I am new here and to all this stuff so i have no idea, but why is the far newer version 0.5.24b not on the mainpage ... and please someone that is able and knows how to do it, patch it for the Constants mod thing like the 0.5.23c is modded. I am not able to get that one running in the 0.5.24b version

it is either crashing the game complete or crapping it up so far that i am not able to start a new game.
I found that one good for faster playtrough but i am a total crap noob for making mods work

And yes, i have played the game normal without any mod for 4 times.
Oh and if it is possible, i would love to have more living space for slaves in my house. For one time i wanted to have a bit special End. Trying to get not only every special character i also searched for a beauty of every race in the game (min. 80 points of beauty). But soon i hit the living space barrier. That means, 25 races that are currently in the game, plus and including Irvan and Tia, the 12 Recruit-able NPc Girls and the last one 1 Starting Slave. That makes it allready 38 of 33 available sleeping slots
If i want to have at least 1 Child with every one of the 12 Recruit-able Girls and keep the Childs that number goes up again and then even if i wanted to have with every Race 1 Child and keep it, i would double the overall count of Girls to 76. .. Yes i know that is lot of Woman in the Harem, but hey beeing a bit like
Genghis Khan is sometimes a funny thing

even if i can it be only inside a Game like Strive ^^
I would not mind to spend thousands of Gold and upgrade points. I am from a older School of gamer that is able to grind mindless for hours and days to get Gold or Levelups or what ever is needet *grin*
If someone can make that happen be sure that i am very thankfull as i can play the Game like Genghis Khan would do.
so much for my first post here on F95