
Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
So the last "quest" is to meet rebeca and play that annoying game and i have done it both with reb and lana, now what


Jul 17, 2018
The story is good. The characters are good. The mechanics are not good. All I did was clean the solar panel over and over and learn programming. Sometime I did something new but there was no choices. It would have been better to just follow a story with few choices to decide who you end up with.
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New Member
Sep 26, 2017
This is how i found 3 endings:

1-To solve 100% mistery do not cum (according to the comments someone did the opposite and also got the 100%).
2-You always end up in a Helicopter Crash in the Sea (wich is the story the mom talks about from her past), but you go to past with different people.
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May 27, 2017
This might be the longest review I've written for a game to date, fuck me what the hell was that I just played. I'm glad it says Completed cause oh my god. One more Solar Panel and I would have lost my shit. I wrote the review thinking he was still working on this game, super happy to see he's put it to bed and moved on to another game. If the review sounds like I think he's making it still I didn't notice until just now. Good Game, everyone play it, read the fucking walkthrough to get past the solar panel part, good god. Here's my review for this game, and please check out my other reviews. thanks guys.

This review might be a long one cause I was taking notes feverishly for this one. Full disclosure I have not played this game to the end of the version I'm currently playing v1.0.0 I believe; not sure why he added two zeros at the end but to each his own. I basically played until the game feels like the developer decided to revisit it and change the mechanic (After you rescue Lana I believe her name was, the girl on the right in the picture) Feels like I'm playing a new game now, he should have ended the game called it part 1 and then make a new game called part 2, anyways here are my notes as I played this game cause yeah, I need to share.

First impressions of this game for me did not look good, it has a film grainy appearance "at first" that I can only attribute to Rendering fuck ups, I don't think the developer was going for the film grain effect on his images. I just think there was so many things in his scene that the render fucked up and it took him so freaking long to do he was like, fuck it, I'm not rendering it again it's done.

From the get I liked how he added faces to the background dialogue text, I think this an acceptable way of communicating to the player who's speaking, honestly though you could probably ditch the names if you wanted to and just leave the faces.

Oh my lord the HUD display gets a huge fucking F grade. First of all if you've read my other reviews you know how much I don't like the preview box image fast travel icons. I don't like traversing the game world by selecting the square little box, even if you tell me which character is in the box by showing a tiny icon of her in the lower right. Ditch that mechanic all together people, please! But this fucking guy decides to put it at the top of the fucking game blocking out the characters fucking faces. What the hell were you thinking dude, I jump to the new location and I can't see her face. Fur fuck sakes. And which fucking room is the Mess Hall??? In the beginning was going through all the rooms and had no clue which one was the Mess Hall, there all futuristic sci-fi rooms, how the fuck am I suppose to know which room is what!? Eventually you figure it out but fuck man, a quick text letting me know which room is what would have been helpful. Plus this game has such amazingly detailed rooms and non of them are fucking imagemaps. I'm whipping my mouse around these beautiful renders thinking "Come on man, so many things to interact with let me find one fucking hidden object or something. Please dude!" Alas, nothing. Those beautiful renders are just backgrounds that will be ignored once you get to the meat of this game.

The meat of this game is I hate to say, early on at least, is to click those fucking fast travel icons (I really should name those things as so many games have them) and then click the you've got mail icon that appears beside the hourglass icon. I went through every room, scrolled my mouse all over that image and never noticed the you've got mail icon in the upper right corner. Holy fuck does that thing blend in at first. Cause I didn't know it was there I was about to give up on this game, I had to peek at a walkthrough just to progress to the next scene. Another F grade bro. For the bulk of this game you will be staring at the top of the screen completely ignoring the game and just click the fast travel location and the you've got mail icon. Which then brings up the default choices menu for Ren'py and you get to the second meat of this game.

Fucking Solar Panels! What in the porn loving fuck were you thinking bro? You sadistic fuck. Fucking real life hours I was polishing those fucking solar panels instead of polishing my torpedo! Finally after hours of getting those panels to fucking glisten in the bright as fuck starlight I realize that the you have mail icon is available in the comms room. Thank sweet baby Jesus something different to do. I click on the icon and dialogue appears, FINALLY progression in the story. What happens next you ask, "Hello... is anyone there?... Hello? Yes! I'm here.. .. .. I think they hung up." Back to the Solar Fucking Panels I go! WTF dude I hate you. Seriously if you were infront of me I would give you the wtf face and zip my pants up in defiance. You sick motha fucka. So I go back to polishing solar panels, getting hung up on and so forth, for hours.

Thank god, for walkthroughs. People, stop trying to prove how smart you are and tell fucking players that they have to check the comms at different times of the day. To me, Night time is 22:00 not 0:00. How am I suppose to know that? The girls are in there rooms sleeping, to me that's fucking night time. I would like to apologize to the developer of Man of the House, I gave him shit for making me do the mundane task of delivering food in his game. I'm sorry @Faerin but this fucking guy just made me polish his Solar Panels for fucking hours and I'm sorry for criticizing your food delivery service, my bad. This was worse.

Sweet baby Jesus dick I finally contact Earth in the comms room and I read the Dialogue and the story gets interesting. This story actually keeps getting interesting the more it progresses so fuck yeah does it get a passing grade on story. Good job on that at least. But oh fuck here we go again with the fucking Solar Panel polishing. To be honest I didn't even know if I was suppose to be polishing them anymore I just kept doing it cause it became muscle memory at that point and the only thing to do. No joke, I was tempted to smash all your fucking Solar Panels and let them float off into space. But then oh my god something magical happens in space. Bikinis.

