
Oct 6, 2022
funny i'll be in my 50's probably by the time the game hit's midpoint but oh well what a ride it will be i hope to get a update in story on my 50th birthday that would be nice but it's a few years away here's to hoping ocean can still make the game for that long.:)

Fortuna ღ

May 13, 2020
i struggled with myself a lot before commenting on this thread and every time it occurred to me to write something i change my mind, but today is the day!

my experience with this AVN consists of downloading it maybe a year and a half ago and upon opening it i see the warning that it doesn't contain any explicit content yet so i took a pause and came back to this thread and checked when it was first created and when i saw 2019 i made the calculations in my head (3.5/4 chapters in four years and no explicit content yet) i remembered closing it immediately and never in my life i clicked shift+del faster

as for ocean's work in general i viewed his other AVN with all its glory (2 chapters omE) and very much enjoyed it but i'm convinced now more than ever that i will never be able to witness its completion in my lifetime!

you know every AVN developer on the face of this planet wish they were in Ocean's position except for the select few that are in even better position for "obvious reasons" wink, but i can maybe count them on only my two hands: DrPinkCake (100% earned and at least has a finished project to brag about and i own everything he sell on steam including dlcs) Kompas (i don't know anything about) NLT (100% earned and has multiple completed projects to brag about including 2 in my steam library) MrDots (100% earned with a finished project and frequent updates) Philly (100% earned and i also have his 2 AVNs on steam) Lewdlab (at least he has a finished project that i own on steam but recently turned to the dark side) lustandpassion (once upon a time good but also turned to the dark side) Undergrad (i also own his work) Oppai-Man (once excellent but also turned to the dark side, also own his work) those some of the examples that comes to mind

now back to the point of why i stated that every other developer wish they were in ocean's position, in an industry full of scammers like ICSTOR, milkers like StoperArt, HopesGaming, Lewdlab (the last year or so) lustandpassion and the list goes on but at least when i go to those threads fans already have or at least began to see through the bullshit! except with this one and to a lesser degree WIAB!!

this is the only thread that when i read replies on i feel like i'm in some sort of a twilight zone episode or a dystopian utopia! even though people consider this a pirating forum! due to the fact of what i dubbed "Ocean's cult", of which 90% of this thread consist of! btw this is in no way shape or form a knock on you ocean's fans and the fawners amongst you like i said before every other dev wishes they have fans like you! where every other constructive criticism or telling it like it is are met with facepalms and pushbacks from every angle, and the replies are filled with "trust the process CUH" & fan fictions and wishful thinking and scenarios for your favorite LIs that some of you maybe will not witness it in your lifetime.

this is what i call the "life" and the dream for every dev, and once the patreon number reaches the comfort zone and with minimum to not noticeable criticism from pirates let alone paying customers up until recently in a joking manner in the replies here that "wait for 2050 ish to have a finish product" then what's the point!!!!! -_-

i never cared for patreon but i always consider it a plus for artists, but people like ocean made me hate it from the bottom of my heart, and the irony here is as i write these words with a broken heart because like i mentioned earlier i'm a fan of his other AVN WIAB!! and even though it has only 2 chapters but only a few other AVNs managed to grip me with its premise like it has, and after chapter 2 ended and coming to the conclusion that Leia is the "make it or break it" for me and every once in awhile i have these scenarios in my head for her that imho will make a love story for the ages, and i contemplate weather to join the cult and enter the dystopian reality with the rest of you and write my fan fiction for her or not then suddenly reality hits me hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that since the money maker here gets an update once a year!!!!!!! all hope is lost and no chance in hell and there's no light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!!!!! -_-

