
Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
That a fact? So the MC isn't an insane psycho anymore?
I presume if you're asking this question, you're waiting for the first full season to play? It's a good plan to wait the (hopefully) few more days) as you'll have all the content of the first season.

He's not the happiest of campers, but he's no longer looking for a trenchcoat to wear to school while eating dolphin sandwiches.

I just realised the gun in the first version was foreshadowing. Nika's still trying to shoot blanks.

Don Sucio

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2021
That a fact? So the MC isn't an insane psycho anymore?
Like i said, i didn´t play the old version but all te comments i see for people who have played it are that Nika is no more a psychopath, but he still beeing darker,i mean, you can act a little shady.


Active Member
Mar 8, 2024
Like i said, i didn´t play the old version but all te comments i see for people who have played it are that Nika is no more a psychopath, but he still beeing darker,i mean, you can act a little shady.
I played it back in the day and thank god Ocean changed it, otherwise few people would like Nika and care for his redemption.
The strongest point of Summer's Gone is Nika, the protagonist. Most AVN protagonists are either dumb or pushovers or a combination of the two or extremely vanilla aka 0 personality... Nika is the best AVN protagonist precisely because of that, he has a clear-cut personality and his own view of the world and doesn't let people step on him. His flaws only make him a more interesting and humane character and he's slowly overcoming them, that's the beauty of the game.


May 29, 2023
Getting technical there… You mention one study but plenty of other studies mention “sociopaths” and “psychopaths” and their different manifestations within APD, which fit my descriptions. So both terms are perfectly viable when making a distinction.

Sociopaths do form attachments although not easily, which totally fits Bella, as you can read in the spoiler below.
At the end of the day Bella still exhibits a ton of antisocial behavior akin to “sociopathy”. Her mom who is a psychiatrist reins her in a lot and has likely done some work with her through the years.
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Also that guy from the movie looks like a psychopath.

Well, yeah. Same principle though.
I didn't mention studies. I mentioned the official terminology of the , which was adopted by the International Health Organization. This classification lists diagnostic criteria, symptoms and treatment of diseases. The world would be in complete mess if such classification did not exist.

All professional psychotherapists in the world work according to ICD. There is nothing wrong with psychotherapists who offer alternative studies. This is how medicine develops. However, my logic tells me that they are still required to work according to the official classification. Violating medical laws is no joke. They risk losing their license or even going to jail if they diagnose and prescribe treatment to patients on their own whim. Imagine the consequences for a patient who falls into the hands of such a doctor.

I checked the ICD. There is no mention of sociopathy or psychopathy, only antisocial personality disorder. I haven't examined it very well, though. The interface is just hell. Alternatively, the US has the , which is heavily based on the ICD. And it mentions psychopathy and sociopathy:

"The essential feature of antisocial personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood. This pattern has also been referred to as psychopathy, sociopathy, or dyssocial personality disorder."

So don't touch APD, it's for Vanessa! :devilish:
Find something else for Bella.
Like Borderline Personality Disorder.
It fits her much better.
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Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
That's funny :BootyTime:

Btw, Nia is seriously fine in my books. Like, she can give even Sasha a run for her money.
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yeah I want to like Nia the best right now but I cant with how much Bella content there is right and well I just like the banter from Bella alot as well her cinematics especially the one where she leaves the race is amazing. With that being said Nia is my 2nd favorite right now. I dont care she is a camgirl honestly I feel that just adds to her sad story and I kind of like it I know it's not for everyone.


