
Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
Relationships in this game are fluid. Have been so for a while. What is factual today may turn out to be a mere figment of your imagination tomorrow. My advice is go with what makes sense to you. Just don't get too attached because it's only a matter of time until the dev decides to change things again.

Actually don't get too attached to the story either. There is nothing that doesn't get dramatically altered every few updates. The Frohn sisters were once not sisters but seem to be back to it now. Nojiko's had a couple of last names already, I'm not sure which one we're on now. The MC and Nami...well the story was written one way but then publishers and music rights holders weren't too keen on that so now...well who knows? Some of the ladies may or not be shapeshifters as their bodies, faces or hair changes constantly. Sometimes from render to render. Don't worry you'll get used to it :HideThePain:

I hope you are a creative person or have some imagination, enough to make up your own head canon that makes the narrative make sense. Otherwise, there's confusing times ahead for ya...
And yet here we all are still :) We're all totally into denial and blue ball fetishes here.* In fact there are some users who are so in denial, they deny their denial and they're still here. I get hopeful and euphoric on a lack of essential oxygen maybe?

*Currently holding my excited breath for S2C1, I think my feet are tingling with blueness also! Time for a coffeeso I can make Nami faces:coffee::whistle:


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
2scenes in the preview of steam season 1. I hope makes it in 2. Scene where Mila has a bruise on her collar and Victoria is in the hospital bed. Victoria one I thought was going to be in season 1 after the accident which would have made sense. But I wonder if it is a scene from a future surgery. But something tells me it's just something put in the preview for viewing only it has no future in the series.


Mar 3, 2019
And yet here we all are still :) We're all totally into denial and blue ball fetishes here.* In fact there are some users who are so in denial, they deny their denial and they're still here. I get hopeful and euphoric on a lack of essential oxygen maybe?

*Currently holding my excited breath for S2C1, I think my feet are tingling with blueness also! Time for a coffeeso I can make Nami faces:coffee::whistle:
I'm certainly not in denial at least, I love this game thus far. But, The inconsistencies are kind of hard to fully ignore. Then again, I'm a newcomer to this game and thread. So that may be why I'm not in denial, unlike some of you crazy's :KEK:. I say that with full love, mind you ;) rita-hayworth-whirling-gif-502.gif


Mar 3, 2019
2scenes in the preview of steam season 1. I hope makes it in 2. Scene where Mila has a bruise on her collar and Victoria is in the hospital bed. Victoria one I thought was going to be in season 1 after the accident which would have made sense. But I wonder if it is a scene from a future surgery. But something tells me it's just something put in the preview for viewing only it has no future in the series.
Why do you believe that ? I'm genuinely wondering.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
Sorry but this would not stop anyone prople love HOT crazy mean diva psychos like bella ....PEOPLE love prom queens and prople would stick dick in crazy espacilly guys that would love woman like bella ...

Dont get me wrong I like the game and bella is one of the most beautiful woman I saw in VN and her relationship/ romance build up is INSANLY :love: :love: good for VN....

But where it all began will have more gangs,darker thems and also more adult story with more competition / path you dont always know if you win or come out alive

If SG follows more a Bdik logic which I guess it will alot of things will become more unrealistic immersive wise because you already know MC will win and that you can pick any scenario and come out as winner....

Which makes the story not as exicting like other games with harem logic( not harem games but simmular logic) its like reading song of ice and fire but you already know nobody is dying and what will happen

So I personally prefer the WIAB approche were you have more drama ,more male cheracters , who to trust? Who are you enemys ? Different path like bad endings and good engings .... you need to be careful around other gang members outplay them and carefully pick you answers.... it will have more unespected stuff happening and I like the tension of jeliousy/ competition......