the other irony here is that i wishlisted summer's gone on this date bellow and once it's release i'm one of the first to buy it and even though i will never touch it just to offset and pay for the 2 WIAB's chapters! because at the end of the day i'm a paying customer (not a knock on you pirates or a flex, i'm in the same boat as you if i like the promo renders and tags for an AVN and in case devs for those didn't release on steam simultaneously i free download and when they release on steam even if i viewed their AVNs entirely already they'll have my EUROs) and if you're a 3dcg devs here and release your projects on steam then you can rest assured that your AVNs is either most likely in my steam's library (near 400 already) and the rest whitelisted (232) and can prove it to anyone who like! have a good night or morning everybody.
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You lost me when you implied that Oceans was a(and I hate this word)... "milker". Truthfully, you lost me way before that, but I tried to make it through your post to see if there was anything worth responding to. Nope. The second it became clear that you were upset that users didn't see through the "bullshit," I couldn't take you seriously, lol. Like huh?? "Bullshit"? What "bullshit"? Look, it's totally fine if you think it impossible for Oceans to complete these games in your lifetime but keep that "milking" nonsense somewhere else. It couldn't be further from the truth, and it's needlessly sewing discordღ

P.S: Btw, if you're going to reply to me, I want you to list your actual points of criticism. Like, make a bullet point or something because this post was outright painful to read. Most of it seems like you're upset that in the thread of Summer's Gone, most posts are made by people who like Summer's Gone(surprise surprise)ღ


Engaged Member
Nov 12, 2021
You lost me when you implied that Oceans was a(and I hate this word)... "milker". Truthfully, you lost me way before that, but I tried to make it through your post to see if there was anything worth responding to. Nope. The second it became clear that you were upset that users didn't see through the "bullshit," I couldn't take you seriously, lol. Like huh?? "Bullshit"? What "bullshit"? Look, it's totally fine if you think it impossible for Oceans to complete these games in your lifetime but keep that "milking" nonsense somewhere else. It couldn't be further from the truth, and it's needlessly sewing discordღ

P.S: Btw, if you're going to reply to me, I want you to list your actual points of criticism. Like, make a bullet point or something because this post was outright painful to read. Most of it seems like you're upset that in the thread of Summer's Gone, most posts are made by people who like Summer's Gone(surprise surprise)ღ
Just a simple and polite question,Fortuna ღ
Why do you keep responding to trolls ? :unsure::unsure:

Ignore them,start about something completely different,
but don't feed them,otherwise they will keep coming back !!

edit:This is what i mean,
now the troll answers,and the game starts all over again !!
Last edited:


Dec 26, 2021
You lost me when you implied that Oceans was a(and I hate this word)... "milker". Truthfully, you lost me way before that, but I tried to make it through your post to see if there was anything worth responding to. Nope. The second it became clear that you were upset that users didn't see through the "bullshit," I couldn't take you seriously, lol. Like huh?? "Bullshit"? What "bullshit"? Look, it's totally fine if you think it impossible for Oceans to complete these games in your lifetime but keep that "milking" nonsense somewhere else. It couldn't be further from the truth, and it's needlessly sewing discordღ

P.S: Btw, if you're going to reply to me, I want you to list your actual points of criticism. Like, make a bullet point or something because this post was outright painful to read. Most of it seems like you're upset that in the thread of Summer's Gone, most posts are made by people who like Summer's Gone(surprise surprise)ღ
i'm not one to enter into pointless arguments, i have no problem with you fawning over whatever you want, and bring the rest of the cult with you to fawn over your masterpiece and over each others comments!

upon reading the changelog i can't make how many renders are created so far because there're 2 chapters that got reworked but if you think it's acceptable in a planned 32 chapters AVN and in the span of five fucking years to only release 4.5 chapters including rework for 2 of them with no explicit content yet (which btw save you on a lot of time to create the scenarios for them and positions and animations if included) on the basis of "SUMMER'S GONE STORY IS THE GREATEST THING TO EVER EXCISTED IN THE HSITORY OF EROTIC FICTION" like most of the comments and reviews here say and "IT NEEDS AT LEAST 10-12 CHAPTERS BEFORE WE GET TO THE JUICY STUFF" now i can't be the judge of that since i have no intention in reading it

the only thing i can compare it to is his other project: if the chapters are somewhat similar in length: chapter 1 & 2 of WIAB are average (standard) to below average in length compared to many other excellent AVNs on the market today! (but you can't compare him to other devs because he releases short updates if you take into account the yearly release) and other than 2 girlfriend's scenes with animations and 2 brief ones with her also (one frame animation) and Leia's teaser other than that all of it consist of still renders and you know how long those 2 chapters took to release.

