4.60 star(s) 316 Votes

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
Thanks Geralt. Was all excited to get on this morning and spend some Sophie time.
I can push it down the Todo list. I have others I'd much rather get to now.
Sure Milton, glad my review helped to save your time. If you are not a Mia fan, it's better to spend it on something else.
Well it looks like I didn't miss anything interesting, thanks for saving me time Geralt From Rivia. :KEK:
Two people I saved now:p
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New Member
Jan 3, 2023
The truth is that the wait of almost a year for this was quite disappointing, very little content, the negative points are that the MC is still a bit moronic, very little content for the development time it took and the previous update had more content and it took a little longer.

The only good point in my opinion is that at least there was another moment alone with Eve and the truth is that it was a little nice, but it went a little to hell when MC mentioned last night , but it was a nice moment empathize at least a little with her and reaching the end of the update.

I really hope that in the next update (if it doesn't take almost a year to come out) there will be more content and that Miller will try to solve the MC issue to be able to help Eve, I won't disappoint my queen, I still have hope That in some update there will be a great moment with Eve in which she can trust MC and tell her past, which I already see will not be pleasant at all and that update ends in a kiss ♥, well, dreaming is free, but hey, In chapter 5 there was already a kiss with Sophie and also with Bree and the first 5 chapters take place in almost a day so why not? .
  • Red Heart
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Jul 25, 2018
Meh progression. Another game with clubs/bar and sidechicks as any other "typical" games here. Should focus on the Main girls instead of creating and introducing more sidegirls and their developments, it's already v0.5. I will not be shocked if the next update will be focused on the sidechicks and just teasing again for the Main girls, only Mia have gotten far with that BJ, that makes her a candidate to have a sex scene possibility in the next update or after that, which probably will be on 2025.

Good renders. Main girls progression = meh. Good update still. Ty for the game.
Havent played 0.6, anything new for Main Characters? Or still with side characters? Lol


New Member
Mar 3, 2019
Guys, have you ever gotten into a strange room with many passages? Where you had to look for 4 leaves, I pressed the side arrows several times and I was teleported to a strange room with yellow wallpaper. Then the arrows fell off, I was told that "I shouldn't be here" and thrown to the main menu. I've been trying to repeat this trick for 10 minutes to take pictures, but it doesn't work.
That no one has reached this place yet? I'll just update my post in hopes that someone else will find this strange place. I spent 2 hours trying to reproduce the path to this place, but I still couldn't.


Mar 9, 2023
That no one has reached this place yet? I'll just update my post in hopes that someone else will find this strange place. I spent 2 hours trying to reproduce the path to this place, but I still couldn't.
i just did after reading your message, nice catch! funny but it's just a ester egg i think :)

subliminal space


Mar 9, 2023
I don't understand English well, what does "easter egg tho" mean?
An Easter egg is a message, image, or feature hidden in software, a video game, a film, or another—usually electronic—medium. That is referring to something else outside the game. In this case to subliminal space and horror stories around it.
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Dec 23, 2023
unexpectedly short update. Just before the end, I thought it's just a beginning part and there were atleast 3 more similar sized pieces of content ahead. I was surprised how quickly it ended.

this update has cooled my expectations towards this project. Renders are excellent (and getting better), girls are beautiful, sfx well done, but the amount of content is next to nothing for such development time. At least in this update.

technically such an update can be done in 3 months by a single dev. In 2 months, if game development is the only job in life.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
My biggest critique with this game is the pacing. Idk how large/ambitious the devs plan on making this game but if it's anything even remotely significant, given the current pacing as well as the wait period in between updates I honestly doubt this game survives long enough to see it's completion not including something horribly rushed ofc. Unlike most the thread here I actually enjoyed the update as I don't mind slow burns but tbh I'm not very optimistic about the game's future. I really hope I end up being wrong though.
yeah this game's pacing is atrocious. and that's an understatement

that will always be Summer's Gone
this game made me want to play summer gone. i thought summer gone is the peak of milking, but turned out, this probably eclipse that

Ok... the renders like usual are top notch but the massive drop in development speed is a disappointment and a massive red flag imho.
I went back and looked up the release dates of ch4 and ch5 to roughly calculate the drop in dev speed.

Ch4 release: 10. Nov. 2022 with around 1200 renders
Ch5 release: 13. Oct. 2023 with around 3600 renders
Ch6 release: 22. Aug. 2024 with around 1800 renders

Ch4 -> Ch5 took 338 days which makes it a dev speed of 10.65 renders per day
Ch5 -> Ch6 took 315 days which makes it a dev speed of 5.71 renders per day
This is a massive drop in speed and imho should never happen unless something unforseen and serious happened (serious accident/illness, a death of a friend/family member etc).
Especially considering that with better hardware and more experience stuff should go faster or at least not drop in speed at all.

Alright I went and calculated the dev speed from the very first release to Ch4 and it took them 262 days to get from the first release to Ch4 and they added around 2500 renders in that time which made it a dev speed of 9.54 renders per day.
Which makes the drop in dev speed even worse because during that time they had worse hardware, less experience and less time because I'm pretty sure that they weren't working full time on the game at that time.

I'm really curious what happend here. Did they lose their motivation? Got stuck for a long time on how the story should progress?
Or did they decide to lower their work hours and go into milking mode?
it's not 1800 renders in itself that is a problem. it's also pacing and the decision on what to render. A game can have 1800 renders but supported by description texts to make it move forward.

This game doesn't have pacing, doesn't have quick development time, and the devs decide to render things that makes the game moves glacially.

It's crazy to me 2500 people are willing to pay money for this game. The number of patrons they have is one of the most successful ever actually. There aren't that many game with 2500 patrons even if they have $1 tier when others may not have it


New Member
Mar 3, 2019
An Easter egg is a message, image, or feature hidden in software, a video game, a film, or another—usually electronic—medium. That is referring to something else outside the game. In this case to subliminal space and horror stories around it.
got it, but why can't I repeat it? How did you do it? I think in the game version it gets blocked after the first time.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 26, 2023
In vain, then you come here. there are spoilers here. your first impression will be ruined.
Spoilers don't actually bother me. Never have. I don't go out of my way to look for them, but if I see them, I see them. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment. (Yep, I'm a bit weird).
4.60 star(s) 316 Votes