Will do sensai. BTW get this...I just breezed through it real quick and the dev made more than a few fubar's. Several of the images needed for the bonus switch_button to work in quite a few scenes aren't in the game package (images/bg/NC). Here's the first to throw error code:
scene e1i1289
with dissolve
if persistent.bonus_active_ep3 or persistent.unlocked:
$ current_scene_name = "e1i1289"
show screen cheat_nc_switch_button
m "I have nothing to say to you. So just go!"
hide screen cheat_nc_switch_button
hide screen cheat_nc_imgs
It calls for image "e1i1289_nc.jpg" which doesn't exist. It's not the only one, there are several missing. Ugh, guess I'll mod those so they don't call any image so end user doesn't get errors. These errors will happen to all players, even those with original script.