3.70 star(s) 50 Votes


Nov 15, 2023
I do agree with some of what you wrote about there being the skeleton of a 'different' sort of harem game here, but disagree with your evaluation of the quality. I give this game a try every couple of updates to check if there are any discernible 'human-resembling' characters, and have overall been disappointed in my search.

As you said, it seems like the dev tried to put together a cohesive story rather than the standard 'plow one woman and move onto the next' type game. But it was not a successful try, and what we ended up with is barely a step above mindless fuck-fests like "Grandma's House' (which is okay porn, but is so vacuous it makes your average OnlyFans session seem like high-culture).

The 'cuckqueen fiance' in Strong Desire is the perfect example. Sure, it's a justifiable reason for a harem, but the MC doesn't seem to give much of a shit whether or not she's onboard either way, it's more of a 'phew!' reaction so he can cheat guilt-free. Speaking of cheating, no one seems to give a fuck about the MC plowing half the population of whatever city this is set in. The inheritance thing, which I think is the 'A-Plot' feels like a sideshow to the MC's harem-building, and frankly, the fact I can't even be sure if said inheritance story is or is not driving narrative shows how weak the writing is.

Almost all the LIs are entirely forgettable. I played the update before this one (so not too long ago), and can only recall three girls: Vinna (or something like that), the fiance, and cracker-ass Cho (such a weird name for a white chick!). Whenever I play this, I have to constantly stop and refer to the character guide just to remember who is talking, because 'busty MILF variant A' and 'busty sister variant Y' all blur together after awhile. It stopped being hot and started being confusing, because there's at least three different family trees that the MC is involved in, and I can never remember who is who.

The pregnancy thing is okay as a fetish, but (at least, as of my last playthrough) didn't offer enough to salvage the mess this game has devolved to. Tons of discordant storylines, a massive ensemble cast (among whom almost no one gets any deep development), a milking of the 'mysterious background' for so long it's lost any hook...

Like a lot of harem games, Strong Desire started with purpose and meandered somewhere around the 12th or 13th notch on the MC's bedpost. It's not an easy thing to write an engaging, semi-believable adult story about a man with enough girlfriends to fill the roster of your average college football squad. But since it tries and fails to deliver a story instead of mindless porn, the (in my opinion) solid visuals/animations are wasted.

(Not trying to convince you to dislike the game, btw, just wanted to add that not everyone who played this game thinks it's great)
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3.70 star(s) 50 Votes