
Aug 19, 2018
Just as a note, I am noticing a bug in the facial measurements when you have an alien on prior to a human, the human magically takes on the shape of the alien that was displayed... And you can't do much about it save for sell the slave. Just something you might want to look into. Still love playing the game.
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Jan 5, 2018
"Release 0.30a: Approaching the End"

Here you Go my Friends,

A Quality Update from our Lord and Savior DEV.

As with every Update and for maybe new Users dont forget to put your Extreme Content Mod in the directory where the Stationmaster.exe is ^^ (Only the ExtremeContent.mod file in the same root as the Stationmaster.exe)

Extreme Content (ALL Releases Forever !) - (Link from Post)

Extreme Content

And now with every Update i will Feature the awesome Mod Collection from grev and Shurutsue . Try it!

Stationmaster Mod Collection

Hey all,

This patch is almost entirely a stability update, but does add a way to convert slaves into dolls and a new event. More significantly, it clears almost all of the bugs from my board (I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll find some more before the end though).

If all goes according to plan, the next Stationmaster patch will be 1.0. That feels weird even to type, and I'm sure hitting that publish button is going to be difficult.

The bad news is that Quid Pro Quo is seeing some delays due to current events. I'm considering releasing 0.1 with an improved version of Stationmaster's animation system and replacing it later just so people can start playing it sooner, but we'll see. As with everything in in interesting times, there are a lot of unknowns.

Also, I've switched to multipart archives to get around Mega's download limits. Make sure you download both parts for your platform before extracting.

Note: All downloads have multi-part versions now for people who are running into issues with MEGA. Download them both to the same folder and extract the first one with 7-Zip. Doing that will automatically pick up the files from the other one.

The full and multi-part versions are otherwise the same, so there's no need to download both.

"Obsidian says: Only Posted Full Mega Link"

Windows 0.30a:

MacOS 0.30a: (YMMV as always)

Linux 0.30a:

New Furniture: Cybernetics Chamber

The cybernetics chamber can be unlocked by research and built in the laboratory. It allows you to convert slaves into dolls (either through the inspection screen or in the rules assistant).

Other Enhancements

  • Improved sex animations. They're still not great, but they're getting about as good as I can make them with the current architecture.
  • New event and artifact for the golden space dick.

  • You can no longer leave the slave market before buying a slave
  • All slaves purchased during the tutorial are now obedient.
  • The pillar tutorial is now a notification instead of a whole long process.
  • Several bug fixes, listed later.

  • I was never able to replicate the bug that intermittently corrupted UI text, but I made a change that might fix it. Please let me know if you still experience it.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Bovine Aspirations" event to fail spectacularly.
  • Fixed a bug that stopped surgery from applying.
  • Fixed the description on the "Warp Gate" research.
  • Speed training is now appropriately capped, and won't let your slaves access the Speed Force.
  • Fixed a bug that caused slaves to enter training exhausted.
  • The training screen now respects mindbroken/corrupted/devoted/insane modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug that caused strange and intermittent issues with the "Previous Slave" button.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the slave list to show the species as "Mixed" for single-species slaves under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to enter an inescapable state when you pressed the "Finished" button on the training screen.
  • The rules assistant should be able to correctly apply the obedience serum (I received a report that it didn't, but tested it and it worked fine, so I'm claiming credit).
  • Fixed alignment of tutorial highlights on the build panel and galaxy map.
  • Fixed missing vignette for sensory noise implant.
  • Characters no longer orgasm from giving blowjobs.
  • Fixed a bug that stopped the combat tutorial from showing properly.
  • Fixed several bugs that caused tutorial messages to be skipped.
  • Cleaned up several bits of outdated information in the tutorial.
  • Fixed several bugs that caused missing highlights in the tutorial.

Obsidian says :

Everyone a good Playthrough and Testing to made this game more Awesome ^^

Thanks again to everyone and Please Pledge if you can afford it.

And Thanks again to DEV for this Awesome Release.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
1: Lol, the freeze when entering the market with the discolored doll person is still there.

2: During the Ascendant event, I had a girl change hair/appearance when I changed her outfit off of "Christmas". Reloaded the save and it didn't happen again, hmm.

3: Personal training bugged out. The vibrator wouldn't actually do anything eventually. It got stuck altogether later and I couldn't exit and I was spammed with sex noises (After trying to switch to sex). Alt F4'd out, reloaded, and it's functioning again. This happens a lot. Multiple tools/dicks on the screen at once. Some kind of overlapping shit when trying to switch from sex to training. Only way to get out of that appears to be to shut the program down.