Sep 24, 2023
Leaving the rendering quality aside, the old work has plot holes so big you could drive 2 18-wheelers through them side by side. The rework is absolutely necessary if for nothing else other than an overall coherent story down the line.
Ocean promised to close the plot holes in the new update, which will soon appear on Steam? I would like to know more about the red-haired girl who is friends with Sasha.
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May 29, 2023
That's funny :BootyTime:

Btw, Nia is seriously fine in my books. Like, she can give even Sasha a run for her money.
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In chapter 5, I really like that it's shown in a negative way when she tries to impress Nika with her body parts. The more desperate her attempts, the more clumsy she looks. Didn't expect that from an adult game.
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Active Member
Mar 8, 2024
I dont care she is a camgirl honestly I feel that just adds to her sad story and I kind of like it I know it's not for everyone.
Some people say that she had sex once on a live stream with a guy... I mean, big deal?
It's clear she's not ok with being a camgirl despite trying to look positive to everyone around her, which further makes her more isolated. She herself said that she got a confidence boost from being a camgirl, but being lusted for in a chat doesn't make up for real human relationships and interactions. That's what's heart-wrenching about her, she's at a loss when interacting in person and doesn't have any real friends.
I don't like that she's a camgirl but I don't dislike it too much either, it's just a job. It could work if she managed to strike a healthy life work balance. Nika could even do shows with her, don't tell me you all wouldn't like that.
Ideally it would be better if she stopped being a camgirl cause it can be somewhat distasteful, but I wouldn't judge her if she didn't, I would still like her as a person. We'll be able to help her make that choice somewhere along the way.


Jun 7, 2019
I’ll throw in my two cents about psychopathy. I once read a small off-topic by a psychiatrist on this.He wrote that it’s very sad how many in his country (he’s from the states) and all over the world applies about this diagnosis. Essentially, this puts a stigma because of which many psychiatrists refuse to work with such people, and those psychiatrists who work with them hire them only to brag in their circles about a unique animal. Not all, but many. And what’s even sadder is that If you carefully observe such people, you will find that some of them are quite capable of experiencing emotions, it’s just that because of the traumatic experience they have very little empathy. This does not mean that there are no psychopaths, there are such people. But this man wrote, that there are much fewer of them than it seems.
PS: The funny thing is that something similar could be observed in the discussion of this game when it first came out. Some people immediately dubbed Nick a psychopath. To which someone smarter immediately noticed that he was not devoid of empathy. Yes, he was cold , in deep depression,indifferent, but certainly not a psychopath.


Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
Some people say that she had sex once on a live stream with a guy... I mean, big deal?
It's clear she's not ok with being a camgirl despite trying to look positive to everyone around her, which further makes her more isolated. She herself said that she got a confidence boost from being a camgirl, but being lusted for in a chat doesn't make up for real human relationships and interactions. That's what's heart-wrenching about her, she's at a loss when interacting in person and doesn't have any real friends.
I don't like that she's a camgirl but I don't dislike it too much either, it's just a job. It could work if she managed to strike a healthy life work balance. Nika could even do shows with her, don't tell me you all wouldn't like that.
Ideally it would be better if she stopped being a camgirl cause it can be somewhat distasteful, but I wouldn't judge her if she didn't, I would still like her as a person. We'll be able to help her make that choice somewhere along the way.
exactly this. How I see it it's just a job and not like she is being secretive about it either so not a big deal. Be a different story if she did that as a job without telling us while we were dating. tbh I wouldn't even ask her to quit either I would want her to quit when she feels like she wants not on my terms. How I see you like the person for who they are not the job they do cause at the end of the day she is still Nia not Nia the camgirl. Besides I think treating her as " Nia the camgirl" instead of Nia wouldn't make for a good or healthy relationship either. That and it is kind of hot in away. Nika could be home alone and bored and see his girlfriend is online that could be a fun scene to explore and watch or like you said he joins her for a show.


Active Member
Jan 29, 2020
Season 1 - Update


First, I apologize for not making a Dev Log in a while. Those on my Discord are a little more up-to-date.

There are reasons for it, none of which I will get into today because... Well, let me deal with it emotionally first.

I will address it after the release of Season 1. But right now, I can't deal with it. I need my head in the right space. A lot happened behind the scenes.

