I have never understood that, the i-patch is not official, i mean, Ocean is not making that path so why would Patreon bother with this?
That doesnt matter at all for patreon. And just to be clear... they dont even NEED a valid reason to ban content there... they even could say "meh, i dont like your nose, you are gone" and thats it. Patreon has EVERY right to close a page if they want to, its not even that uncommon that they closed something from DEVs without giving them a reason.
Normally they give you notice, so you can change things... but they dont have to. (OCean got a 2 weeks notice for WiaB though)
And lets get real for a minute here... oh well, at least its like i see things here.
The "roommate" thing is just not working for the relationship Nami and MC have. Why it is in any case even slightly taboo for them to be close to each other?
Than there is the joke "why are our parents dead then?" so yeah... of course... both their parents could have died at the same time, maybe even in the same accident or something like that. But really, it does look like its intended that Nami and MC are related. In a benefit of the doubt, lets say they are step-brother and sister. So not by blood... but even then, Patreon gets triggert, there a bunch of games with "step" content that are gone.
To me, the relationship doesnt make that much sense without the i-patch... i dont get it why the relationship between the two should be in any way a taboo thing if they are not related at all and why Nojiko flipped at them for going into the bathroom at the same time and such... Early on they are sitting with a bunch of college guys together and one ask "hey are you to together?" and Nami says without i-patch "ugh dude, thats gross, we are roommates" Yeah... totally gross to have something going on with your roommate, what sick individual would do such thing? oO
I will not change my opinion on that until its totally revealed in the game and the dialogues are changed so they make _REAL_ sense, i say: its intended that Nami and MC are Brother and Sister or maybe Step. And its kinda weird that for some updates the i-patch was even released BEFORE the actual update... i dont know who made it, but it would surprise me if Ocean doesnt have his hands in it.
*Edit* oh and maybe someone can correct me here... but when i played the game the first time (chapter 3 wasnt released there) iam pretty sure i played without any patch and Nami and MC where brother and sister back than... but my mind can trick me here so i might be wrong... but i think that changed starting with the rework? *shrug* dont remember exactly and dont have the old version of chapter 1 and 2 anymore.
Other than that... again, back to the topic. Patreon has already prooven that even some fanmade patch is enough for them to take actions regarding incest, Summers Gone wouldnt be the first case. But again... Patreon doesnt even follow their own rules, there are more than enough games on Patreon that have cleary incest in them, not even hidden, and they are still there. So... yeah... Patreon does what Patreon wants, thats about it.