Yeah. But you still have to wonder if he won't have to redo chapter 3 for the sake of graphic and story consistency.
He's been reworking CH 3 & CH 3.5 while he did/does the CH 2 rework. He is updating hundreds of renders, eliminating music and associated animations (music licensing issues), adding in content re: Sasha path (we won't know how much this impacts CH 3/3.5 until the rework is done with CH 5 Full) and addressing continuity issues.
Ocean has said that the CH 5 Full content is the last rework to be done (all in preparation for the Steam Season 1 release).
Everything I've seen on SS and Discord makes me believe that Ocean is Very interested in finishing up the rework and moving SG forward into the future without the need to rework the past.
Steam is a Much larger stage for Summers Gone.
Ocean gets one chance to make a great first impression and all the rework is aimed at achieving just that.
The resourcing from a Steam release could well give Ocean the $ bump that allows him to take his hardware to the next level.
This will, in turn, lead to faster development since Ocean has never shied away from making complex animations and high quality, detailed renders.
So, if you have not already done so, consider wishlisting Summers Gone on Steam. It is a $0 cost way to support this great AVN and the added visibility SG achieves from enough of us doing this will make a tangible difference on Steam.