But we will see how SG will turn out hope I am wrong:cry:

But still love bella and her amazing relationship build up hope she dont turns soft her mean / bitchy/banter site
I think there will be consequences, maybe not as full blown as WiaB, but it won't be a walk in the park. We've already seen Bella drive into a pedestrian, not that different from Marla hitting Vic really, except Bella has no remorse. Ocean's said that jealousy will affect throuples, so throuples will be incredibly challenging for the player to keep. This will mean more consequences of loss. We've already seen that Nika's actions do lead to immediate changes in the way people react to him, such as the reporter, going to the gym etc. So there is already a mechanism/tracker that makes sure there are consequences.

I feel the Zane drama stuff will be lurking in the background, and the focus will be on Nika. I don't think it will continue directly the 'action' part of the WiaB plot, but we will see the consequences of what happened there. I think Nika's dramas will be mainly in response to his actions and to Summer. Summer's the wildcard, as her story changes the whole premise of what story Ocean's telling - ie if she reappears and pretends the last 5 years didn't happen, Ocean's making a pretty much cookie cutter college game plot wise (that I'll still enjoy), or there's some nefarious business tied to WiaB (my preference) that results in Summer being gone. It all hinges on what direction Ocean takes Summer being gone. While it remains a mystery, we create all kinds of weird wonderful plots that make the game lively in our mind, but at some point, Ocean will clarify something (personal preference is to leave things hinted at).

As far as male characters, SG already has more than WiaB. Stefan, Mario, Antony, Mr Stahl, Jeff, Trey, Damian, Sai, Sai's friends, Kai, Jazz, Dex, Aziz, Dwight, Larry, Jake, Nick, Bella's racing friends (who'll make a reappearance and look set to through in some conflict in the romance)... there's a ton. Wiab, we have Dylan, Sven, Stefan, Lucas, Fred, Ben, Dana's unseen Martin, Gina's unseen Gary? ANd then background workers. I think what you mean is more men who have interest in LI's though. The racing bros seem to act like competition to Nika, so chances are there will be some fights. Can't have AYua train him without there being some ass whooping. Sai is still gunning for Nami I guess, and Nick's taking care of Noji. Once we start interacting with the basketball side of things more seiously, once Nika starts making more social visits outside of people's homes (such as gyms, bars etc) I think we'll start getting more tension. There's the way he acted with Justin in the library, Kai and Sai, and Mila's bullies, suggesting Nika's temper will play a part in the game.

Plenty of drama, plenty of jealousy, probably not fullblown like in WiaB, but we can play WiaB for that kind of content.

Edit: Also, consider that for Vanessa to be a LI, Nika either HAS to cuck Mario or steal Vanessa from him, and Vanessa's already shown that she'll do a striptease. She's unlikely to be faithful and do an honourable breakup first. Sai got in a fight with Nika because he sees Nika as a rival for Nami. There will be things.

2scenes in the preview of steam season 1. I hope makes it in 2. Scene where Mila has a bruise on her collar and Victoria is in the hospital bed. Victoria one I thought was going to be in season 1 after the accident which would have made sense. But I wonder if it is a scene from a future surgery. But something tells me it's just something put in the preview for viewing only it has no future in the series.
Most likely. They might have been part of longer animations that Ocean intended to be in Season 1 but got scrapped when music licenses fell through and he couldn't find music he liked. There's also the Sonya scene of her dressing, that's definitely not anywhere near Season 1, so there's always a chance. My belief is that the first two were intended to be in season one - imagine seeing that scene with Maja as Nika and Nami leave, or Mila revealing the bruise when she arrives at Nick's place. Sonya's animation has nowhere to go in S1 unless it was in the locker room.
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Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
I understand where you are coming from. I don't think that SG will became as dark as WIAB, but this is not at all as not have consequences for action, we already have a little of that. Ocean does not like harem so I would not worry about it, so far as competitions for the girls go, SG will not have NTR but Ocean did say that it will have a MMF throuple so maybe some of the competitive aspect can be expected. Still is early to tell, I am a little more invested in WIAB but I think that when SG plot stars to pick up we will have a as good of story
Again I like the game

hope prople dont understand it wrong but alot/ almost all big VN I tried to play try to Make a save space in erotic VN like it dosent matter which options you choose there will always be another hot female woman waiting for MC 8 inch throbbing cock :rolleyes: male cheracters? Comprtition well just dont exist like partys full of females or just a full female college?? Personalities with different female cheracters like the typical slutty cheerleader queen all the sudden got her experince over night and also only acts slutty with mc or changer her whole personalitie .... and so on you get the picture...

