For anyone having lag or fps issues (especially during fights, especially when animations are playing during those fights) here's a couple tips:
1. Close the game once in a while, especially after playing a section with lots of fight animations. I usually save, close and reopen the game every half hour or hour, and after every boss fight.
2. Set the Game process to higher priority. This is what finally did the trick for me, taking boss fights from 5-10 FPS to playing with almost no fps issues
Here's how to manually change the game process priority in Windows 10 (and similar operating systems):
1. Start the game and either start a new game or load a save.
2. Open the task manager. If you've got the compact view enabled, click "More details" at the bottom to get the full view
3. Under the "Processes" tab, find Game.exe and click the arrow to see all the associated processes
4. Find the Game.exe process that has the highest CPU usage (one should be far above the rest. If you can't find one that's obviously higher than the rest, get into a fight and you'll see it).
5. Right click the process that you found and click "Go to details". It should take you to the details tab and highlight the process.
6. Right click the process that you were taken to in the details tab.
7. Mouse over "Set priority" and pick "Above Normal". This will make a warning pop up. Accept it. Picking a higher priority than Above Normal (such as High or Realtime) may cause serious issues for your computer so I don't recommend doing it.
8. Repeat these steps every time you launch the game.
As you can see, doing it manually is a pain (especially if you're constantly restarting the game), so here's a BAT file that will do it automatically:
::Launches the game and set priority of all subprocesses to "Above Normal"
@echo off
start "Game" /AboveNormal "./Game.exe"
timeout /t 10 /nobreak
wmic process where name="Game.exe" CALL setpriority "above normal"
echo Done.
Place this bat file in the same folder as Game.exe and use it to launch the game. After 10 seconds, it'll set Game.exe to "Above Normal" priority, then wait 10 more seconds before closing itself. You can change the number of seconds it waits if you'd like.