3.50 star(s) 105 Votes

Karl Speidel

Active Member
Sep 20, 2021
zion is giving his most bright and money filled fans the full VR Succubus milking experience,first your money then your souls when the brainrot gets to high levels because you cant wait anymore!

On a more serious note I cant believe some here dont see how zion is intentionatly moving slowly in order to gain more money and because he got fat on his praise and support,in a way Robert Baratheon who whored and ate and shit while the seven kingdoms went down the drain.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
asking for the full save file, thanks.. I only get the save before chapter 2 boss...

also is then a replay scene place? where is it? or i need to fight every boss for scene??
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Aug 17, 2020
Am I retarded? After exhausting every location, every dialogue, every lootable item et al., I still don't plain and simple have the necessary stats to kill the second Vivid Forest Succubus. The only two other options are to either get smushed by the tier 1 demonic ruin ogres, or getting smashed by the Elven ruin ents. Three enemies to find, all with stats that make progress impossible. Every other location is cut off, save the third shade ruin, which surprisingly, also is an unsurvivable death trap, this time without the chance to cheese by the enemies (which the last two had, ironically without any need for it). Not like there is something to the strategy that I'm missing, as there isn't any yet to be found. Attack and make sure you have your chastity belt gauntlet's light on for succubi.

The whole game was just three hours of prologue and mindless dicking around into a softlock city? There has to be something that I'm missing.
To beat ogre i ised the only skill i got(that isn't for succubus only fight, smth about defense) but used it about 3 times and ogre was unable to hurt me, don't remember completely because last time i played was 2-3 years ago

Damien Rocks

Active Member
Sep 8, 2018
You probably can't pass the barrier at the entrance of the third dungeon, right? You have to solve the witch quest first. Go to the Bloody Jaw Tribe and speak with the black clothed hunter. After that kill or spare the witch and return to the hunter. After that go back to the barrier and move on.
As much as I would appreciate an actual walkthrough, this is precisely what I needed, yes. Thank you.

Which one do you find preferable?
Killing her? Or not?
3.50 star(s) 105 Votes