The problem from a storytelling perspective is the unexpected stuff and (losing) the reason why game of thrones was so exiting for example red weeding was fucked up but I was never expecting it to happen ,same with competition,deaths....
You alwayd sit infront of tv and tremble from exitment not knowing what will happrn and VN just dont catch this felling

Becauae they center too much around MC and save space for the erotic player that dont want to (lose) the problem with this approch is that we will never see a VN with a good story this way ....

thats why I think all this things are important .....
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Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
As far as male characters, SG already has more than WiaB. Stefan, Mario, Antony, Mr Stahl, Jeff, Trey, Damian, Sai, Sai's friends, Kai, Jazz, Dex, Aziz, Dwight, Larry, Jake, Nick, Bella's racing friends (who'll make a reappearance and look set to through in some conflict in the romance)...
the problem with this

lets imagin the game gets a bit darker bellas racing friend appears again and there will be some story tension Around bella and his racing gang

We already would know that bella would kick his balls or that MC wins anyway so all the tension wont work ... thats my whole problem when a game is too much centered around MC/ winning because before the competition appears you already know nika is the CHAD and nobody can keep up with him ...

so you will never have thr feeling of OMG WHAT iS GOING TO HAPPEN ... I made the wrong choice relode... there are other people that can compete with me I need to be carefull ... and so on

Its to predictable to be able to creat trnsion this way....

Same with save bellas mom or bella from creepy neigbour ( mabye we will see him in WIAB younger age)

But we already know we are winning.... in ever option and there is never happening anything to bella or mom...

This way you will nevrr have thr game of thrones OMG hr betrayed us , ot NO BELLa , or heartbreaking scenes , losing ,crying ,emotions..... because MC always wins ... thats the problem...


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
Why do you believe that ? I'm genuinely wondering.
Victoria got hit by a speeding car the same day she is being wheelchaired out cant walk and cuts. That's it then I guess a week later she's in school. That scene had no true emotion. In the previews shows her is a hospital bed unconscious with Maja laying her head on her bed in tears. Very impactful and emotional would be a waste not to use it. So if she by chance needs surgery and we have that scene it will pull some emotions. Mila in the preview has a big bruise on her collarbone, but in the kitchen she has a bruise on her hip from being hit by the ash tray. If they showed the neck bruise it would have been more impactful cause it would has shown visually how dangerous her situation is. Bruise on hip doesn't lessen the danger but the neck would have pushed the situation harder since it cause it would have shown inches more it could have serious damage if not death. Those 2 scenes if played in one would have been more impactful and they could still be impactful in 2.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
the problem with this

lets imagin the game gets a bit darker bellas racing friend appears again and there will be some story tension Around bella and his racing gang

We already would know that bella would kick his balls or that MC wins anyway so all the tension wont work ... thats my whole problem when a game is too much centered around MC/ winning because before the competition appears you already know nika is the CHAD and nobody can keep up with him ...

so you will never have thr feeling of OMG WHAT iS GOING TO HAPPEN ... I made the wrong choice relode... there are other people that can compete with me I need to be carefull ... and so on

Its to predictable to be able to creat trnsion this way....

Same with save bellas mom or bella from creepy neigbour ( mabye we will see him in WIAB younger age)

But we already know we are winning.... in ever option and there is never happening anything to bella or mom...

This way you will nevrr have thr game of thrones OMG hr betrayed us , ot NO BELLa , or heartbreaking scenes , losing ,crying ,emotions..... because MC always wins ... thats the problem...
I think there will be serious consequences. The police officer is after Bella, Stefan is after Mila, Nika will lose if Sai's friends get him alone. The darker themes I think will be there - ultimately Summer being gone is a dark theme, as is Bella's sister's accident, I think there will be genuine serious drama, especially as we move past the introduction. That's why I'm keen for the bar opening night - I think there can be the start of some rivalries there.

I don't think Ocean will go all the way to risk, because after all, we know Katie, Leia, William, Zoey and Stefan Emilio at least survive WiaB, so there's not an open end to all the drama. That doesn't prevent what drama there is being impactful. The nature of SG being about regret vs hope, looking back vs looking forward is just a different pile of dramas to the more reactionary (ie actively responding to circumstance) kinds of drama in WiaB. I think there will also be very reactionary moments in SG, but they will intersect with the more emotional balancing rather than be the main thrust.

I think the consequences of treating people poorly will have significant impact. The question is how Ocean will deal with Nika - as you say, if Nika stays gigachad and nothing can go wrong (like pretty much every MC in every single game, AVN or not), it will be an unsatisfactory healing story. There has to be a bad ending for the good ending to feel like an achievement. Reading about how someone overcomes adversity is not the same as making the right choices that leads to the outcome we've hoped for. So I think, more than necessarily dark themes, it just needs for Ocean to risk people being disappointed when they choice to be a manwhore and they get ostracised by all the LI's, or for Nika to chase tail and fail at college, and people around him start treating him as a loser. Things like that will help make the story more than a simple dating sim.


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
I don't think you can call two guys that pull up on Bella and harass her for sex friends...just because they know each other and race together doesn't imply friendship. View attachment 4015925
Yeah they are bad guys but without the bad guys having a chance of winning

MC will feel untouchable so choices / tension curve will have no impact because you cant make wrong choices ( forced to deal with choice or reload a old save)

So it will not feel threatening if they appear again or if there is a (competition)

So with bad endings,drama ,dealing with dark thems ,trouble no good story or moments of made wrong choices... emotional damage and so on....

The question is how Ocean will deal with Nika - as you say, if Nika stays gigachad and nothing can go wrong (like pretty much every MC in every single game, AVN or not)
The reason why red dead 2 or cyberpunk edgerunner, game of thrones and so on..... are so good/shooking / emotional/ unexpected is because this is not the case....

The cheracters around MC and MC are not some godlike untouchable cheracters by plot ...
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Jun 3, 2022
Yeah they are bad guys but without the bad guys having a chance of winning

MC will feel untouchable so choices / tension curve will have no impact because you cant make wrong choices ( forced to deal with choice or reload a old save)

So it will not feel threatening if they appear again or if there is a (competition)

So with bad endings,drama ,dealing with dark thems ,trouble no good story or moments of made wrong choices... emotional damage and so on....
Just because you make all the "right decisions" doesn't mean everything will work out. For all we know it will lead to Thelma and Louise or a Bonny and Clyde ending.


Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2020
Yeah they are bad guys but without the bad guys having a chance of winning

MC will feel untouchable so choices / tension curve will have no impact because you cant make wrong choices ( forced to deal with choice or reload a old save)

So it will not feel threatening if they appear again or if there is a (competition)

So with bad endings,drama ,dealing with dark thems ,trouble no good story or moments of made wrong choices... emotional damage and so on....

The reason why red dead 2 or cyberpunk edgerunner, game of thrones and so on..... are so good/shooking / emotional/ unexpected is because this is not the case....

The cheracters around MC and MC are not some godlike untouchable cheracters by plot ...
Don't beat around the bush, just say it straight - you want NTR in Summer's Gone :)

Let's say these two dickheads, if there is a way they can win, then remember what bet one of them wanted to make?
Right, it's Bella's ass. So, what will your bad ending look like? They take Bella with them, put her behind the car, and collect the lost bet?

