not to exploit those who are in a vulnerable state. And this is still leaving out Abigail, and her relationship with Tamara (who will show on Day 11 just to let you know). What Abigail knows, and how she influenced Alexander as he grew up isn't exposed as there hasn't been a need for it. And you never wondered why Alexander isn't religious despite raised by nuns... hmmm... ;)

As for showing the emotions, this is a bit of a two-fold issue. On one hand, lack of male role models when growing up, so the model for males comes from media of the '80s and '90s, and other authority figures he saw. And from my experience priests in that era were a bit stoic, and the general attitude was that "real men don't show emotions", as flawed as that might be. So, that is sort of what he is used to. Then on other hand... It's Daz, occasionally there is this really thin line of decent expression vs creepy rape face in the render. And unfortunately when the creepy rape face happens and you tone down the expression to be somewhat humane looking it can come too subtle. I'll try to bring it out more as we go, but it's the personal preference on how it looks. There are few moments where I wanted the MC to look more amused, but good gods that "smile" if you want to call it that, wouldn't want to run into that in a dark alley.

So yeah there is a lot in the background information of the characters that aren't exactly obvious, needed, or exposed, yet. And it isn't just the MC either. It is ALL of them that have longer interactions with him, with their own motivations and needs. Some have their own short stories that I wrote, such as the detectives Cross and Graves, although they only appear only once in this story ;)

And yeah, I like writing...


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Yay time to butcher some quotes! Let's see... Meant as in chopping the quotes in a more manageable size.

That kind of sums up every hero in media, written, movies, etc. since forever? But it is valid criticism overall.

Conflict is either internal or external, so for the lack of better term failure points. We aren't at the point where the external failure points come in, but the problem with the external failure points in this type of story will lead easily to the main character's death and game over. The partial solution is to give the player a choice, now that brings another set of issues. But the non-lethal failure points could easily if used too often, lead to portraying that main character as a bumbling fool, which is irritating to me personally. Occasional mess up is fine, but continuous isn't.

I don't know what choices you made regarding Susan. Did you tell her about magic being real when you two were watching the TV? If not, you get another chance to do so in the 0.9.0 update. If you do tell her this time you will see something different, in other words, a point of failure for the MC, nothing drastic but it still there. If you told her about magic to her earlier, you don't get to see that. So occasionally, the points of failure are negated by the choices that the player has made previously. And if you decide not to tell her about it this time... well, that would be a spoiler.

As for internal conflicts. The typical "hero's journey" often starts with a young main character. This is usually done so that the "mistakes" are easier to write as the lack of life experience for the main character, and thanks to that you easily see the "spiritual growth" of the main character. Here the MC is 37 years old, so he has had events that have shaped his point of view, both failures and success. And his upbringing has shaped his views and behavior. A lot of those events aren't exposed to the reader until there are a need and natural way to do it.

And partially that accumulated life experience negates the typical internal struggle that you see in the younger MC's. Again, to illustrate the point, when the inquisitors attack the old apartment depending on the choice you get a short scene where he laments a bit about needing to kill them, he knows there is no real alternative to the killing so he does it because he needs to, not because he wants to. Maybe I should have expanded that a bit, but there is time for me to do so later on as well, so note taken that is all I can say.

And eventually, this will come up, the MC has had the faerie dragon since birth, she has been there for his whole life, invisible, or ethereal if you wish. She is the MC's "6th sense", she is the reason that he knows when there is trouble behind the corner, she is the reason why he can point his gun at someone who is out of the line of sight. And what has been her subconscious influence on him? And there is something about this coming later on.

Just to illustrate the point really, no other reason to use and mangle the quote. >.>

The upbringing again, raised in a catholic orphanage or ran by nuns. Certain values are reinforced from a young age. Spend time from early on to aid veterans, homeless people, and those who are in a more vulnerable state, this is some you could see nuns easily doing (and they do), so it leaves an imprint that will carry one way or the other through your life. In his case, this is shown as a willingness to help others in need, and not to exploit those who are in a vulnerable state. And this is still leaving out Abigail, and her relationship with Tamara (who will show on Day 11 just to let you know). What Abigail knows, and how she influenced Alexander as he grew up isn't exposed as there hasn't been a need for it. And you never wondered why Alexander isn't religious despite raised by nuns... hmmm... ;)

As for showing the emotions, this is a bit of a two-fold issue. On one hand, lack of male role models when growing up, so the model for males comes from media of the '80s and '90s, and other authority figures he saw. And from my experience priests in that era were a bit stoic, and the general attitude was that "real men don't show emotions", as flawed as that might be. So, that is sort of what he is used to. Then on other hand... It's Daz, occasionally there is this really thin line of decent expression vs creepy rape face in the render. And unfortunately when the creepy rape face happens and you tone down the expression to be somewhat humane looking it can come too subtle. I'll try to bring it out more as we go, but it's the personal preference on how it looks. There are few moments where I wanted the MC to look more amused, but good gods that "smile" if you want to call it that, wouldn't want to run into that in a dark alley.

