Bug Report...
Version 0.5 shared here seems to be buggy as fuck, probably in some plugin or internals there is a bug that causes some thread to hang in an empty? loop.
I usually play these games in an old Intel Core Duo laptop with poor graphic acceleration, but thanks to WebGL, RpgMaker VM games run between 15 to 60 fps. Previous versions of SwAK have been runing at at leat 30 fps, at worst case, 90% of time has been running at full speed, since it is so simple graphycally (a simplified VN).
Last version shows the start menu (black screen with title and main menu) at 2FPS (press F2 to show fps), and the moment you start and actual gameplay starts to occur, 1 or less FPS). Checking with the task/process manager the CPU time usage, shows one of the game.exe (chromium) processes taking 70% of the CPU use, and nearly none the 4 others. If you kill said subprocess, fps jumps to 60, but it does kill the game engine (title and menu dissapears).
If someone knows more, or has seen something similar, I would apreciate the help.