now i know for you this is more than enough from your lord and savior, but for me and many other AVNs enthusiasts not even close to good enough or acceptable, and in my book YES "MILKING" and "LAZY" and "EXCUSES" here i said it!

also another point of contention you know there are many other AVN devs nowadays that are trying to copy the "Ocean's method" once they saw his success and they began prolonging their stories before reaching the point of releasing explicit content by releasing just story and teasing updates in the span of a year or more (unlike him the 2x timer 1 for each project yearly) and 80% of them are failing miserably to garner sustainable support on patreon unfortunately!

again i'm not shitting on your parade, have fun and keep enjoying the the ride that ocean is taking you on, all the more power to you and the rest of you Blud, and other than replying to comments like yourself addressing me i have 0 interest in commenting on your precious thread any further, ever, i said my peace
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Hollibolli

PR Mitter

Jul 6, 2021
You lost me when you implied that Oceans was a(and I hate this word)... "milker". Truthfully, you lost me way before that, but I tried to make it through your post to see if there was anything worth responding to. Nope. The second it became clear that you were upset that users didn't see through the "bullshit," I couldn't take you seriously, lol. Like huh?? "Bullshit"? What "bullshit"? Look, it's totally fine if you think it impossible for Oceans to complete these games in your lifetime but keep that "milking" nonsense somewhere else. It couldn't be further from the truth, and it's needlessly sewing discordღ

P.S: Btw, if you're going to reply to me, I want you to list your actual points of criticism. Like, make a bullet point or something because this post was outright painful to read. Most of it seems like you're upset that in the thread of Summer's Gone, most posts are made by people who like Summer's Gone(surprise surprise)ღ

You totally loooooook like someone connected to Oceanlab.
His points were clear. You don't have to read everything to get the points.
He just basically gave some dev names who are very good at finishing the game within a reasonable time and they deserve the money and there are some who don't deserve the money but still getting it. BTW, I don't agree with him that they are scamming, they just have dumb supporters on Patron who are satisfied with less.
I agree with his one idea very much that the Patron support system is stupid, in a way, they have all the rules for fetishes and incest but do not have rules for customer right and dev's misleading promises.


Dec 26, 2021
You totally loooooook like someone connected to Oceanlab.
His points were clear. You don't have to read everything to get the points.
He just basically gave some dev names who are very good at finishing the game within a reasonable time and they deserve the money and there are some who don't deserve the money but still getting it. BTW, I don't agree with him that they are scamming, they just have dumb supporters on Patron who are satisfied with less.
I agree with his one idea very much that the Patron support system is stupid, in a way, they have all the rules for fetishes and incest but do not have rules for customer right and dev's misleading promises.
preach, but i only refer to one dev as scammer and everyone here know that he's, the others that i refer to them as milkers not scammers and you can check their track record for yourself to make your own judgment, and the other ones that i refer to as straying from the path into darkness is that they're heading into the milking category and also you can check their track record lately and make your own judgment.