Season 1 has been in the Steam Review queue for a few days, and I'm still awaiting their reply. Maybe I have to fix something, etc.

In the meantime, I'm working on S2 & WiAB's next update. I've also contacted new music artists for Season 2 and it looks like I'm about to sign 16 new songs for S2.

Oh right! SG is now also available for wishlisting on Epic:

I've also contacted GOG for a developer account, and I'm waiting for a reply.

SG Season 1 is rated as a Pegi 16+ game on Steam and Epic. This could change after the review.

In one of the last Logs, I mentioned that I was under a lot of stress from the rework, etc., and if you followed Discord, you know it got even worse for multiple external reasons.

An hour before I wanted to upload to Steam, my PC bluescreened, and the boot SSD died. The timing couldn't have been any worse. It took me a few hours to figure out what went wrong.

After I checked my backups and saw that Backblaze forgot about 30% of the files, I can tell you... I almost pulled an SG MC after he had too much contact with some girls.

Then I checked sync and saw that sync doesn't update by date, but by name. Thanks for nothing, sync.

I managed to fix it and get the PC running again in less than two days, but my PC is feeling slower now. Daz especially feels like it got hit on the head. But it still worked, and it was enough to finish the bar scene.

After Steam, I will get the new Workstation I've talked about for a while. I saw that some people thought I already had it. No. I got two A6000 Ada and replaced the cards in my current workstation.

Now that this PC feels like it had a stroke, I will indeed upgrade to a new workstation and make this one another slave PC for animation rendering.

Thankfully, I do already have the Adas. This means that the workstation will be cheaper now. ~ 15k€

Steam testing took longer than expected for one reason. The Steam Deck.

I don't have one, but I asked the Valve Dev Distribution team for one. But it will take months until I get one, and the only testing we could do was through a member of my testing team, who had a Deck.

It works... But the damn trackpad isn't recognized, and I tried everything to fix it. Sadly, googling for specific Renpy-Steam-related issues is hopeless.

I still need to finish the German version/translation.

The Light
As stressful as the past weeks have been, something gave me so much energy—something I've been waiting to say for a very long time.

The rework is done.

While I "suffered" under the rework, I know you guys did too.

I seriously want to thank you guys for going through this with me. It was brutal. You guys had to muster up a lot of patience, and I know exactly how it feels when a game you like spends a significant amount of time on a rework. (Some even get stuck in limbo.)

But it's finally done, and while it asked a lot from us, I say it was absolutely worth it. The render quality is night and day. The adjustments to the dialogue also make everything flow better, especially in Chapters 1 and 2.

A big thanks for going through this with me. Seriously guys.

Lightroom says I did postwork on 2309 renders for the Full.

Around 1900 are new renders, and the rest are renders I adjusted.

Examples of what I adjusted:

I changed Amber's blouse transparency in Chapter 3. It was cringe that you could see her nipples and everything, and it undermined the storylines I have for her. It was too early, and SG still followed lewd logic back then.

I added bubbles to the Jacuzzi scene in Chapter 4. The scene now looks much better. Less tiddies tho. Still some flashes here and there, but it adds some mystery to it and hides the shitty flat water texture.

I adjusted the Nami Lake scene only for the Steam/Epic/GoG version. She's not topless in that version.

A lot of little things were adjusted to prevent license issues in the future.

Here are some previews of some other scenes I redid too: (4K attached at the bottom.)

Old Parking space scene (I changed Ayua's car.)
Old Chapter 3 - Pre-class meetup
OldPreClass1.jpg OldPreClass2.jpg
NewPreClass1.png NewPreClass2.png

I also reworked the shower scenes for Mila, Nami/Nia & Bella.

This one was posted on Discord before.

Old Bar scene
OldBar1.jpg OldBar2.jpg

NewBar1.png NewBar2.png
I have built a new bar environment in preparation for Season 2. The bar opening was a significant event, and I didn't have another bar asset back then.
For some reason, the bar also doubled in render count. Previously, it had around 65 renders, and now it's close to 130.

