Do I want Subverse to succeed? Yes. Not just cuz I'm a longtime supporter, but because I want to see the bar raised for adult games, much in the same way the SFM animation scene was raised by Lara in Trouble and Kunoichi.
There are so many posts on here just deriding the game for not being enough when they've only given us not even like 10% of the game. The later chapters will be longer, the devotion quests will be even more. And there's about 500+ more backer planets to add to the game. They're taking feedback about Pandora and already showing some possibilities of what's to come with the VR tease.
I get that people have been massively massively disappointed with games not living up to their hype. Anthem, Colonial Marines, Cyberpunk, and the like. I've seen adult games in development here for years, and they're nowhere near as complex as Subverse, yet they barely trudge from 0.1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 and hang there forever (Hi Milfy City), yet these guys managed to give us a product in 2 years, and could very well be a complete title by its 3rd KS anniversary. Who else could have pulled this off, cuz I don't see any adult developer making anything like this. Not til now.