So yeah there is a lot in the background information of the characters that aren't exactly obvious, needed, or exposed, yet. And it isn't just the MC either. It is ALL of them that have longer interactions with him, with their own motivations and needs. Some have their own short stories that I wrote, such as the detectives Cross and Graves, although they only appear only once in this story ;)

And yeah, I like writing...
It has been a while since I messed around with DAX but yeah I remember now, and I can understand the lack of role-models thing very much. Thanks for the answears.
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Engaged Member
Jan 21, 2020
My mc is yet reveal his magic secrets to that army girl (i have a save file at that point). It is better to reveal that to her ??


Game Developer
Apr 4, 2020
Talothral, really enjoying your story so far.

Leaving the Daz technicalities to one side, the perceived lack of emotion on the MC isn't so bad in my opinion. Readers/players just need to see him as the currently terribly unfashionable actions-speak-louder-than-words strong silent type. Nothing wrong with that. We can't all be macbook toting exquisitely coiffed hipster metrosexuals. The familiar is cute, the main characters seem interesting and some of the scenes are well put together. In particular, the lovely fight at the cabin cinematic effort. I don't find the lack of in your face humping to be detrimental to the telling of the story. So far.

My minor gripe would be that some of the lighting and camera angles could be improved to be a bit more evocative and/or dramatic. Many excellent VN's suffer from this so you're in good company ;)

Either way, Sorcerer is on the short list of stories I check 'latest updates' for.

Best of luck, and I for one eagerly await further developments.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2018


So yeah, not that much to tell in this one really but here you go, the stuff you actually want over my ramblings ;)
The update from 0.9.0 (or 0.9.5) to 0.10.0: Extract the files from the zip-file in to game folder and overwrite the Day10.rpa, gui.rpa, images.rpa and scripts.rpa.


Update to 0.10.0:
And as always the mac is unfortunately untested.


Former Legendary Game Compressor
Mar 16, 2019
Sorcerer [v0.10.0] Talothral

Original Size Win/Linux: 1.19 GB
Original Size Mac: 1.18 GB

Compressed Size Win/Linux: 323 MB
Compressed Size Mac: 306 MB


This compression is unofficial. Compressing process reduces image/audio/video quality and can break the game, be aware of that.

You can find all of my Walkthrough Mods content here:

Or you can:


Engaged Member
Jun 16, 2019
I have the same. It is a simple case of naming. The update has exactly the same name as the last one so the same map is used.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2020
I've tested the updated version from 0.9.0 (and 0.9.5), a full clean, and I have one install from 0.8.0. Only 0.8.0 has had some issues but that was to be expected in all honesty. And everything just went fine from start to the end of 0.10.0.

So it is probably one of those things that don't come up during the testing but then comes up to some people because of reasons. And the first time I heard it during this release cycle. I'll sort it out if I can but need information, simple as that.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
It might seem cool to the writer, but this type of MC is so boring as the central character. I'm still in the beginning but he doesn't even seem human. He sees some crazy shit like magical bullet defense for the first time and takes it in as if it's nothing out of the ordinary. I don't care how calm and collected you are. If you see things that are not explainable, you will show some emotions. He keeps telling her that he doesn't believe in magic. Then he goes out and comes back to see the Asian girl fucking floating in the air with magical runes. His response is literally "That's nice."

Then he gets chased by inquisitors, turn invisible, etc. and this fucking guy has not one thing to say about his life turning into some DnD campaign overnight.

It takes some real writing chops to work with stoic main characters, and I wonder if the dev has that in him. You need to realize that we see and experience the world through the eyes of the MC, and if the guy is about as interesting as a dead fish... well...

Well this is the impression I got in the first 20 minutes or so. Lets see if things pick up.


Game Developer
Apr 4, 2020
Talothral, for the love of God (or whatever Kosmik Powwah du Jour you fancy) could you please add a few gratuitous 'Boohoo, I miss my Mommy soooo much' and 'OMG, I'm so distraught about my unspilt milk not being the right shade of off-white.' scenes to your otherwise excellent story.

The whining about your MC's perceived lack of emotion is getting too much to stomach. In fact, I might cry.

Pretty please.
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