Tried that before, but no dice. Every time I ended up having to delete _autotranslated and the spliters got to work properly again
That config tweak didn't work for me either. Actually, I'm surprised you even got the splitters to work after deleting _autotranslated, since even after doing so, I still can't parse offending cards, e.g. Demon Slayer (Card Pack 1, ID: 12). I conjecture the same as you, that it is due to length, though I haven't taken the time to experiment with the CSVs to figure out exactly how long a text needs to be before parsing fails.
If one accepts that the parsing just doesn't work on these cards, then a workaround still seems to be possible. Card translations are splittable into 3 cases:
- Parseable Cards: You need a Name Line, and an Effect Line.
- Unparseable Monsters: You need a Name Line, and a Full Block Text line (which means adding in all the formatting, newlines and all that).
- Unparseable Spells/Traps: Same as (2), but you also need an Effect Line, since that shows up in-battle in card images.
If you do this, the cost is only as high as having three lines for Case 3 instead of two lines for all other cards.
This seems to capture all use cases (i.e. it doesn't generate new lines in _AutoGeneratedTranslations), but of course doesn't solve 'callout lines' from enemies (as in, "Go, X! Attack Y!"). Well, those need to be handled by per-enemy splitters as far as I can tell, but suffice to say it can't be handled card-side.
Thus, at risk of looking stupid and missing some really obvious use case, I've attached translations for Card Pack 1 based on above logic, as well as updating the translations to reflect Problem-Solving Card Text (as per
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). To be used on top of the updated !Splitters.txt, as provided earlier.
What are the broken Splitters ? I fixed one of them in my files [Menu card description], but I barely had the time to touch the game so I don't know if anything else has to be fixed.
The regex from !splitters is verifiably correct, as far as I can tell. Mysterious things occur, regardless.
The two errors (on my pc) are as follows:
1. Menu card descriptions insist on including the star with the name (which I fixed by appending sr:"^([^★]+)★(\d)"=$1 ★$2 to my card translation file)
2. Splitting will no longer occur in menu card descriptions if the untranslated character count exceeds a certain length (probably. Best working theory atm)
Again, offending examples can be seen in Demon Slayer (Card Pack 1, ID: 12) and Smash Dwarf (Card Pack 2, ID: 20), ect.