4.60 star(s) 312 Votes


Oct 28, 2018
We can agree to disagree. The problem is this game doesn't even have cinematics or music that fits, if you really want to compare the two. It has a few animated scenes which are decent but Summer's Gone has way more depth than this game has or ever will as far as the writing goes. This game is as if a teenager had written it and they just threw in some awesome renders (not cinematics or animations) to go with it.
Your opinion about the story is understandable. I talked about the story in my first reply here, but I deleted it because that reply was a little bit too aggressive.
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Aug 9, 2022
still too soon to judge the story.
but characters are well wrote, have distinct personalities, dont tempt the reader to press tab or even ctrl, and difenetly interset one to interact with and try to choose a different option even if it just affects the dialogue.
in other words this VN has replayability value, which the other 90% of VNs don't have, like if i play another vn after 10 minutes im probably in the images folder:ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2019
played the first time today and i think it's not that bad.
graphically appealing, the girls a feast for the eyes, a MC who doesn't come across as stupid or creepy, a relaxed gameplay with decisions here and there.
just the right thing for me when i want to switch off.
the only thing that came across a little strange is how they always look at the MC.
does he have something on his face? does he look funny? :unsure:

will definitely keep an eye on the game.(y)


Active Member
Jan 20, 2018
Following this from the first release when it was amazing. Glad that is continuing to be amazing. The renders are just wonderful. After I finished the game i went to see your patreon to see if people recognized your talent. I am glad to see your numbers are growing, and it is very much deserved. Keep it up and please do not become like most of devs eho made good games and when they got decent Patreon numbers they started releasing updates once in 8 months or so, way too many of them lately.


Oct 25, 2021
Solid update! Characters and animation look wonderful, and I really really REALLY appreciate the concise writing. One of the few games I actually read all the text instead of quickly tabbing through until a choice appears.

If I can offer one piece of constructive criticism, I'd love to see a little more variety in the face models. They all seem to be in the same "family"- similar bone structures, eyes, smiles. etc.

Otherwise, looking forward to the next update!
Feb 15, 2018
Anyone else try messing around with the name randomizer? I thought it was interesting that a game like this would have one, so I cycled it for a while and ran across 42 unique names before I got bored, lol. Most are pretty normal, with small variations (jimmy and jimothy, phil and philip, etc. but a few are particularly wild.

The standouts:


Dec 5, 2018
When I was playing the most recent update of this game, the realization hit me that it's one of the few games I've played on here where the updates may actually have a good deal of content, but it never feels like a lot. Like, it's one of those ones that leaves me just thinking, "That's it?!"... But in a good way.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
Badgers may not have the keenest sight in the world, but we can definitely smell top quality from miles away.

Would it sound demanding to ask for moooooarrrr of this at once?!
Holy Mary Virgin of Guadalupe, el Pilar and la Macarena! Those girls are absolutely, insanely and helplessly über-hot.
The UI is polished, music and sounds are nice, and there's some good humour too.
The past week has been excellent in terms of good new releases, but this is probably the most exciting project I've seen in 2022 so far. Hopefully the story will have consistent writing and logic.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
My only complaint is that the game is literally moving very slowly. We're four episodes in and we've advanced something like 8 hours at most. At some point we're going to have to pick up the pace if the MC is ever going to realistically get to know the LIs (other than Mia), and the longer it takes the more abrupt the speed-up will probably feel. Not a big problem in the grand scheme of things, but I was hoping we'd at least make it into the second day.
I think more about this and understand what you are saying, but I am of two minds with this. On one hand, I agree it is quite odd the pace is slow and we still in day 1, but on the other hand I have really enjoyed everything this one day has had to offer. We have arrived at our summer destination, explored the grounds, met the intriguing main cast, clashed with Miller, shopped in village, had some lewdness teases, and we even got one hell of an epic sex scene...with a MILF character no less! Everyone knows AVN MILFs are usually the last characters in any game to get the good stuff. Anyway, a lot packed into one day!

It is worth noting that some very interesting stories in film and in written form take place over the course of just a single day (ex. Training Day, the Denzel Washington movie not the porn one :giggle:). The key point is, are you sufficiently entertained along the way. Thus far, I have been. But, I do think the game will progress and eventually reach the end of summer, but tbh I am in no rush to speed through the days to get there. I am happy to enjoy this ride.

If the first night is anything like the first day has been, then I am keen for it. Cooking with the girls? Movie night? Games? Help Ms. Hill clean up? :WeSmart: Maybe a few drinks, or perhaps a late evening dip in the pool followed by a bonfire gathering to warm up whilst ghost story told (with cutaway flashback). :eek: Bree might get scared and sneak into your room later. :sneaky:
Or perhaps some insidious Miller plot is uncovered in the hush of the night. A lot of fun possibilities.
4.60 star(s) 312 Votes