Could you replace the MTL enemy names with the more appropriate names below?
Tsukineko - Lunar Beast
That's quite easy. Dragon even provided the code before.
But, may I ask why? I do understand they make more sense like that, but the names JammingSoftware intended were (romanized):
"サキュバス" - sakyubasu
"ヴィレッジャ" - vuireja
"ゴブリンガール" - goburingaru
"ナイトメア" - naitomea
"アマゾネス" - amazonesu
"ウンディヌ" - undinu
"ルナキャット" - lunakyatu
They went out of their way to make Engurishu names. Wouldn't it be better to name Villager 'Murabito', or Nitghtmare 'Akumu'? That's probaly what Adam went for with the moonkittens.
Anyway, you're the translator, so you decide - not arguing about that, I'm aware how much time you must have spent on this.
You also mentioned the plurals:
For this reason, rather than using \C[2]\V[10]\C[0]s, I replaced all of those instances with \C[2]Succubi\C[0]
That's no issue at all; we might as well implement the \V[10]s = Succubi (or leave the s when it's OK) while we're at it. (after colors get processed).
I have no idea where these lines are in commonevents. Are there many? They'd need to be reverted to their V[10] form if we're to do this (and do this right

version with "RGSS202E.dll", added the RTP files because why not, and edited 'Game.ini' to remove the RTP requirement.
I'd really, really advise against that. There's nothing wrong with providing the .dll and changing the .ini to Library=system/RGSS202E.dll or smtg.
However, not everything is in the dll. I remember some old games having cryptic issues when trying something like that.
As I've said, it's usually a bad idea to edit something you don't need to (unless it's for your eyes only oc).
re-edit: ah, the debug code appears in a few common events, and every single place when you enter an area with new enemies (safe room, warp, etc.). Your message/symbol processing is the
much better solution, however.
But that would imply we revert those plural V[10] forms at some point (or they'd also be caught in the string recognition).