Chapter 5 - Dev Log #6
So, where are we...
60 seconds of the 1:30min intro cinematic are done. (Bellchen intro).
The render queue has around 190 renders in it, and I kinda fucked up by not disabling the Windows update in the past two days.
Whenever I woke up, I saw that the SG Workstation had restarted & did render like two images a night. (Or half an animation).
And because yesterday was WiAB day, I put on the SG animations and then went to WiAB and again forgot to disable the auto update...
Anyways, it just takes forever to render the scene. Even if everything's working as intended, I can only render 14-17 renders in 24h due to Daz's shitty "I-have-to-load-in-all-morphs-for-all-characters-every-damn-time."
I'd say Chapter 5 is now 75%-80% done if we consider the 190 queued-up boys rendered.
Previews (4k attached)
As everyone probably knows, I LOVE dark ambient renders... Especially with some good old Bellchen.
Wollust's best roll connoisseur
I don't have much more to show, as there's a strict "No spoiler" rule for the important parts.
Almost 80% done... We're getting there, lads.
- Ocean