
Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
But i think the developer is thinking that the conquering girls is better story telling.

Even Rachal in the SCENE was thinking about the MC she didnt care about steve. Did you notice that?
The conquest is what the grinding was for 2 years in real time. Now that time was thrown out in the window as far as Rachel is concerned, since your goal just got snatched away from your nose and now the reward will be the sloppy seconds of douchebag with even more grind being put in it. I can already see the story becoming some 4d chess wannabee between the two guys for updates and updates until some measly resolution, because let's face it, you either go really dark with the setup that is given, or you glammor over it.

The better solution would've been writing Steve out offscreen and only meet with Emily, but from a storytelling point of view, the developer just wrote himself into a massive fucking corner, because unless he's willing to scrap the entire update, he'll have to spend a long time on resolving this unless he wants the story become super rushed. Which at this point doesn't even really matter anymore, the cohieson is off.

Not only for Rachel, but for the character progression that the MC had so far as well. From a guy that slowly becomes a witty survivor, he became a second at everything looser in mere moments. This basically pushed his progression back to zero. The thinking and the execution behind it just simply doesn't work well with each other.

I get the intention behind the scene, but given the circumstances with everyting, in and out of the game, it's just a small patch applied to a massive fucking wound that was freshly made, it worths jackshit.


Jun 11, 2022
Ihave the ingrediance for the bee smoke stick. It will not let me make it. I think I need to get to 12 survior befor it will let me.... I guess I am at 10. How can I do that ?
I got confused by this aswell. You just need to read your survival handbook two times. You can find it in your Backpack.


Engaged Member
May 25, 2017
The concept had everything to be a very liked game by the community in general, but unfortunely the inconsistencies with the bugs make it hard not to like it more. The girls are also cute too. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Here is another example - MrD812. Guy has made 15 different rage posts in this thread to basically say the same thing over and over since yesterday, while going through and obsessively emoji tagging 27 others. Jesus lol. Again, lots of total representation noise being tallied up... ;)
List them, show us all the relevance related in detail......... if You can. ;)
Apr 14, 2019
Jeez, another game turning to an NTR fest, after years of development...
I don't mind it so much with the mom character, considering that the antagonist *is* her bf, so it kind of fits the narrative, and the fact that she is dreaming of the MC takes the edge away, but I do mind the hint that the sister is screwing the antagonist too. Generally I find NTR demoralizing and deeply incompatible with my personal tastes. I will unwatch this thread and skip a couple of updates, maybe check it out next summer, to see how it went, because at this point I am just turned off, too many devs try to turn people to cucks. I wonder, is it such a huge percentage of patrons requesting that? I guess good ol' xvideos will have to do for a few months, or maybe even better a real woman.

Now for the gentlemen of culture that would like to see the Mom character getting it on in an incest game, try Loser from Night City, same model , blonde but bulkier, a ton of content already. Only bad thing, its on Unity.


Feb 11, 2018
Hello, I have a problem . I should look for the food together for the basket. I can't fish now because he always wants a bait but I don't know where to get it from? please help

Translate by google ^-^


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Jeez, another game turning to an NTR fest, after years of development...
I don't mind it so much with the mom character, considering that the antagonist *is* her bf, so it kind of fits the narrative, and the fact that she is dreaming of the MC takes the edge away, but I do mind the hint that the sister is screwing the antagonist too. Generally I find NTR demoralizing and deeply incompatible with my personal tastes. I will unwatch this thread and skip a couple of updates, maybe check it out next summer, to see how it went, because at this point I am just turned off, too many devs try to turn people to cucks. I wonder, is it such a huge percentage of patrons requesting that? I guess good ol' xvideos will have to do for a few months, or maybe even better a real woman.

Now for the gentlemen of culture that would like to see the Mom character getting it on in an incest game, try Loser from Night City, same model , blonde but bulkier, a ton of content already. Only bad thing, its on Unity.
Hear where You're coming from.
When first starting out supporting this title to the latest.
Rachael is represented as MC's old friend and classmate.

Didn't really matter at the time, she's just the main LI to the story-line.
Being stranded after a ship wreak, for me was a hook.
Survival content has always intrigued me since i was little.

Neither keen on NTR but if it's listed in a title i'm testing out, doesn't matter much to me(it's all for testing anyhow).
Already know what i'm dealing with before testing it.
As far as protesters go.. meh, never cared much for it.. for or not, is irrelevant to me.

Speaking of testing, have checked out Baal's stuff and i do think he's got some good gaming concepts.
As with anything, alot of things need tweaking as with anything being a WIP.
Will be interesting see what it pans out to be in the future.

Can't suggest much for the incest AVN's/Games.
Most the time don't pay that close attention to them because i'm neither for or agenst them.
However, i do not care for developers not being upfront with their product.

Specially after investing trust and $.
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May 24, 2019
I don't really understand why do developers suddenly go NTR after such a long time without it and after gathering audience that has no interest in it and for quite a lot of them it is actually a dealbreaker. Are there some heavy patreon whales pushing cuckolding agenda or what? Is it even worth ruining your game for few heavy spenders?


Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
List them, show us all the relevance related in detail......... if You can. ;)

I'm a little confused. Why would I have to do that when people can just simply click on your profile and see it for themselves? Or maybe you did all that in a such a worked up and blinded rage you don't remember doing it?

If so it wasn't my core intention to single just you out regardless man. You do you. Again I'm just pointing out that there is a lot of that type of "extreme behavior" happening on F95, and as such feeding into a certain perception that tends to evaporate away entirely once it's not being constantly nurtured here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
I don't really understand why do developers suddenly go NTR after such a long time without it and after gathering audience that has no interest in it and for quite a lot of them it is actually a dealbreaker. Are there some heavy patreon whales pushing cuckolding agenda or what? Is it even worth ruining your game for few heavy spenders?
Normally i'd suggest talking with the Dev on Pat/Discord/Twitter/ect ect but, now may not be good timing.
Specially after the recent update particular.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
I'm a little confused. Why would I have to do that when people can just simply click on your profile and see it for themselves? Or maybe you did all that in a such a worked up and blinded rage you don't remember doing it?

If so it wasn't my core intention to single just you out regardless man. You do you. Again I'm just pointing out that there is a lot of that type of "extreme behavior" happening on F95, and as such feeding into a certain perception that tends to evaporate away entirely once it's not being constantly nurtured here.
Simple, You placed me into a category incorrectly.
So back it up if You can.
Called You on it, please show us all.

If that was not Your intent, suggest You choose Your words differently..
Feb 17, 2018
I don't really understand why do developers suddenly go NTR after such a long time without it and after gathering audience that has no interest in it and for quite a lot of them it is actually a dealbreaker. Are there some heavy patreon whales pushing cuckolding agenda or what? Is it even worth ruining your game for few heavy spenders?
Have you seen the scene in question? Is it skippable? The game caught my attention because it looks like Tame It, but the NTR is a little bit of a dealbreaker for me.


Jun 22, 2018
Hello, I have a problem . I should look for the food together for the basket. I can't fish now because he always wants a bait but I don't know where to get it from? please help

Translate by google ^-^
Go to the cave area and you will find there is a new button next to the walk button in the bottom right corner, that is how you get bait.
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