4: Facial deformities are still there. It seems to happen most often with the cult members I think. This is one of the worst bugs for me because a restart of the program doesn't fix it. I haven't found a way to get rid of it. Instant sell on all the girls who get this.

5: Had a bug after the tutorial to create a military room/raid a planet. When I returned to the base, hitting ESC wouldn't bring up the main menu window. Seems entering the galaxy view at all does this.

My favorite part of trying to bug test this is that I can never reproduce anything reliably, I forgot how bad it was about that, lol. Win 10. Version .30a btw.
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the rook

New Member
May 16, 2020
still can't get the mac version to run. the last version i can run is .28.

is it possible that versions .29 and .30a were compiled as 32-bit apps? macOS catalina (OS 10.15) can only run 64-bit apps.

the download always looks complete, and the game unpacks from the zip file. but when try to run it is get a damaged or incomplete error.
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Sep 15, 2019
Briefly player 30a. StationmasterDev

Issues reported earlier, like the furry being invisible, is still present. Characters walking around are all black depending the clothing they are supposed to wear, that include the PC. Some clothing do not hide the penis.

Text corruption:

Return of the Shadow Penis, and double toon in the pool (discovered thanks to the shadow penis). stationmaster_penisshadow.png

  • highlight the toon under the mouse cursor. Helps with handling stuff.
  • allow the player to massively build stuff in the rooms. Like the slave beds, allow us to select an area to fill with beds instead of forcing us to place them one by one.
  • Alternatively, adopt the dungeon keeper style of rooms where the details are left to the computer. A brothel is a brothel, why do I have to care about all the beds?
  • Is there a roster for the tenants? For the tourists?
  • Give us a top-down view of the station, helps with building rooms. Can't count the times when I went too far or not far enough when placing walls.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Btw can we have a list of what exactly all the stats effect? I never know if a job needs agility or charisma to do better at it. Between decoration, room service, brothel work, dancing in the club, DJing, suite pet, most things could realistically be impacted by charisma/sex skill boosts, but who knows. The only thing I'm aware of from searching the thread for sure is the Matron job uses charisma and I assume sex skill helps brothel work. With how fucking long it takes to max out skills, it'd be nice to not waste time raising charisma/agility/sex skill/intelligence for jobs that don't use it.

If each job had a description of what stats boost performance in the job, that would be boss. This isn't really the type of game where it's easy to pay attention to what one specific girl is doing all the time. In a game where you directly see a money boost over the brothel worker or whatever after she finishes, that kinda stuff would be less needed. Here there really needs to be some more explanations for how shit works. This is more of a "Do everything in bulk" impersonal type of game, than a game where you focus on an individual. The game is balanced around a number crunching playstyle but very little is detailed. Another way to put it is wouldn't the stationmaster boss know exactly what's required of girls to succeed in various jobs? He seems to know plenty about training people properly after all.

I can't even tell if agility helps move speed, some girls just walk fucking weirdly for some reason. Agility not being in the sort menu is a little sad too. At least strength and sex skill and such is there now. Also charisma is still a fucking pain in the ass to raise. Is it not improved by the research that improves gym stat growth? I can not for the life of me raise charisma to a decent level off of just the receptionist job without wanting to claw my eyes out. I've had girls standing at those desks for ages and they're all still around 20-60 charisma. In a world where charisma would probably be one of the most useful skills aside from sex skills, that really needs some help.

Also how do you remove muscle? Slim down (Just for fat I guess) and treadmill doesn't seem to do it.
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New Member
Jan 3, 2020
I'm also still getting the UI text corruption issue in 0.30a (Linux). To me this is the most game breaking issue I have encountered.
It's not such a problem when looking at slave details as you can just reopen it, but when it happens in events you can only click random responses.

The problem is occurring because the buttons are being clipped by the depth buffer.
For some reason the vertices on the buttons that are clipped have slight variance in their z coordinate. All the widgets are so close together in the z axis that this variance is interacting with the layer behind them.
I have only seen this happen on the buttons at the bottom of the screen. I suggest moving them forward a bit more in the z axis.
It seems to be affected by the camera position in the station. I can usually get it more consistently when zoomed right out.

Another thing that really bugs me that I haven't seen mentioned is that the clothing and hair lists are not in a consistent order making it hard to find the one you want. Ideally they would be sorted alphabetically.

Some other more minor bugs:
  • Characters using slot machines and benches have the wrong orientation.
  • Guests using blackjack tables have the walking animation
  • To select the character on a bound sex training machine you have to click a certain spot behind the device.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I wondered what was up with that around the slot machines. I never saw anybody using them and I saw people disappear near them once in a while. Couldn't tell if they were turning invisible or clipping through the wall or whatever else lol.


