Man, I've discovered another great artist (Blushypixy) to follow today. The art style is super up my alley. I just hope that this'll be one of those games that focuses more on getting the fantastic art out there, with some interactivity/story involvement, but not to the detriment of giving us more of the art. It'd be great if chapter 1 actually had an occasion or two where you have to choose between one type of H-scene or the other and/or incorporate the choice of characters (in the beginning, when you pick between Rogue/Fighter, Mage/Fighter and Mage/Rogue or whatever) into what scenes you get etc. Having a path you can choose to get scenes with the characters you want is top tier in games like this.
Also, Janice is a snack and a half, and then some. Also, I can't wait to see Fighter actually in action.