
Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2022
Well, who imports exotic spiders and throws them into someone's bedroom to scare them? A hockey mask would be a cheaper way to say boo! The Oceanverse isn't following the laws of normal life, even if it appears to mostly align with it: Nika nd Bella's hair defying both wind and gravity and having their own propulsion are classic examples.

Going back to why someone would pay to corrupt a judge over something petty - this assumes Stephan doesn't already have a corrupt police officer (Wiab certainly suggests they're a dime a dozen) who can file charges. No judge required until sentencing. We know Nami had her own childhood friend police officer Jane on speed dial for the cabin incident, so it's not implausible that Stephan has Ceril ready to do anything in exchange for him getting her closer to Bella.
Fair argument about the spiders but at least thats gang/mafia stuff and rivals and not a super rich family bullying a poor young girl without reason (that we know of). Mila even defended the holgerson son towards Nika in the beginning which makes a huge grudge or really bad blood from him seem unlikely.

And yeah of course, a corrupt police officer is possible, but influencing a judge or jury for something which doesnt makes any sense and is just petty? I dont think they intend to go through with it and kinda just want to mindfuck mila.

Why? Because they're richer than they purposes to spend money. The guy has astatue of golden underwear. He is clearly frivolous and wasteful. Why NOT fuck with Mila's life because the golden boy asks? Why not mess with her, then appear to drop charges, because that's the closest Setphan will ever get to feeling like a Chad. It kinda doesn't matter, because they've actually done it, filed fake charges against Mila without evidence. If they go ahead with it, it is simply through the hedonistic excitement of ruining someone's life. I mean why bully Mila anyway? People who are out of touch with reality and insulated by wealth live by different rules.

The other thing to remember is plot wise, there is at least one lawyer friendly to the Zane's (Dana) with another probably (Elena) unless Ocean has changed Elena's role in WiaB for the current version, both of them high profile, decimate their opponents type of lawyers. Stephan's probably got access to the same people the Zane's do, seeing Zoey and Katie dated (unless there's a falling out we don't yet know about). So it's not hard to imagine these rich people treating Mila's life like a more exciting tabletop episode. Vanessa's "And yet, I know so much about you... Miss Steiner." is not ominous AT ALL with the focus on her self satisfied smile. Mila is being plotted against, we just don't know why.
I still cant see stephan holgerson doing these actions out of pettyness which isnt even his own but his sons. Im not convinced yet that he is comic relief evil yet, maybe his son lied to him tho.

Im like 100% sure that Dana wouldnt take this case (rich family without any evidence against poor young student) and doubt it about Elena either. These are high profile lawyers who wont take a case without evidence which is obviosuly made up. Pretty sure its against their morality and is way too unimportant of a case anyway.

Maybe they own similar clubs like leia or zoey has the porn studio and the want to push mila to work there? I dunno, nothing of this makes much sense to me yet.

Finally, the level of wealth on display in SG beggars WiaB. The Zane's have a cute house, nothing special. The farm, nothing special. No one seems to have anything remotely as opulent/extravagent as they do in SG. Everything is overblown, deliberately.

I'm waiting for Nika's line "Shit. Gotta stop eating Gio's pizzas before going to sleep. Getting the most insane dreams where I'm a dirt poor edgelord missing an edge, and everyone is richer than me" :KEK:
Yooooo, did you saw Leia's "house"?
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Jul 29, 2020
What does Nick do for a living? He's got a huge house, drives a koenigsegg
he's had a good insurance and they pay him a lot after his bike accident ! :LOL:

For Amber, she has a really good house for a psychologist... and with a material girl like Bella (2 very expensive cars and all the items she has in her room...) What job did her ex-husband could have ? or maybe they also got a good insurance from Bella's sis accident too... I would not want being an insurer in that world !
Noji is a talented doctor but struggles so much financially to take care of Nami and Nika, those guys must have had some legacies from their parents that might help to do something else than feed the mice or buy rolls. Surely the same kind of legacy with Vic and Maja, but they don't have an adult who help them and they still have the house.
So many orphans versus so many extremely rich people...


