Ah, I see thank you. I kept hitting "Confirm" on the bottom of the screen and I guess it just closed the window that I needed to leave open..
Also, in one of the menus you can change the assistant's clothing, but if you haven't activated the code she basically says no.
Also, in regards to your previous comments about not understanding the game, it's not too hard. Early, you should aim for 3 slaves (including your starting one). The worst one to do odd stuff like make money (selling at the market, though that requires iirc poor grade) and cleaning. The other two should have their level one points (the two stat points) in the hunting job stats (iirc agility and endurance). Once these two are ready for level 2, make sure to put their points into agility and endurance again. This will ensure you'll have plenty of food and won't starve (though as you get a LOT of slaves you'll need to watch to make sure you're making enough, but that's for later). Do that until you get another slave of at least poor grade, either from combat and kidnapping someone (you need rope from the market to do this, and you have to have it in your travel pack, not your main storage) or buying the slave. This person should go to the library for a while to raise wits and charm. This person will now be your market seller to make your money. Once you have them selling, you should be able to get another slave that you stick into the library and give agility and endurance. Once it gets enough learning points, give it courage and this'll be your new hunter, since low courage can result in bringing in a lot less food sometimes randomly. After this, you should understand the basics enough to do it as you want. There are various sidequests, I'd recommend holding off on them until you're mid-late game since quite a few of them are frankly annoying to do early since it's already hard enough to just survive. Many of these quests require combat strength or resources and are failable since they're time limited, with their clocks starting after you do the event that begins them. Once you do want to do them, I'd recommend following the wiki's quest guide, though you're try to figure it out yourself. These quests often have enslaveable women with unique portraits, so I'd recommend following the guide lest you not be able to get them.
Edit: To tack on to this, I'd HIGHLY recommend getting the maid/butler outfits from the shop and the silk underwear (men and women's) since it'll give obedience and keep loyalty over time. Obediance is slightly more important, but the luxury stuff iirc keep them being stressed and is super useful for lowering the other needs of a slave. The higher the grade the slave, the more stuff they'll want in terms of luxury. That includes better rooms (communal vs private vs your bed) and if you go to the specific slave's page, there's the option "customization" which adds other luxury stuff, but the luxury stuff in that page loses you stuff everyday (either gold or supplies)