I added something new to the bar scene and adjusted the dialogue. In addition to the group previously at the bar, there's a second group now.

I will make another post after the game is through Steam's review process and I have a release date.

For bibi info, follow Discord. There's a channel called Bibi-News where I sometimes post news that is not big enough for an entire Dev log.

The rework is finally done, and I still can't believe it. I was so busy that I didn't notice it for a few days until someone mentioned it.

It's done, man... Dobby is free.

After the S1 release, I will showcase the new UI for Season 2... And boy, does it look amazing.

I will also talk about the next focus in terms of quality improvements.

In Season 2, 'Sounddesign' will play a significant role.

Dev Logs will return to their usual Bi-weekly cycle after the release, and yeah... Let's hope Steam/Epic/GoG takes away some of the uncertainty and dread I felt in the past weeks.

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hu lover

Forum Fanatic
Jul 27, 2022
Season 1 - Update


First, I apologize for not making a Dev Log in a while. Those on my Discord are a little more up-to-date.

There are reasons for it, none of which I will get into today because... Well, let me deal with it emotionally first.

I will address it after the release of Season 1. But right now, I can't deal with it. I need my head in the right space. A lot happened behind the scenes.

Season 1 has been in the Steam Review queue for a few days, and I'm still awaiting their reply. Maybe I have to fix something, etc.

In the meantime, I'm working on S2 & WiAB's next update. I've also contacted new music artists for Season 2 and it looks like I'm about to sign 16 new songs for S2.

Oh right! SG is now also available for wishlisting on Epic:

I've also contacted GOG for a developer account, and I'm waiting for a reply.

SG Season 1 is rated as a Pegi 16+ game on Steam and Epic. This could change after the review.

In one of the last Logs, I mentioned that I was under a lot of stress from the rework, etc., and if you followed Discord, you know it got even worse for multiple external reasons.

An hour before I wanted to upload to Steam, my PC bluescreened, and the boot SSD died. The timing couldn't have been any worse. It took me a few hours to figure out what went wrong.

After I checked my backups and saw that Backblaze forgot about 30% of the files, I can tell you... I almost pulled an SG MC after he had too much contact with some girls.

Then I checked sync and saw that sync doesn't update by date, but by name. Thanks for nothing, sync.

I managed to fix it and get the PC running again in less than two days, but my PC is feeling slower now. Daz especially feels like it got hit on the head. But it still worked, and it was enough to finish the bar scene.

After Steam, I will get the new Workstation I've talked about for a while. I saw that some people thought I already had it. No. I got two A6000 Ada and replaced the cards in my current workstation.

Now that this PC feels like it had a stroke, I will indeed upgrade to a new workstation and make this one another slave PC for animation rendering.

Thankfully, I do already have the Adas. This means that the workstation will be cheaper now. ~ 15k€

Steam testing took longer than expected for one reason. The Steam Deck.

I don't have one, but I asked the Valve Dev Distribution team for one. But it will take months until I get one, and the only testing we could do was through a member of my testing team, who had a Deck.

It works... But the damn trackpad isn't recognized, and I tried everything to fix it. Sadly, googling for specific Renpy-Steam-related issues is hopeless.

I still need to finish the German version/translation.

The Light
As stressful as the past weeks have been, something gave me so much energy—something I've been waiting to say for a very long time.

The rework is done.

While I "suffered" under the rework, I know you guys did too.

I seriously want to thank you guys for going through this with me. It was brutal. You guys had to muster up a lot of patience, and I know exactly how it feels when a game you like spends a significant amount of time on a rework. (Some even get stuck in limbo.)

But it's finally done, and while it asked a lot from us, I say it was absolutely worth it. The render quality is night and day. The adjustments to the dialogue also make everything flow better, especially in Chapters 1 and 2.

