- Mage order assistant income formula altered (should curve out better with magic affinity)
Glad to see the dev is still stalking this forum
The formula was changed from
rand_range(1,5) + slave.stats.maf_cur*7 + slave.wit/1.4 + min(globals.state.reputation.wimborn/1.5,50)
rand_range(1,5) + slave.smaf*15 + slave.wit/4 + min(globals.state.reputation.wimborn/1.5,50)
An increase from 199 gold to 240 gold on a max slave.
Still not as much as Public Entertainer with both the Nereid and Pretty Voice trait, but easily remedied.
Hey Maverik, you should make the Clever trait give a 20% bonus to gold for assistwimborn
if slave.traits.has('Clever') == true:
gold = round(gold * 1.2)
If you Gnomes a 25% bonus the job will be just as good as Public Entertainer