Ancient Devil

Dec 20, 2023
I searched Discord to list what Ocean said on the different girls so far: (main LI = romance + ending). Latest status (everything can still change in development):

: main LI (two main routes, love or sub, could be different now that the game has taken a less dark route)
Bella: guaranteed main LI (Dom, Sub and normal routes, could be different now that the game has taken a less dark route, won't be compatible with Amber)
Elsa: main LI but Ocean is not entirely sure yet, a lot about her can still change
Marla: main LI, "will stay an LI forever", should currently be married
Mila: guaranteed main LI
Nadia: guaranteed main LI and Ocean's #2 girl (since December 2022)
Nami: guaranteed main LI (Nami/Bella is possible but she is otherwise probably the least compatible with other girls, Nami/Mila not possible)
Nia: guaranteed main LI, wasn't originally a planned LI
Sasha: guaranteed main LI and Ocean's #1 girl (since August 2021), not planned to be part of any throuple
Sonya: guaranteed main LI and Ocean's #3 girl (former #1)
Vanessa: main LI (sub and equals routes), not compatible with Zara for a throuple
Victoria: guaranteed main LI (and can be compatible with every other girl (has the most throuples anyway))
Zara: main LI, solo route only, threesomes possible but no throuple ending, "will never lose LI status"

(teacher): should be lewdable but not a LI
Coach Hill: "bangable", "hook-up/lewdable" but no ending nor romantic relationship
Harrison (teacher): should be lewdable but not a LI
Karen: "lewdable" but not a LI
Kate: Ocean refuses to say if she is a LI for now but she is at least lewdable
Layla: "lewdable" but will "never" be a main LI
Maja: formerly main LI, now planned as lewdable but most likely will never be a LI again
Nancy: "lewdable" but not a LI
Robin: "lewdable," very low chance of becoming a main LI

Not LIs:
Ocean has not decided yet. Romance with her was mentioned a long time ago but at the moment she is not a LI. She's a special case.
Celina (Vic's therapist): not a LI
Claire (Bella's aunt): we'll see how she develops but not a LI currently
Miriam (one of the twins): not a LI
Nicole (reporter): not a LI
Nojiko: currently not a LI "but nothing is ever set in stone"...
Nora (one of the twins): not a LI
Saki (Nicole's assistant): not a LI

Melanie, Genevieve, etc: nothing conclusive has been mentioned about others. Not all LIs have been introduced yet but nearly all. Ocean has a limit and will not add many more.

Note: As of October 16, 2021, Ocean has said that the list of LIs can be expanded to more LIs but it is also possible that some LIs will be dropped, except for the eight that are listed as guaranteed. Update February 2023: as of Chapter 4.5, "less than 5" new LIs are yet to be introduced.
Note2: There will be no harem route. One was originally planned (although it would not have included every girl) but the game took a lighter tone, of healing, than was first thought, and the harem route does not fit the story anymore. You should still be able to bang virtually every girl in a playthrough but having a romantic relationship with several girls being aware of each other is a whole different thing. There will be throuples for the compatible girls, but no more than that. I have summarized this myself, if you want to hear from the source itself, most of the updated info regarding harem comes from here.
Update: only 3 throuples are planned as of summer 2022, there might eventually be more or fewer but that's to say that throuples will be rather the exception and in most cases won't happen.

Last check: December 2, 2023
How legit is this as of now.


Jul 20, 2017
well did we find out what happened to Summer? did the MC cure his ED? come on man you cant say you are from the future and leave us hanging like that.
Idk, dude. The story has no progression yet. All the side characters are still being introduced (there are already 438 of them). Maybe in Season 38 we will find out what happened to Summer (but only my grandchildren will know for sure).


Sep 22, 2019
Idk, dude. The story has no progression yet. All the side characters are still being introduced (there are already 438 of them). Maybe in Season 38 we will find out what happened to Summer (but only my grandchildren will know for sure).
damn i hope my hard drive is passed on to my progenies so they can finish my saves for me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Whatever choice you make, spend your time in a way that is meaningful for you and enjoy yourself - life is too short as it is.

