For the first question, fuck no, that would be impossible (especially because I'm trying to expand the limit closer to 10k slaves). All of the existing training systems are staying in place. This is specifically related to a new section called the Harem, which is probably just going to replace the singleton assignments like "Bookie" and "Madame." The plan is to make fully-trained harem members grant static bonuses in the same way those did (though some of them are a bit more interesting, like the Privateer, who forces the other factions to keep more of their armies at home).
They aren't really tied to source locations as much as vague strokes about their backstories (Princess vs Middle-Class vs Soldier etc, plus one for each faction leader), mostly because each dimension of variation multiplies the amount of work (if I had a separate chain for "Desert Princess" vs "Asteroid Princess," it would blow up the training events from two novels to ten, and the game would never be done).
As always, thanks! I'm really excited to be able to release this. There's a mountain of stuff to do, but I think it's going to be worth it.