quick example let's take oppai: his project is the best selling 3dcg AVN with the most reviews in the history of steam i think, and in terms of patreon supporters he's amongst the most supported AVN devs ever, last year around the same time in a post on steam he promised that by this time of this year season two of his project will be delivered, but even episode 2 of season 2 hasn't been release yet and it will take him until same time next year or more to deliver season 2, now for me personally i can understand personal reasons for delays or whatnot, but for more than a year with the number of supporters on patreon and steam sales i'm sure he could've hire couple of people to help him move the project along and delay only 6 months or so for whatever reasons, i speak for myself and this my opinion: it's human nature that comes sometimes with complacency or maybe burnout (but he never mentioned it before) that sometimes comes from financial comfort and stability once you reach a certain number unlike NLT which is a rare jewel

back to ocean, update once a year and he has nearly 2000 supporters across both projects, and the most die hard fans any dev can only dream of that in their eyes he can do no wrongs and anyone dare to criticize him (god forbid) is been labeled "trolls" like it's been done to me already and will continue throughout the day, now i don't know the Unseen (that's only for God to know) but let's say ocean releases update once every 3-4 months who could've say that he can't reach 3000-4000 patrons easily!!!!!!!!!!! but for some like i said imho it's complacency that comes from reaching your comfort zone number and that's one example, other examples like the case of the scammer my analysis is: the fear of the unknown "what if i finished my project that people have been paying me years for, will i lose a good chunk of them, will they like my next project, let's keep stringing them along" like you said yourself "patreon do not have rules for customer right"
and i can't deny personal reasons and family situations or burnout that also come with the territory


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
You totally loooooook like someone connected to Oceanlab.
His points were clear. You don't have to read everything to get the points.
He just basically gave some dev names who are very good at finishing the game within a reasonable time and they deserve the money and there are some who don't deserve the money but still getting it.
No, judging by your words, we are too stupid to understand this. Please, kind sir, start an investment fund or a dogecoin wallet for us, we will simply transfer our money there, and you will distribute this money on our behalf to developers who deserve this money. After all, you have proven that you are very competent in this.
We were just fooled by all these beautiful renderings, wonderful characters, immersive story and enchanting music. And we were stupid enough to wait a while to get it. But now that you've explained it so well, it's pretty clear that this was all just our stupid obsession, and we fell for a milking ploy.

BTW, I don't agree with him that they are scamming, they just have dumb supporters on Patron who are satisfied with less.
Please forgive us once again for our stupidity, we are absolutely not qualified to decide for ourselves which games are masterpieces and which are crap porn fastfood. But now, once yout fund or dogecoin wallet is up and running, only the games you like and approved will be funded. No more deep stories, no more stupid character development, no more useless photorealistic graphics and animations. Only crap like Sunshine Love and DMD... Oh, sorry again, I got carried away and forgot what is now crap and what is a masterpiece. Whatever, with this funding, they could hire a lot more cheap freelancers who will churn out even more of these masterpieces every month.


Dec 26, 2021
Only crap like Sunshine Love and DMD...
to be fair to you i only listed MrDots because he releases updates frequently like clockwork and has 2 finished projects but between you and me his first completed project even though it has good reviews here i abandoned it halfway through because i got bored, same thing happened with his 2nd completed project i got bored by chapter 3 and the only thing that was keeping me was the NTR which is amongst the best i ever viewed in an AVN but in the last stretches of development he abandoned it completely and so did i -_-, as for the ongoing one i haven't touched it yet.

and to be fair to ocean even though after all this time WIAB has only 2 chapters, but in terms of intrigue it stimulated my mind like only a few other AVNs ever had except for Miru part and to a lesser degree Katie unless ocean finds a way later for me to give a shit about her, but oh my god magical Leia (if her scenario revealed later to be full of heartaches and mysteries close or somewhat resembles the one in my mind then i'll declare my love for her and forsake all others), so i began to come up with a scenario and a love story for the ages that will answer her and part of Helen mystery so far gradually and connect the dots, and part of my frustration of his development cycle is because of his lack of work on WIAB (the naïve in me talking here, which is a pipe dream) but hope he reaches a point where he releases 3 updates a year or at least 2 for WIAB, but here is the priority i think


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
Ignore is the best tool F95 has to offer. Especially when someone goes off on a whole-page diatribe and childishly overly dramatic claims like, "I will never see the ending in my lifetime." Seriously? Get a life.

