It's not about the platform, but about the responsibility and moral liability of a dev.
As he said, the main difference between the two is that on kickstarter a dev has to promise something (product X, with Y amount of content at releasedate Z) and should of course deliver on what he promised. After all, that's what people payed their money for and they have a (moral) "right" to get what they were promised. If the dev doesn't deliver at the end, they have every right to be upset.
On Patreon the whole concept is tailored to towards "patronage" and most games have simply do not have a concept of said targets for X, Y or Z, so it's up to these patrons to decide whether the dev is still worth his money or not. If a patreon dev doesn't deliver, his patrons have little to no moral right, because it was on them to see if the project was going as it should have or not.
Kickstarter has of course the huge benefit that a dev knows his budget from the start and is able to plan accordingly, which makes the whole development a lot easier. On patreon it's much more volatile and most devs have to change their plans several times accordingly.