No, and trying to go for a harem/playing as a manwhore is likely to backfire as the girls will warn each other that you're trying to play the field. At most you can get a throuple, but they are hard to get, and there currently isn't one in the game to understand what the difficulties of keeping both LI's happy will be.
The scene with Bella if Nika kissed Mila on Mila's route is hilarious. I can see that I'm want to do play throughs where I screw up the relationships for scenes like that
The scene with Bella if Nika kissed Mila on Mila's route is hilarious. I can see that I'm want to do play throughs where I screw up the relationships for scenes like that
You apparently entered our conversation without fully understanding its meaning, so we are talking about different things. Nobody talked about PG; in principle, no one is interested in it because there are a lot of systems similar to it and they are all 95% the same.
Your reference is 18+, we have no such thing when it comes to age restriction, except that at 17 you're not allowed to vote, buy alcohol or drive a car.
I just presented what's relevant to me, where I live and pay my taxes.
Things may be different in your part of the globe but they may not apply to all of us.
Can you guys link some scenes where a girl or girls shows jealousy during the game? I'm just curious in terms of who was jealous at any point during the game.
Yeah, this is not the kind of game where it's easy to enter a throuple.
I care mainly about Sasha anyway. It's early to tell, but a throuple with her and Robin is highly likely, given how close they are. Won't say no to that.
I looked at the list it doesn't really have any bookclub women. There is at least 2 lewdables Anna and Jenna. Especially since Anna gave Nika her number.
I've said some stupid shit these last few days (or several) my bad and sorry. Ignore my dumb responses especially when they make no sense but to me and my brain at the time. My brain and me connected for that split second ignoring everything else but our connected point.
I am slowly teetering on the road of collapse.... as I said this, Clerks 2 popped into my mind, did it pop into yours?
I'm still not finished with Season 1... that tabletop game part really took a toll on me. I just kept thinking "all this time could have been spent on actual story progression! wtf man!" it was nice seeing Nami like Tomb Raider with big hoonkaloos but man... I didn't give a fuck about it or those big breasted/assed fuckiens.
Could have spent time with other LI's within that time... like come on... shit lasted a long fucking time and I almost fell asleep. Good quality renders but sleepy time random shit. Anyways, after that shit, I stopped lol. Haven't jumped back into cause... my face is tired.
I'm tired... be back whenever the moon connects with that star and that star the sun... yeah
I looked at the list it doesn't really have any bookclub women. There is at least 2 lewdables Anna and Jenna. Especially since Anna gave Nika her number.
The book club scene includes more than 2 new lewdables IMO - but, the LI list post I included in my response is based on Ocean's confirmation of LI/lewdable status, via dev log or more likely Discord.
For now, this is what we are aware of.
I think the lewdable list will expand through time as new women are added to the story - like some of those in the book club, but we need to advance the story first - so that these encounters make sense relative to the MC, his ability to perform and his ability to Not have a panic attack due to the increased social interaction needed before those encounters occur.
Literally the first result if you use the search engine properly. There's no need to go through the pages. Sure, when all the guys just type "compressed" in the search they found only all the other lazy dudes who don't wanted to search.
Literally the first result if you use the search engine properly. There's no need to go through the pages. Sure, when all the guys just type "compressed" in the search they found only all the other lazy dudes who don't wanted to search.
Okay, you're polite and honest about. Let me guide you and maybe the mod's are kind enough to not delete this post because of off-topic, so maybe some users more could read this. The last time I helped I got threadbaned at another thread for a week, but that week never ended because the mod fucked it up.
In the Game Compression Request thread the Staff mad clear how our dear compressors should provide their work. They even gave a template: