What is this blasphemy talk of blue hair? Hell no. If I have to I will pay
NebulousShooter in vast quantities of tuica, sarmale, and cash to be a blunt instrument of vengeance. He will be charged with going to devs home to become their free use live-in maid, giving handies and blowies to NaughtyFox Games on demand. Anal will cost too much, but the other favours should be enough.

I will even get him to wear a cute little french maid outfit for the devs pleasure. All of this to prevent such blasphemy as has been spoken in this thread.
We finally get a game that doesn't have Lis ruined with hair paint, side shaves, face metal, and body tattoos and talk begins of changing that?

The fact that a perfection emo character like Eve (especially) has none of that shit in her hair or on her body is already a damn miracle and miracles must be an act of the gods. Do not affront the porn gods.