So... Does this looks like a game yet or it's still in the promises realm?
It is a game, the elements that are already in are working well, it didn't crash for me and overall - it's an solid early access title.
That being said, I thought about what they promised and it's not really that mindblowing. Pandora is boring as fuck right now and there is no info on how they plan to make it better (outside of planned costumes).
They plan to work on ground/space combat to make it at least mediocre, hopefully they can make the side missions more interesting. Main quest ones have nice variety to them and voice acting, so they are obviously better.
Most folks complain about sex scenes without context and Studio FOW seems so retarded about it that it really boggles my mind.
They had their first big opportunity with Elaisha/Captain scene in the new update, but all they did was like 15 seconds of sex and rest of it being comedy bit with aliens reacting to them broadcasting their porn scene.
How the fuck they are not getting this? People play porn to fap. Did they suddenly got brainwashed or something?
Also their promised "big" 3 minute sex scene for completing waifu's loyality quest. Whoopity fucking doo, 3 minutes times 10 (number of waifus) gives us half an hour total. That's like one Kunoichi movie.
At the end of the day I don't really care, because they'll only get my money if they finish the game (I REALLY WANT to support quality adult games), but right now even their promised stuff does not blow my mind and it's not even that impressive compared to what they already did in their movies.
Making videogame is much more complex, I know that, but since the foundation is already there I really expect them to ramp up their efforts into making it much more interesting.