As for the current drama or whatever going on, couldn't really care less. I just became kind of burnt out on AVNs in general and now I'm just used to not playing anything. I think I still skulk around on the threads because a part of me wants to go back to the time when I was playing these and it felt like a little escape from reality for a bit. (Or maybe find that next hidden gem that's going to blow up in popularity;))

I hope I can find the time/will to play these again one day but I'm just dealing with my own shit. Feels like I can't justify sitting down for a few hours a week to play when I have a mountain of crap to take care of while every day feels like it just gets worse. It's half-assed I know, but I'm just really stressed out.


Jul 4, 2019
Yes and No.
OK then let me ask otherwise... So this is similar to "Where it all began" the same main story with a few differences and maybe at max 5 minutes playtime of let's call it continuation of the story ...
I don't really understand why people would pay for a story retold 4 or 5 times with deviations ... It seems like Dev had no road map nor defined milestones... If this was his job/company this would be a
bankruptcy declaration... Nice Arts are good, but at a point audience needs to see something really new and get the story to an end ...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2022
One of these days you guys will have to get out of your little bubble, within your safe echo chamber and realize that this deluge of negative comments isn't due to hatred of Ocean or his game. I doubt Ocean fucked everyone's moms here or something. This isn't an army out to get the bad Ocean man because he's the antichrist.

For years now I've witnessed you guys (you know who I mean) dismiss all negative opinions of SG as hatred by trolls. I've pointed it out relentlessly. Can we give it a rest already? By all means roast the obvious trolls, we can all spot them, but don't lump everyone in the troll bag just because they disagree with you.

Sometimes negative feedback is just negative feedback. Sometimes the reality is that your own perception does not match the perception of so many others...
Come on, what are you even talking about?

You should know it better dont you? Youre one of the few critics who presents his dislikes in a reasonable and normal way. Of course there will always be people discuss about some of your negative points but i dont think you arent taken seriously or considered a troll by most.

And he's right, there is a big amount of accounts who do nothing else on f95 but hate sg or write bad reviews for it. Usually not even backed up with specifics about what they dislike, its just "development too slow" (which is still a somewhat good case) or "shit game, everything sucks, no nudes, no nothing, i want to puke on everyone who likes this" (which is more common).

Of course there are people with valid ciritcs or people who just dislike the avn, which is fine but like 70% of the critics are just mindless trolls doing mindless ranting out of frustation.

And always behaving like they are the messiah, like it would be a new information for the supporters that there are no lewds in this game or that the development is slow. Yes we know that, we still like the AVN, sorry.

And this is a kind of shitstorm i wouldnt even wish for the worst, greediest and shittiest devs around. These guys behave like Ocean is the wost dev in history of AVN's, the devil himself while at the same time AVN's get abandoned left and right or just utterly suck.

There isnt any comparision, theres not a single high quality avn getting this much hate, usually people just move on when they dislike something. while SG somehow makes them stick around to educate everyone around how bad this avn really is.

The intensity of the hate feels like ocean indeed fucked their mothers, im unable to comprehend how you can dislike a avn or avn-dev this much to be honest.

Not even blatlantly milking devs with way more supporters get this amount of shit thrown at them.

Its just completly out of proportion at this point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Can I ask you something, I'm really curious. :unsure:

What makes you feel like hanging out in the thread of a game that you have no motivation to play? I just want to figure it out. You are definitely not here because you are interested in discussing the plot of the game, its characters, various theories and other topics directly related to the game. Then why are you here?

For example, there are very good games on this site that are on the first page of games sorted by rating. They have much more fans than SG. Moreover, these games are recommended to me by my buddies here on the Zone, and I know for sure that they have good taste in games. But for some reason I personally don’t have the motivation to play these games. These games are good, they just not for me.

So, I don't follow their threads, I don't follow their news and updates, I don't participate in discussions about these games, I don't follow their developers on Discord. And damn it, even when my friends once again blame me for ignoring such a wonderful game, I weakly laugh it off.

Because I couldn't care less. I'm getting bored when they talk about this game, I always have a dozen other games in stock that may be much worse in graphics, plot, anything, but nevertheless they interested me with something. I can't imagine wasting effort, time and energy discussing games I have no interest in.