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
It's not clear yet... I think he's a mobster, but he's definitely involved in crime... I hope I'm not wrong... :unsure:
cooperates with William :D
he's had a good insurance and they pay him a lot after his bike accident ! :LOL:

For Amber, she has a really good house for a psychologist... and with a material girl like Bella (2 very expensive cars and all the items she has in her room...) What job did her ex-husband could have ? or maybe they also got a good insurance from Bella's sis accident too... I would not want being an insurer in that world !
Noji is a talented doctor but struggles so much financially to take care of Nami and Nika, those guys must have had some legacies from their parents that might help to do something else than feed the mice or buy rolls. Surely the same kind of legacy with Vic and Maja, but they don't have an adult who help them and they still have the house.
So many orphans versus so many extremely rich people...
really a lot of question regarding the financial part..... But how Nami and Nika live with Nojiko's salary is basically realistic.
Amber's sister is a school nurse, but Amber lives in a mansion, her daughter spends tens of thousands of dollars on clothes. Strange. But probably really money left over from the husband, maybe he died in the accident where and Bella's sister got a vegetative state


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
Fair argument about the spiders but at least thats gang/mafia stuff and rivals and not a super rich family bullying a poor young girl without reason (that we know of). Mila even defended the holgerson son towards Nika in the beginning which makes a huge grudge or really bad blood from him seem unlikely.

And yeah of course, a corrupt police officer is possible, but influencing a judge or jury for something which doesnt makes any sense and is just petty? I dont think they intend to go through with it and kinda just want to mindfuck mila.

I still cant see stephan holgerson doing these actions out of pettyness which isnt even his own but his sons. Im not convinced yet that he is comic relief evil yet, maybe his son lied to him tho.

Im like 100% sure that Dana wouldnt take this case (rich family without any evidence against poor young student) and doubt it about Elena either. These are high profile lawyers who wont take a case without evidence which is obviosuly made up. Pretty sure its against their morality and is way too unimportant of a case anyway.

Maybe they own similar clubs like leia or zoey has the porn studio and the want to push mila to work there? I dunno, nothing of this makes much sense to me yet.

Yooooo, did you saw Leia's "house"?
I mean, I agree with what you're saying in the normal world - but Vanessa's dialogue in
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renders shows that Vanessa knows something about what's going on, which is funny because if Nika couldn't have met Vanessa because they're in different social circles... well Mila is also not part of Vanessa's world. Vanessa's making a dominant/threatening point to Mila, right at the moment Mila's world has collapsed. The point I'm making here is there is something unknown going on in Mila's life that Vanessa is using for leverage, or she's telling Mila she's not actually escaped anything, frying pan to fire. Not really so neighbourly or normal. This is one of the baselines to measure what level of danger Mila is in. Either Mario is confiding in Vanessa about the charges (plausible) or there's been something going on that we don't know of. This makes it seem much larger than charging Mila as a scapegoat.

So with that as a reference, going through your other points:
- We know nothing about Mila and Mario's interactions from Mario's side. We also don't know of any history between the families in Wollust. Is Stefan getting at Mila to hurt her mom? Anything is possible with a reveal.

- Mila's defence of Mario could be to distract Nika from doing something really stupid (which we know doesn't work in the end), knowing that the threats of what would happen if Nika touched any of them are serious.

- We have no judge or jury yet, only charges, with no set court date. I would imagine it'll be used for leverage, even if just social leverage (Oh that Stefan, he's so swell, he let that poor thief off the hook and droped charges, what a swell guy! etc)

- I'm also not suggesting he is comic relief. Definitely manipulative. The cat is evil comic relief ...unless Stefan turns out to be a werecat and SG turns into From Dusk TO Dawn part 2.:KEK:

- Dana is already potentially compromised in WiaB if you consider the dialgoue between her and Mon. And Elena was already taking cases for the (more) corrupt sides in WiaB but maybe that has changed. But it's unlikely to go that far, as I do consider it a form of social engineering Stefan wants to grandstand on. But if it was to go to court, I don't think he'd care about the money if it was to further his personal principles, or use it to hurt someone else. Who knows? He might have a lawyer on retainer, it's pretty likely.

- The pimp thing? If you consider how Vanessa eye bangs Mila just before those screen shots, I'd say it's likely and they'll offer for her charges to be dropped in return for being some kind of waitress at Leia's club - maybe Stefan owes Leia a favour. Ocean seems big on the favours being traded.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
I mean, I agree with what you're saying in the normal world - but Vanessa's dialogue in
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renders shows that Vanessa knows something about what's going on, which is funny because if Nika couldn't have met Vanessa because they're in different social circles... well Mila is also not part of Vanessa's world. Vanessa's making a dominant/threatening point to Mila, right at the moment Mila's world has collapsed. The point I'm making here is there is something unknown going on in Mila's life that Vanessa is using for leverage, or she's telling Mila she's not actually escaped anything, frying pan to fire. Not really so neighbourly or normal. This is one of the baselines to measure what level of danger Mila is in. Either Mario is confiding in Vanessa about the charges (plausible) or there's been something going on that we don't know of. This makes it seem much larger than charging Mila as a scapegoat.

So with that as a reference, going through your other points:
- We know nothing about Mila and Mario's interactions from Mario's side. We also don't know of any history between the families in Wollust. Is Stefan getting at Mila to hurt her mom? Anything is possible with a reveal.

- Mila's defence of Mario could be to distract Nika from doing something really stupid (which we know doesn't work in the end), knowing that the threats of what would happen if Nika touched any of them are serious.

- We have no judge or jury yet, only charges, with no set court date. I would imagine it'll be used for leverage, even if just social leverage (Oh that Stefan, he's so swell, he let that poor thief off the hook and droped charges, what a swell guy! etc)

- I'm also not suggesting he is comic relief. Definitely manipulative. The cat is evil comic relief ...unless Stefan turns out to be a werecat and SG turns into From Dusk TO Dawn part 2.:KEK:

- Dana is already potentially compromised in WiaB if you consider the dialgoue between her and Mon. And Elena was already taking cases for the (more) corrupt sides in WiaB but maybe that has changed. But it's unlikely to go that far, as I do consider it a form of social engineering Stefan wants to grandstand on. But if it was to go to court, I don't think he'd care about the money if it was to further his personal principles, or use it to hurt someone else. Who knows? He might have a lawyer on retainer, it's pretty likely.

- The pimp thing? If you consider how Vanessa eye bangs Mila just before those screen shots, I'd say it's likely and they'll offer for her charges to be dropped in return for being some kind of waitress at Leia's club - maybe Stefan owes Leia a favour. Ocean seems big on the favours being traded.
I think it might be jealousy I could be wrong. Vanessas man had interest in Mila. Probably talked to Vanessa alot about her and Vanessa is jealous cause unlike her. Milas sex appeal is natural without having to manipulate and boost herself up. Plus if you notice Milas reaction to being touched by Vanessa was not the reaction Vanessa was use to getting. She seemed kinda repulsed like bitch why you touching me. She was like Nika not impressed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
Bella and Nika are the William and Leia. Bella and Leia aggressive, Violent, Sexy and stubborn. Nika and William scheming, observative of people and believe they have the answers to every situation. All 4 suffered trauma.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
Bella and Nika are the William and Leia. Bella and Leia aggressive, Violent, Sexy and stubborn. Nika and William scheming, observative of people and believe they have the answers to every situation. All 4 suffered trauma.
Yes, unfortunately Nika is useless from the waist down... Mr. Director, we need a new main protagonist...

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
If I'm not mistaken, there will be a time skip in the near future, right?
I don't recall anything in the game that alluded to an upcoming time skip. What makes you think that?
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And I probably forgot some other plot points too.

A time skip at this point makes very little sense to me.

Unless by time skip you mean Ocean the usual sweet time for the next release, then yeah, there probably will be a time skip in the near future.


May 29, 2023
I think youre focussing to much on good/bad, Nika didnt stated that Bella's a saint doing nothing wrong, he only said she isnt this bad and im pretty sure his intention is to get them closer over time (similar like with vic). Most of the SG character are neither good nor bad, most of them did shitty things in the past but i think all of them are developing.

Does it really make Bella a bad person to steal from the Holgersons? Its of course against the law but .. than all characters of wiab are bad persons or at least the whole zane family. I consider them all in some grey area.

And what do you expect Nika (or Bella) to do? Come clean about being thieves? Going to the police and destroying their own future? Thats just way too much considering the holgersons dont have any evidence against Mila and just using her as a scapegoat. An outcome which neither Nika or Bella intended and which - to be frank - wasnt possible to foresee because its so stupid.

Mila of course isnt bad either, shes just one more person who didnt did everything right in the past, i think this elevates the characters in SG. Not every girl is the perfect innocent virgin and not every guy is an small dicked asshole lol, They all have layers which makes them less boring and cardboard.

I still dont really get why you blame Nika and Bella for the Holgersons accusation of Mila. How should they have anticipated this bullshit? The holgersons are to blame for accusing a innocent person of theft, im pretty sure they know it wasnt Mila. And which judghe thinks it was her without evidene?
I should have made it clear right away why I find Nika and Bella's actions against the Holgersons so bad. I just assumed you'd already seen my previous posts on this topic and I don't need to repeat it again.

Not the heist but the use of Vanessa makes them look particularly awful. Bob mentioned how sinister she is towards Mila, so indeed she might be involved. But before, she is presented as just Mario's girlfriend, she had nothing to do with what's going on between them. Even if Bella has seen her previously and made a bad impression of her, Bella never said why Vanessa deserved to be treated like that. Vanessa's perceived as innocent here.

Bella's convinced Stefan wants her mother. Hmm, let's assume. But at the same time, she doesn't have a problem giving him another woman for the sake of her and Nika's stupid plan. No doubt if it hadn't failed, they would have used her. And they didn't learn any moral lessons, they just shrugged and moved on. Give them a different victim and they'll try to do it again.

That alone is completely fucked up.

And for that reason, the restroom scene doesn't work for me. Just like the words that Nika says to Mila. Bella's regrets have no weight, so far they don't affect her actions. She has a selective sense of conscience. Nika who advises her to redeem herself for bullying a woman remains silent in the Vanessa situation. They're both blind.

Regarding Mila, I blame Nika for his stupidity that got her in trouble. How is he not responsible if he acted like an idiot when she told him not to do anything foolish? She acted like an adult, he acted like a child. Mario didn't say anything bad to her, he only insulted Nika's hair. And if Nika is involved in the heist, you may not see it as a big deal, but I find his act particularly pitiful given how disproportionate was his response. I don't get why I should treat it like it's not a big deal. In my eyes, that makes him an undeniably bad person.

Before the rework, Nika and Bella looked even worse. If I remember correctly, Bella mentioned that she had studied the layout of the Holgerson house and she knew the location of the security cameras. She was planned this in advance and she acted like someone for whom this wasn't the first heist. Nika had planned something specific against the Holgersons before they charged Mila. His dialog was rewritten and now he sounds less ominous. He came up with the plan on the fly... but was preparing just some ideas since they insulted Mila.

Overall, Nika and Bella are doing shitty things right now. I see no reason why they should be in a grey area. They're straight up awful people. I ofc don't consider them evil, that's too strong for their description.

What do you mean he told her she isn't this bad?
He explicitly said she isn't bad person, far from it.
And she replied to him, I know. And the story just moved on.

Meanwhile, they're doing awful things that aren't being judged at all.

I don't mind the characters making excuses for themselves. They are human, they can be wrong. But I'm not okay that the story that presents itself very seriously and supposed to be about healing and redemption gives this slack and doesn't show signs they're misguided.

This whole thing bothers me because Ocean isn't being completely honest about Nika and Bella's behavior, on purpose or not. This could be for the better or bad depending on how the story progress. But for now, this leads to a twisted view of the characters.

I'm not blaming him, by the way. He is hostage to the format in which he tells the story. And if he's telling it right, it'll probably be another two-three or ten :HideThePain: years before we get to a rethinking of Bella and Nika's behavior.

The main factor that makes me trust him is Leia and the consequences she faces. He is very frank and honest about her, sometimes cruel. I love the way he reveals her. Of course, that doesn't mean he should treat Bella in the same manner. She's more likeable person. My favorite little moment with her is when she sees a child with parents and smiles. It was cute, I smiled back. I can't imagine Leia in her shoes.

Most WiAB characters are in a gray area because we know too little about them. But we know enough about Leia to conclude that she is without a doubt a bad person, personally I see her far worse than Bella and Nika.
Haha im just really not a age-gap fan and i love ayua :KEK: And Miss Marla addiotnaly is rather ugly and esp irritating with her behavior.
Well, I'm not really interested in Marla either. If I had to choose between having a romance with her or Ayua in the game, I would choose Marla. And if I was offered a choice of which one of them should be a LI, I would choose Ayua. But only because Marla makes more sense as a lewdable, not because she's somehow worse than the rest of the LIs or Ayua. I hope I didn't confuse you with my train of thought here. :ROFLMAO:
I still cant see stephan holgerson doing these actions out of pettyness which isnt even his own but his sons. Im not convinced yet that he is comic relief evil yet, maybe his son lied to him tho.
I'm pretty sure Ocean's intentionally creating this pathetic comic evil image around Stefan to trick our expectations. Bella says Stefan lusts after her mother, but I don't buy it. She doesn't provide any solid evidence. Her accusations of him being a pedophile look even more suspicious.

I also doubt Mario asked Stefan to press charges against Mila. From what we've seen of Mario, he looks more like a weak guy who got involved with bad company and blindly repeats after his rich friends so he doesn't get out of their circle. He acts very passive when he sees Mila, doesn't say anything against her, just smirks at his friends' comments, but immediately turns away when Nika stands up for her. The fact that Vanessa turned him into her play toy only confirms it.

Anyway, that's just my first impression of him. There's a possibility he doesn't actually hold any grudge against Mila and what is happening between them is somewhat similar to what happened between Mila and Bella when they were kids. It will be interesting if Mario has his own healing theme too.

I don't think the Holgersons are going after Mila because of some pettiness. I don't believe it also because it just doesn't take the plot anywhere. Either Stefan has plans for her or he somehow knows about Nika's involvement and he's using her as bait against him.

I've seen the suggestion that there might be conflict between the Holgersons and the Zanes. And at some point in the story the Zanes would stand up for Nika to save him from Stefan (BobTheDuck, if I remember correctly, you mentioned this possibility). But is there any indication of that in the game?

On the contrary, I get the impression that the Holgersons and the Zanes might be in the same boat. I think it's more likely that the Zanes, the Petrovas, the Reveras, the Holgersons and detective Ceril, all of them are part of the same criminal network. And the more we interact with them the closer we get to Leia and William.

If the Holgersons and Zanes are indeed working together, then I'm just taking a wild guess here: Stefan wants to get Mila to work at Leia's club. There are hints of this plot twist. Mila is poor and needs money. Bella's jokes about her working part-time as a prostitute. Mila's disapproval of Nia being a camgirl and then her shock when she hears how much Nia makes per day.
Finally, the level of wealth on display in SG beggars WiaB. The Zane's have a cute house, nothing special. The farm, nothing special. No one seems to have anything remotely as opulent/extravagent as they do in SG. Everything is overblown, deliberately.
Yeah, the farm, nothing special. Except for the underground Gus Fring-type drug lab. :LUL: Depending on how big that lab was and what drugs they're developing there, it could have cost them as much as the entire Holgerson house, minus the gold panties... Just kidding, of course. But it still cost them a lot, I think.
The pimp thing? If you consider how Vanessa eye bangs Mila just before those screen shots, I'd say it's likely and they'll offer for her charges to be dropped in return for being some kind of waitress at Leia's club - maybe Stefan owes Leia a favour. Ocean seems big on the favours being traded.
I just had a wild theory. What if Vanessa is lying about this "I'll never have to work" nonsense and is actually working for Leia at her club instead Emilio? She examines Mila, her future subordinate whom Stefan is offering to Leia. She establishes contacts with her in order to later influence her to work at the club. Evil, evil witch. :devilish:
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