Bikinis in space should have been the title of this game cause fuck yes that's what I'm talking about at that point I forgot the name of this game and started calling it Bikinis in Space cause I was Solared Out. Youuu don't know how fast I unzipped when I saw a bikini, finally, FINALLY! Something porn related. I was so happy dude, I stopped playing and made myself a Tea before continuing. All I could hear in my head was the Joker from Dark Knight Rises "Now, here.. we.. go.." Shit is about to get poppin or lit whatever the fuck kids are saying these days, here we go bitches.

The fucking Bikini disappears and she's back in her sci-fi suit... I swear dude I had to play me some Hitman 47 and snap fucking necks all day to calm myself down. What the fuck are you doing bro, this game is such an up and down roller coaster I almost lost it. The art is fantastic, you a fucking artist without a doubt, those rooms are fucking filled with amazing shit (i can't interact with) and the story just gets better and better the more I read. But ahhh meh gawd the Blue Ball factor is through the roof! And wow, I know developers use the same models for their own games but you took a Jab at Big Brother with that wrist joke, damn dude, I like that. And you fully stole Red Dead Redemption's Dice game, don't fucking Lie. lol

This roller coaster of a ride game does eventually pick up and you will be cumming buckets eventually but oh my lord does it take long to get there. I was frustrated as fuck but your art was so good I had to stay. The film grain effect goes away or my eyes adjusted to it and the sex scenes start rolling in. Fuck me was this ever a test of will power on my part. No joke man I had to play Hitamn to release some anger build up. You have to be into BDSM shit cause those fucking Solar Panels and then learning how to program, wtf dude. I like this game, but holy fuck do I hate saving the environment now. I'm gonna turn on every fucking light in my house now and smash my neighbors solar panel. Fuck all of you living off the grid and toting your green living lifestyle, fuck you, I'm gonna idle in my car for an hour before I go to work today, and you can think this developer for that.

As of today for the amount of the game I played this game gets..... CUMSHOT!

Holy fuck does the opening intro of this game take a long ass time to get going, those fucking Solar Panels are your demise bro. Read how I got to this score and take my advice on the last Blue Ball. I like this game as I like every game I review just dude, wtf is with the mundane as fuck chore, I felt like it was a job to play this game in the beginning. lol!

Here's how I got to the score.


  1. Game is 100% Complete. (THANK GOD! I got scared cause of the 0.0 in the version code, thank god. Congrats on closing the book bro, good game.)
  2. Game has a well written story. (Fuck yeah it does, I like where this story went and is going I just can't anymore, those solar panels bro, I'm shell shocked or solar shocked. There you go, the next title of your game Solar Shock.)
  3. Game has animations. (A few here and there but at least its a few rather than none.)
  4. Game has well designed female models. (It's fucking hard to do a strip tease with just images but you pulled it off with that sister bro, well designed as fuck.)
  5. Game takes a decent amount of time to finish or see all it has to offer. (I was gonna Blue Ball you for this cause fuck me it took a long ass time to see the goods. But I guess that classifies as a decent amount of time. You can't finish this game in a few minutes that's for sure.)
  6. Game does not have extremely long loading/traveling/transition screens. (Speed of light fast which I appreciate, I just don't like the design.)

Blue Balled

  1. Game has replay value that does not rely on story alone. (Oh this is an all story game, without the story you'll just polishing Solar Panels and have no clue why.)
  2. Game has not used all default game engine assets without customizing them. (I give you points on the face but from I see that's all you changed in the GUI. Make it your own more bud.)
  3. Game has no Mundane tasks that take too long to get through and become a boring chore. (You, win the prize for most boring and Mundane chore in a xxx game to date. Congrats. Here is your brand new (smashed to fucking shit) Solar Panel.)
  4. Games user interface is intuitive and well designed. (Fucking fast travel boxes kill me bro, F.)
  5. The Sex or Tease portions are sufficient and are not few and far between. (Those amazing ass sex scenes might as well be light years away from when you start playing the game. Without a walkthrough I never would have got to them and would have become a robot myself just polishing those solar panels for the rest of my battery life. It is because of that why I put you in the Blue Ball section, that grind you have to do to get to all the fucking sex scenes you put in this game will turn soo many people away. At least give me a fucking robot to fuck while I wait for the real sex scenes... Let me fuck the robots polishing the solar panels! Let those fucking robots polish my solar panel. That's it bro, add a variable that allows me to assist the robots fucking the solar panels and make them wear maids outfits and let me fuck them, done. Do it and I'll move this rating to the Cumshot section. Until then, Blue Ball mother fucker, you sick bastard... Love the game.)


Apr 26, 2018
Just found this game. It is a real grinder with having to bounce around boxes every hour till you can do something /someone.

I'm currently stuck at 60% of the equation and can't progress further no matter what I do. Even though the ending is apparently not very good, I'd still like to finish this. Any advice to what I need to do? I started the equation quest with the mom and was switched to Rebecca.


New Member
Sep 26, 2017
Just found this game. It is a real grinder with having to bounce around boxes every hour till you can do something /someone.

I'm currently stuck at 60% of the equation and can't progress further no matter what I do. Even though the ending is apparently not very good, I'd still like to finish this. Any advice to what I need to do? I started the equation quest with the mom and was switched to Rebecca.
Read my post above... ;)


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
Hi my save dont work and i cant get pass to 90% can somebody share a save plz and thank you


Aug 28, 2018
i loved it, it was really short, when i got to finish line i got depressed! i am depress now. why would it end ?
there was a very big bad error ! humans don't use only 10% of brain capacity! it has been proved that humans can and do use more than 90% of their brain capacity. it is a fact. that shit about 10% is a miss. don't do that pleas . it would have been fantastic if i could get mom and sis pregnant too ! the only time i could cum inside , it was only one time with my sis. whyyyyyyyyyyyy ????!!!!!!
thank you for the great game .
3.10 star(s) 39 Votes