So why are you hanging out in the thread of a game you don't have motivation to play?
That's a fair question. And it's not that I specifically don't have any motivation to play this game. I've just become kind of burnt out in general. At any rate, I'll stop cluttering the feed with my sad shit.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
I'd be interested in your (and others') opinion on aspects of the chapter 2 rewrites with respect to the Bella path. I haven't finished a full playthrough yet, so I probably still lack perspective...

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In my playthrough of CH 2, I noticed a few things:

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Cheers!! :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
Why is it that every time someone talks about censorship he's talking about penises? Has anyone complained about the lack of dicks in the game? I guess when people complain about censorship they mean other scenes, for example:
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Yeah, so much is being talked about the Nami lake scene but not the other ones. Some of them I can somewhat understand for tone of certain scenes, but the Nami cuddling one is kinda bizarre for example along with a few others. Especially if the Nami lake scene is being reverted to the uncensored version.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
In my playthrough of CH 2, I noticed a few things:

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Cheers!! :coffee:
Just a slight change in the MC's answer to Amber's question: "I get the feeling that you are... Let's say in some way blaming yourself?" certainly gives more food for theories :)


Apr 19, 2019
Lmao, as expected the thread exploded, lol.

I played the new version last night until the date with Bella, and among other things that jump at me (I've forgotten some cause it's been an entire day since):
- Ayua looked normal until chapter 2 when we suddenly got her mother out of nowhere, I don't know why he didn't redo her in chapter 1 then as well
- Ocean is giving even more of a lip service to feminists than he did before, Bella is suddenly calling MC the word I've heard only feminists use, namely the famous "incel"
- heist was funny, but honestly with the work that went into it we could've received half of chapter 6 instead
- Bella is still gorgeous af and the nudity scenes were nice, dunno why anyone would be displeased with her body, but then again I'm biased
- the first basketball match was a bit more shippy than previous version? and MC/Bella relationship progressed faster due to new heist, but then suddenly slowed down to old tempo

Lastly, to sum up (I haven't finished the playthrough yet): the development time spent on this politically-correct mess could've been spent on chapter 6 instead. Plus, people who were complaining over soundtrack taking so much of his focus were seemingly correct cause from what members have been saying here, it wasn't Steam that was the reason for the self-censure and loss of most lewd scenes; it was music contract clauses. As somebody who always plays VNs with headphones sitting on my desk I really don't understand why I'm being punished when I'm not even being given something in return that I value.

The revelation that Ocean actually plans on FIVE GAMES being released when he's been incapable of moving EVEN ONE MORE PAST 1/4 of the way to the finish in 5 years.... FIVE FREAKING YEARS!!! is fucking hilarious and laughable. And tragic.

I don't think we'll ever see SG completed. Not with him with his head up in the clouds (or somewhere darker, smellier), especially not in a never-ending death spiral of constant reworks without even attempting to move the story forward (25% of the story is completed and he's already 5 years in development... think about that).


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Yeah, so much is being talked about the Nami lake scene but not the other ones. Some of them I can somewhat understand for tone of certain scenes, but the Nami cuddling one is kinda bizarre for example along with a few others. Especially if the Nami lake scene is being reverted to the uncensored version.
Because he was forced to tick the 'frequent nudity' option by Steam, thus he will be putting some back in but not so many that it will switch the age rating.

It may seem strange to a non Steam developer, but everything was done to avoid losing music he had paid money for and to avoid an 18+ rating. People can disagree with that naturally, but then it'snot their business or livelihood on the line is it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
How legit is this as of now.
Based on the note on the bottom, this was accurate (based on what has been shared by Ocean, primarily on Discord) as of Dec, 2023.

Some thoughts/theories by various fans of SG:

The dark stuff is getting cut back/is gone (see the notes about dom/sub Amber & Bella content).

There are a few new teachers that are not included in the list - I have not seen anything confirming them as lewdable or no sexy time at all.

The chances for one of the new teachers to become another LI is limited/unlikely based on other comments by Ocean.

The guaranteed LI's and Zara (based on the notes for her as an LI) are, we believe, going to be LIs regardless of what happens with other women.

No harem and, sadly, I very strongly doubt that we will somehow get an Amber/Bella throuple.

We may get more refinement of this list once the dust from the Steam/Patreon/SS release of SG Season 1 settles but I am not aware of a specific timeline for any update.

Cheers!! :coffee:
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