If you understand romance as dating a girl, being nice to her so that she falls in love with the MC and in the end, she's finally willing to have sex because she's in love, no, this game won't have romance like this.
This game will work in a different way, using the notoriety of the MC's acts and his way of treating the characters (and if he is successful or not).
By notoriety I mean how badass and mad the MC is seen by others.
- You will spend one day in the beach with Delara and other characters. If you kept your notoriety low the first week in university, she will do topless in front of you. If notoriety is not low enough, she won't do it.
- Also, if you act like a pervert with Delara and she realises that (or finds out that you've been peeping), she won't like you and any option of having sex with her will be much more difficult.
So, if you want to have a good relationship with Delara (she won't necessarily fall in love), and have sex with her, make sure you WON'T GET CAUGHT whenever you're peeping at her and keep a low notoriety.
Through the events in the game, if you choose the correct options and follow what I said above, Delara will see you as a potential sexual partner.
BUT, some characters will work differently. Clara, for example, will like you more if you have a high notoriety (because she's a narcissist). Even if she acts like she doesn't, she will be more interested in the MC.
Let's say the romance here is about becoming someone who makes other characters feel sexually attracted or curious about you rather than developing a loving relationship.
I'm still implementing stuff in the game to make this work this way, but this is the main idea.