Life is far too short to deal with these kinds of people. Ocean consistently puts out excellent work, regardless of how long that takes. I have at least ten visual novels I directly contribute financially to that update annually. The work is worth it.

It is seriously difficult for me to understand how these people are grown men. So, fuck the haters and the trolls who have nothing better to do with their lives. Engage in intelligent, mature discussions that promote the visual novels you like. And just enjoy life. Your time is yours. You don't have to spend it listening to ignorance on a web site. Use the ignore feature.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
i'm probally wrong, but, i think the plans are reworking everything, then, continue
Ocean has completed rework on:

CH 1 (all but a very early scene which is being redone)

2/3 of CH 2

+ revisions to CH 3 & 3.5, including the removal of some music that could not continue to be used due to licensing issues.

Remaining rework: 1/3 of CH 2 + 1 scene - CH 1 mentioned above + any continuity and music issues that Ocean needs to resolve.

Rework is complete by the release of CH 5 final - which closes Season 1 of Summers Gone.

Cheers! :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
We need more redheads. :love:
screenshot0005.png screenshot0006.png
Normally, I think that developers focus way too much on redheads. Just looking at the images you posted, it is obvious that Ocean has a thing for redheads, or he knows that his followers do! :ROFLMAO:

I have the model that is used for Nami (Sinisa HD). She is one of the very best models in Daz. I am pretty sure the actual person it was modeled on and the skin texture and color are from an actual redhead or red-inclined. And Ocean does her model justice in every render. Fricken gorgeous!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
You lost me when you implied that Oceans was a(and I hate this word)... "milker". Truthfully, you lost me way before that, but I tried to make it through your post to see if there was anything worth responding to. Nope. The second it became clear that you were upset that users didn't see through the "bullshit," I couldn't take you seriously, lol. Like huh?? "Bullshit"? What "bullshit"? Look, it's totally fine if you think it impossible for Oceans to complete these games in your lifetime but keep that "milking" nonsense somewhere else. It couldn't be further from the truth, and it's needlessly sewing discordღ

P.S: Btw, if you're going to reply to me, I want you to list your actual points of criticism. Like, make a bullet point or something because this post was outright painful to read. Most of it seems like you're upset that in the thread of Summer's Gone, most posts are made by people who like Summer's Gone(surprise surprise)ღ
Fortuna ღ - lets get back to the Good stuff, like:

Who is your favorite college age LI and who is your favorite MILF?

I know, I know, some would accuse me of fishing for more mentions of Bella and Amber, but we'll still be friends if you don't give the right answer ... ;)

It's late August and I hope life is smiling on you!

In the U.S., - college football is just around the corner, so life is looking Very good indeed (sadly, for some of us, this is the Only time our favorite team will be undefeated...)

Cheers!! :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020


Jun 7, 2019
and even though it has only 2 chapters but only a few other AVNs managed to grip me with its premise like it has, and after chapter 2 ended and coming to the conclusion that Leia is the "make it or break it" for me and every once in awhile i have these scenarios in my head for her that imho will make a love story for the ages, and i contemplate weather to join the cult and enter the dystopian reality with the rest of you and write my fan fiction for her or not then suddenly reality hits me hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could you please be more accurate about Leia situation?What do you mean about make it or break it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
Normally, I think that developers focus way too much on redheads. Just looking at the images you posted, it is obvious that Ocean has a thing for redheads, or he knows that his followers do! :ROFLMAO:

I have the model that is used for Nami (Sinisa HD). She is one of the very best models in Daz. I am pretty sure the actual person it was modeled on and the skin texture and color are from an actual redhead or red-inclined. And Ocean does her model justice in every render. Fricken gorgeous!
Bella, Amber, Claire, Nadia, Mila, Maja, Kate and especially Sasha look at you with disapproval :KEK:
4.30 star(s) 506 Votes