Game Developer
Jan 14, 2018
Thanks for the heads up about the text corruption. I still haven't been able to replicate it on my machine (It seems to be almost exclusively Linux users, so it's probably some esoteric bullshit like the Windows drivers using a non-linear Z buffer). I figured it was because the UI camera's far plane was further than it needed to be, but apparently it's more general. I'll see if I can fix it in a different way for 1.0. Stay tuned.
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Sep 15, 2019
Talking about z axis, the same kind of "corruption" happens to walls depending on the orientation and zoom of the camera. So, as you said, might be more generalized than just text button.

I'd be willing to test experimental builds if you need somebody, main issue with it would be finding a way to reduce the size of the archives though (5Gib over mega isn't going to work).


Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
Thanks for the heads up about the text corruption. I still haven't been able to replicate it on my machine (It seems to be almost exclusively Linux users, so it's probably some esoteric bullshit like the Windows drivers using a non-linear Z buffer). I figured it was because the UI camera's far plane was further than it needed to be, but apparently it's more general. I'll see if I can fix it in a different way for 1.0. Stay tuned.
I'm on windows but have seen some too, however it only started happening with really high population (around 300+ between slaves and visitors), may be related to performance/memory issues?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I hope there'll be more to do around the city/station in a future game in the same vein. The lack of restaurants and such here is a little strange. People just dancing, fucking, or wandering around in circles all day lol. Needs a bowling alley, and putput golf, lmao.

Would it be possible to have a toggle where girls won't be renamed automatically by events? I nickname all my girls to keep track of what jobs I intend for them, and events regularly change their nicknames.

Also holy shit, I finally managed to max charisma with the receptionist job. It only took 1.2 years, how long is that in real time? Lol.

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Some more buggyish crap (Edit: Seems streamable banned my videos, weird. Uploaded the videos to redgifs that I still had, welp.):
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Dec 12, 2018
I am getting a wierd black shadow in the star map. I cant see stars or borders in certain angles and if i zoom out I only see the stars, no borders and people. I haven't see the people bug fir awhile? any thoughts, new game or delete the .gal?


New Member
Jan 3, 2020
I am also seeing the borders disappearing on the star map. Seems to be another depth buffer issue.
You can also click on the random characters that appear on the star map which opens their details screen hidden in the background and disables zooming. I have had characters appearing over some planets making the planet impossible to select.


Dec 12, 2018
I am also seeing the borders disappearing on the star map. Seems to be another depth buffer issue.
You can also click on the random characters that appear on the star map which opens their details screen hidden in the background and disables zooming. I have had characters appearing over some planets making the planet impossible to select.
I am seeing also the old bug with faction leaders randomly being captured in the event queue. I have 3 Ava's now


Game Developer
Jan 14, 2018
I really appreciate the number of bug reports. Get 'em in now, because this is probably going to be the last patch (and it's basically just bug fixes).
Feb 1, 2018
I used to be able to play the game. I still can play one of the older versions but now the newer version, I can't even play because the game keeps on freezing. I can get to the mian menu just fine but as soon as I am done with the character creation, I can't do shit. Somebody explain things to me.


Sep 15, 2019
I really appreciate the number of bug reports. Get 'em in now, because this is probably going to be the last patch (and it's basically just bug fixes).
Not bug report, but usability issues:

All list based selection might need to be revisited to see if an inventory of icons might not fit better. For example with the hair style: show me a list of styles instead of a list of names. Same for the clothes.

The list of slaves is, as said above, just a list. It's not very useful as is, especially when the number of workers is above 10. Suggestions:
  • Enable filtering by name / occupation
  • Provide an inventory of rooms instead of a list of slaves. Each room has a vignette with their occupancy and other useful stats. Every vignette can then be displayed to the player for a neat overview of the station. On left click on the room vignette, prop up the list of affected workers. Other buttons per vignette could exists to:
    • go to the room
    • list the slaves
    • expense/income stats & graphs

Whenever the game tells the player that a slave is assigned to a job, but that job has no free spot available, we are left to manually find that toon. It would be great to either have a facility to automatically select the slave or have a default job they can fallback to while waiting for the player to build more room.

Room Service assignments almost always complaint about a lack of job, even though there are plenty. What is Room Service anyway?

Allow me to drag&drop to move around the map using middle click instead of left click. I'm tired of selecting stuff whenever I want to move.

An inactive slave is an unneeded slave. There is always job available, so if none are available in their current assignment make them find a job with vacancy. Room service, decoration are good fallbacks.
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3.60 star(s) 56 Votes