A big thanks for going through this with me. Seriously guys.

Lightroom says I did postwork on 2309 renders for the Full.

Around 1900 are new renders, and the rest are renders I adjusted.

Examples of what I adjusted:

I changed Amber's blouse transparency in Chapter 3. It was cringe that you could see her nipples and everything, and it undermined the storylines I have for her. It was too early, and SG still followed lewd logic back then.

I added bubbles to the Jacuzzi scene in Chapter 4. The scene now looks much better. Less tiddies tho. Still some flashes here and there, but it adds some mystery to it and hides the shitty flat water texture.

I adjusted the Nami Lake scene only for the Steam/Epic/GoG version. She's not topless in that version.

A lot of little things were adjusted to prevent license issues in the future.

Here are some previews of some other scenes I redid too: (4K attached at the bottom.)

Old Parking space scene (I changed Ayua's car.)
View attachment 3511685
View attachment 3511681
Old Chapter 3 - Pre-class meetup
View attachment 3511687 View attachment 3511686
View attachment 3511680 View attachment 3511683

I also reworked the shower scenes for Mila, Nami/Nia & Bella.

This one was posted on Discord before.
View attachment 3511676

Old Bar scene
View attachment 3511682 View attachment 3511684

View attachment 3511678 View attachment 3511677 View attachment 3511679
I have built a new bar environment in preparation for Season 2. The bar opening was a significant event, and I didn't have another bar asset back then.
For some reason, the bar also doubled in render count. Previously, it had around 65 renders, and now it's close to 130.

I added something new to the bar scene and adjusted the dialogue. In addition to the group previously at the bar, there's a second group now.

I will make another post after the game is through Steam's review process and I have a release date.

For bibi info, follow Discord. There's a channel called Bibi-News where I sometimes post news that is not big enough for an entire Dev log.

The rework is finally done, and I still can't believe it. I was so busy that I didn't notice it for a few days until someone mentioned it.

It's done, man... Dobby is free.

After the S1 release, I will showcase the new UI for Season 2... And boy, does it look amazing.

I will also talk about the next focus in terms of quality improvements.

In Season 2, 'Sounddesign' will play a significant role.

Dev Logs will return to their usual Bi-weekly cycle after the release, and yeah... Let's hope Steam/Epic/GoG takes away some of the uncertainty and dread I felt in the past weeks.

you literally wrote a book, but a very descriptive post about in depth details about the game


Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
Season 1 - Update


First, I apologize for not making a Dev Log in a while. Those on my Discord are a little more up-to-date.

There are reasons for it, none of which I will get into today because... Well, let me deal with it emotionally first.

I will address it after the release of Season 1. But right now, I can't deal with it. I need my head in the right space. A lot happened behind the scenes.

Season 1 has been in the Steam Review queue for a few days, and I'm still awaiting their reply. Maybe I have to fix something, etc.

In the meantime, I'm working on S2 & WiAB's next update. I've also contacted new music artists for Season 2 and it looks like I'm about to sign 16 new songs for S2.

Oh right! SG is now also available for wishlisting on Epic:

I've also contacted GOG for a developer account, and I'm waiting for a reply.

SG Season 1 is rated as a Pegi 16+ game on Steam and Epic. This could change after the review.

In one of the last Logs, I mentioned that I was under a lot of stress from the rework, etc., and if you followed Discord, you know it got even worse for multiple external reasons.

An hour before I wanted to upload to Steam, my PC bluescreened, and the boot SSD died. The timing couldn't have been any worse. It took me a few hours to figure out what went wrong.

After I checked my backups and saw that Backblaze forgot about 30% of the files, I can tell you... I almost pulled an SG MC after he had too much contact with some girls.

Then I checked sync and saw that sync doesn't update by date, but by name. Thanks for nothing, sync.

I managed to fix it and get the PC running again in less than two days, but my PC is feeling slower now. Daz especially feels like it got hit on the head. But it still worked, and it was enough to finish the bar scene.

