Yeah. I get that he's passionate about this game and about the dev, but at this point it's getting as tiring as all the doomers.
PS: yeah, Amber is hot, but she is hot
for an older woman (major qualifier). Why get an old car when the new one is cheaper and it's gonna run longer and have fewer issues? And at her age health issues are gonna start popping up more and more frequently and she's getting into menopause (if she hasn't already) and that a whole new unpleasant experience for the woman AND her partner (who is literally a kid at this point and barely equipped to deal with girls his age, much less a woman as old as his mother that is past child-bearing age and should have a partner of similar maturity and life experience level to stand by her as her body goes through the major change of losing it's entire purpose of existence: ability to propagate the species). He's a kid, he should be worrying about studying, passing exams, renting hotel rooms for sex and worrying about unplanned pregnancies and then marrying and starting a family, NOT about heat flashes, depression, compromised ability to retain water, bloating, etc.
Plus, you won't ever have kids of your own if you tie your life to her and, let's be honest, most of people who I know that never had kids are seriously badly adjusted and dysfunctional (and egotistical). Really don't see appeal of cougars.
Bella is literally a hotter Amber, just MUCH younger with all her best years still ahead of her (in terms of looks, sexual health, child bearing and while still retaining her youthful and refreshing personality compared to jadedness, baggage, anger and bitterness of mature woman and divorcee), while Amber is already over the top of the hill starting on the downward slope. Unlike for Bella, life and health won't get better for her, only worse.