It seems like it originally was M->F but the author seems to have written that out in the intro to be more ambiguous. Personally I don't see why you can't pick your gender then are forced to go F if you picked M. Personally I HATE M->F games, but if you let me play F-> F then I'm hesitant but ok with that.
Quick run through, the story is mostly positive but the use of sock images is very mediocre. Some are good some are bad, but one thing is for sure, you don't have a consistent look and that overall is a negative. The pictures are good enough to fap to if that's your thing, so it's not all bad.
The create your avatar elements also slightly annoy me. Why is the creator making it so hard for me to make my character the way I want to play... /sigh A very minor issue but still bothers me.
Overall it has some flaws but in it's own way it floats about the trash games flooding this forum.
Quick run through, the story is mostly positive but the use of sock images is very mediocre. Some are good some are bad, but one thing is for sure, you don't have a consistent look and that overall is a negative. The pictures are good enough to fap to if that's your thing, so it's not all bad.
The create your avatar elements also slightly annoy me. Why is the creator making it so hard for me to make my character the way I want to play... /sigh A very minor issue but still bothers me.
Overall it has some flaws but in it's own way it floats about the trash games flooding this forum.