After Steam, I will get the new Workstation I've talked about for a while. I saw that some people thought I already had it. No. I got two A6000 Ada and replaced the cards in my current workstation.

Now that this PC feels like it had a stroke, I will indeed upgrade to a new workstation and make this one another slave PC for animation rendering.

Thankfully, I do already have the Adas. This means that the workstation will be cheaper now. ~ 15k€

Steam testing took longer than expected for one reason. The Steam Deck.

I don't have one, but I asked the Valve Dev Distribution team for one. But it will take months until I get one, and the only testing we could do was through a member of my testing team, who had a Deck.

It works... But the damn trackpad isn't recognized, and I tried everything to fix it. Sadly, googling for specific Renpy-Steam-related issues is hopeless.

I still need to finish the German version/translation.

The Light
As stressful as the past weeks have been, something gave me so much energy—something I've been waiting to say for a very long time.

The rework is done.

While I "suffered" under the rework, I know you guys did too.

I seriously want to thank you guys for going through this with me. It was brutal. You guys had to muster up a lot of patience, and I know exactly how it feels when a game you like spends a significant amount of time on a rework. (Some even get stuck in limbo.)

But it's finally done, and while it asked a lot from us, I say it was absolutely worth it. The render quality is night and day. The adjustments to the dialogue also make everything flow better, especially in Chapters 1 and 2.

A big thanks for going through this with me. Seriously guys.

Lightroom says I did postwork on 2309 renders for the Full.

Around 1900 are new renders, and the rest are renders I adjusted.

Examples of what I adjusted:

I changed Amber's blouse transparency in Chapter 3. It was cringe that you could see her nipples and everything, and it undermined the storylines I have for her. It was too early, and SG still followed lewd logic back then.

I added bubbles to the Jacuzzi scene in Chapter 4. The scene now looks much better. Less tiddies tho. Still some flashes here and there, but it adds some mystery to it and hides the shitty flat water texture.

I adjusted the Nami Lake scene only for the Steam/Epic/GoG version. She's not topless in that version.

A lot of little things were adjusted to prevent license issues in the future.

Here are some previews of some other scenes I redid too: (4K attached at the bottom.)

Old Parking space scene (I changed Ayua's car.)
View attachment 3511685
View attachment 3511681
Old Chapter 3 - Pre-class meetup
View attachment 3511687 View attachment 3511686
View attachment 3511680 View attachment 3511683

I also reworked the shower scenes for Mila, Nami/Nia & Bella.

This one was posted on Discord before.
View attachment 3511676

Old Bar scene
View attachment 3511682 View attachment 3511684

View attachment 3511678 View attachment 3511677 View attachment 3511679
I have built a new bar environment in preparation for Season 2. The bar opening was a significant event, and I didn't have another bar asset back then.
For some reason, the bar also doubled in render count. Previously, it had around 65 renders, and now it's close to 130.

I added something new to the bar scene and adjusted the dialogue. In addition to the group previously at the bar, there's a second group now.

I will make another post after the game is through Steam's review process and I have a release date.

For bibi info, follow Discord. There's a channel called Bibi-News where I sometimes post news that is not big enough for an entire Dev log.

The rework is finally done, and I still can't believe it. I was so busy that I didn't notice it for a few days until someone mentioned it.

It's done, man... Dobby is free.

After the S1 release, I will showcase the new UI for Season 2... And boy, does it look amazing.

I will also talk about the next focus in terms of quality improvements.

In Season 2, 'Sounddesign' will play a significant role.

Dev Logs will return to their usual Bi-weekly cycle after the release, and yeah... Let's hope Steam/Epic/GoG takes away some of the uncertainty and dread I felt in the past weeks.

Bro is gonna have 30 workstations and still have the same 'I need to get another workstation' at this point.
4.30 star(s) 529 Votes