Yeah... when you're in the shower with Jeff after the workout, and he says, seriously, that you have a "good waist line" or something like that, I was really surprised.
As for Mila, she already called MC a school shooter in the old one, in fact, I feel like it was toned down in the rework, it was said with less ill will, more as a joke. It makes Mila less of a cunt for telling you that.
Concerning Bella, I don't think that the fact that she doesn't strangle you anymore remove any characterization. We still can see that she is struggling, that she is sad and hurt. And the added scene, like the eyes battle or the introduction of a new character who seem to be angry at you for disrespecting Bella, when you go to her car, add some depth and immersion to the chapter.
Considering that nothing is perfect, It's better to have some suspension of disbelief in that kind of situation.
Overall, the good the rework did completely outweigh the bad.