happen to have a guide to get them?
I dont have guide but some time ago i did all of them so i can write small hints about them. But it wont be perfect/super accurate.
Permanent Chastity/Permanent Chastity Together agree to wear belt from Engineering Department and then tell teacher about it, they will be closed and you will be stuck in the belt (better not being with relationship). If you give buddy belt you get second ending
Cum Slut work with Olivia, get belted by Robert, dont go with him and you should have option to wear cumslut choker
Memory Wipe/Prince's Concubine go into interwiev and abroad. There you will have choice of staying with prince forever (second) or trying to escape, you will then get caught and put into some sex factory where you can stay forever (first)
Stepmother became Dan wife, easy way to do it is after having chat with girls about sex and their experience you can go home or stay there with Dani and Haley. Stay and you will have this ending
Sugar Baby work as stripper and in the end you will have choice to stay with client
Polyamorous Wife/Stepford Wife you have to be Engineering penetration tester and try to hack belt (also on academic probation) if you put Bailey into belt you get first ending if not you got second
Permanent Vacation/Breeding Pet go on island with Barry and stay there, if you get pregnent you get second ending
Cuckqueen/Cougar be Barry pet, drop from school and move with him, you find him cheating if you stay with him you got first ending if leave and divorce him you got second
Submissive Wife get belt and go back to uncle after game (second vacation)
Artist's Mus just pick this job and agree to everything
Swingers/Country Girl/Snitches Get Stitches get expelled, do this alone, work as waitress, in court provide evidence for them. Dont recall what you have to do to get country girl ending and what for swinngers, i think it was sth about permanent or not transformation
Street Whore get expelled, do this alone and work as whore
Catgirl Pet/Free Use Woman get expelled, go to prison, dont fuck guard, you will be reeducated and at the end you can pick one of this two option
Chaste Parolee get expelled, go to prison, fuck guard
Chaste Wife drop school, move back with parents, agree to the belt from father
Large Family/Obedient Wife/Small Family faith as roommate, work as barista, agree to date Andre, amount of kids will give one of this three endings
Enslaved go to bar, go to Troy, dont fuck him, go out, in captivity lose strengh
Submissive Lesbian Wife Samantha roommate, work with her in the bar, be submissive
Boss Babe just be yoga instructor
Professional Surrogate get pregnent, carry the baby, dont be in relationship, have orgasm/masturbation denail also probably you have to be on academic probation (dont remember, dont care)
Trophy Wife work in ofice (Emily roommate)
Army Wife be barista, start working in bikini, dont be in relationship and go with the soldier
Prison Bitch/Life without Parole/Purple Prison Prostitute/Killed in Prison all four ending require you to change back into man. Change cannot be permanent. You have to get expelled, work as waitress, get into court and there you will be given choice to go into male prison. There you will be attacked by inmate (and can be killed, it looks like it is random), agree to became his bitch (Prison Bitch ending), murdering him (Life without Parole ending) or take purple pill and became Purple Prison Prostitute
It isnt perfect, but better than nothing