You're right, and this is because of braindead developers who don't know the basics of versioning. If these devs were less retarded and versioned their games properly (and people like you stopped excusing their stupidity) they WOULD be a reliable way to figure out how much content a game has.It's just not a reliable way to figure out if the game is gonna be 1-2 hour long or just a 2 minute demo.
This discussion is going nowhere. Unconventional version numbering doesn't benefit anyone and doing so out of spite or incompetence is unreasonable.Maybe for professional software. Not for 1 man projects where half the time the guy doing it has 0 experience and is simply a dedicated hobbyist who could care less about versioning.
It only confuses misguided people who attach importance to unimportant things. It's just not a reliable way to figure out if the game is gonna be 1-2 hour long or just a 2 minute demo. No one is gonna enforce "version numbering rules".
Have you played "Eleanor" from LOP? I think this is a good game with a female MC. Especially Party 1.Speak for yourself, I never can find a good female MC gameI would have liked this one better too if I wasn't chasing what is apparently a guy that makes me think only "beta/incel/ugly/cuck" and not anything sexual at all. (except perhaps just to abuse for fun or something while fucking an actual man...)
I like you, sir.A cold beer sounds good, right now, so I think I'll take your advice.
By the way, it's raining here.
So WHY even POST in the game thread if you don't like it or the concept?Game looks pretty crisp, but those giant over-sized boobs (see pic 3) that make it a miracle she can even walk are a complete turn off for me.
Or maybe, they actually LIKE giant tits? perhaps you shy away from giant tits because you wouldn't know what to do with them if you had a chance to play with them?Tits and giant cocks, I guess it's because the developers of these games with this has some unresolved complex. XD
There's no such thing as conventional version numbering. There's a variety of different schemes. There are usually 2 rules : don't change the scheme once you started, and use a scheme that makes comparisons evident ("1.0" to "2.0" is evident, while "!k" and "$4" is not).This discussion is going nowhere. Unconventional version numbering doesn't benefit anyone and doing so out of spite or incompetence is unreasonable.
They're not braindead, they just don't know or don't care. What they focus on is making a game, then they release it with a version number, whatever it is.You're right, and this is because of braindead developers who don't know the basics of versioning. If these devs were less retarded and versioned their games properly (and people like you stopped excusing their stupidity) they WOULD be a reliable way to figure out how much content a game has.
I glad that you liked my first MILF fucking mini-game, guysIf you like the art it's a simple,honest, fap.