Does the mother show up after a while ? She is in my contacts now and Ive sent money a few times.. is there a way to make her show up "faster" ? Thanks
Stop giving her money. The answer is to blackmail her, and tell her you will pay her rent if she moves back to town.
Can someone explain why this game keeps crashing my laptop? I've had games crash and even shut themselves down, but never one that crashes my whole laptop.
I hope it's something I can fix, as I really like this game.
Sorry, I really wish I had a fix for that. I've seen a number of similar complaints and they are usually on low memory laptops. I'm not sure why because the game doesn't use that much memory but there's some Unity thing that's not properly reusing memory and causing these crashes that I can't reproduce. As someone suggested, save and exit the game every hour or so and come back
Yes, I'm noticed. Also noticed too that asexual want to kiss me at the end of the date. (As I remember it happened when they attraction wasn't zero)
And despite this I usually find asexuals doing sex in the restroom random events (I noticed this (rarely) in different playthrough too). I'm not against it, I just miss the possibility of changing the asexual one's attitude to be straight or lesbian (if it has already happening).
There's a bunch of situations that I forgot to check for asexuals not doing it. So those are bugs. I'll put it those on the list to fix.
"You have more visitors that you can charge a cover"
What, exactly, does this mean? I have a cover charge of $6, and one hostess at work when I see this message. Need one more host? I just started the expansion.
Your hostess can only charge so many people so fast. So people are coming in faster than she can keep up. (In realistic terms, there was a long line to get in, and some people decided to go elsewhere). You can hire another hostess (need to upgrade the room first) or you can work yourself the second shift during peak times (if the room has been upgraded). This is also where training plays a part. The higher her skill, the more customers she can handle. So you can spend time training her up while the room upgrade is in progress.
Something is really borked in the Restroom Attendant area. I've hired three in a row that all started having sex with guests first thing. Punished them all, and they took the most severe (maintenance), but they learned nothing. They wouldn't quit.
And after firing them, they keep showing up to do maintenance. Score! One of them was also in training, and keeps showing up for it.
On that note, I fired a singer who was found drugged up on the bathroom floor. She showed up later expecting me to fund her recovery, as if she still worked for me. Guess I should have gone through the process with her, but I fired her before doing that. The whole scenario drags out for too long, and I wanted to be rid of her.
Those are bugs. Obviously when someone is fired, they shouldn't come back to complete their punishment or training. Will put that on the list to fix.
I'm confused as to the rehab one. Did you offer to pay for her rehab? I don't think you have a choice to fire her after you send her to rehab. If you fire her after, you are still on the hook for the promise to pay for it.
found some probem, when i moved on my employee at auxiliary office, she responded that she don want to have sex in public, but i think that room should count as private area.
did you guys found any other places which should be considered private are treated as pubic ?
and i noticed one think in 1.05 and that is that it is extremly rate to get party invitation. i allready did have birtday, and so far no party ever in my new game. and that is 5 months now.
The auxillary office is not a private spot as the other managers also work there. In theory if you have no managers it could be a private location but that's adding more complexity than I want to deal with.
Parties won't happen early on in the game cause there won't be enough people to join them. Characters are not as good as you at making acquaintances they like and most attempts to throw a party will result in not enough guests so they don't happen. (The birthday is completely independent and random, your birthday could be on the second day of the game!)