Sorry, bud, according to Ocean, that's not going to happen. There is no and will not be NTR in SG, this was stated from the very beginning and as far as I know, Ocean has never changed his mind on this, at least he always answered no to suggestions to add NTR in SG.

Same with the dark themes. It was in SG at the start, the dark path for the MC was planned, but Ocean removed it when he started reworking and his stance on the game now is that it's about healing, hope and love. He spent a lot of time softening MC's character and fixing the story to fit MC's changed personality and endured tons of shit thrown at him for it. So far, nothing shows he's changed his mind.

It's up to you of course, but I think you have unrealistic expectations for this game, and that's a surefire way to be disappointed.

Although I learn something new about this game every day. Yesterday I learned that the game is fluid. Before that I was told that this game is a loop. So, who knows, maybe tomorrow it will become a ntr-fest. :HideThePain:


Active Member
Aug 16, 2022
Although I learn something new about this game every day. Yesterday I learned that the game is fluid.
No shot you just learned that yesterday! The game has been getting retroactively changed since before the reworks even started... How in the fuck did you miss that?

I mean I can relate to taking a long time to accept that nothing in Ocean's stories is ever set in stone but I did at least notice it. Can you imagine a best selling author publishing a novel then a couple of months after the publishing a new edition comes out with changes to the entire story. Then 3 months later another one. By the first year anniversary, and 5 editions later, characters have popped out of nowhere and we're supposed to pretend they were there all along. Names get changed. Personalities altered. Physical features replaced. And the story is so far removed from the original edition it's barely recognizable anymore.

Sounds insane when you think of it as a book or a show/movie right? Because this isn't how good stories are told. When you see a new chapter from a manga coming out, how often does it make sweeping changes to the previously established chapters?

This being a VN with continuous development, with chapters and seasons doesn't excuse the shitty storytelling. It just makes me think that Ocean may not only be clueless about where all of this is heading but also not care enough about his stories to fight for their integrity. :confused:


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
Don't beat around the bush, just say it straight - you want NTR in Summer's Gone :)

Let's say these two dickheads, if there is a way they can win, then remember what bet one of them wanted to make?
Right, it's Bella's ass. So, what will your bad ending look like? They take Bella with them, put her behind the car, and collect the lost bet?

Sorry, bud, according to Ocean, that's not going to happen. There is no and will not be NTR in SG, this was stated from the very beginning and as far as I know, Ocean has never changed his mind on this, at least he always answered no to suggestions to add NTR in SG.

Same with the dark themes. It was in SG at the start, the dark path for the MC was planned, but Ocean removed it when he started reworking and his stance on the game now is that it's about healing, hope and love. He spent a lot of time softening MC's character and fixing the story to fit MC's changed personality and endured tons of shit thrown at him for it. So far, nothing shows he's changed his mind.

It's up to you of course, but I think you have unrealistic expectations for this game, and that's a surefire way to be disappointed.

Although I learn something new about this game every day. Yesterday I learned that the game is fluid. Before that I was told that this game is a loop. So, who knows, maybe tomorrow it will become a ntr-fest. :HideThePain:
I respect his choice but there will never be a good story this way and we all know ocean is a perfectionist .....

I dont know a single big VN that was able to create a good story with this much limitations

The only believable drama (bad ending ) that you could maybe creat is woman catfight which one gets mc dick ... but thats not the perfectionistic story I would espect from ocean ....

I will wait and see what ocean will come up with or if he will just do the same like the big other VN that go the same direction

At least WIAB has potential hope we get this cyberpunk edgerunner vibe / feel with WIAB at least ...because I need a big VN that actually is upredictable a d gets the story / drama/ dark thems / emotions / jeliousy/ betrayle .... and so on right you know the things you nedd to creat a good story ...

(And btw I hate 99% of ntr games ... the predeictable thing goes in both directions most ntr games have terrible story aswell and are very pretictable story wise so NO I dont want turn SG into full NTR gane neather WIAB....)
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Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2020
Phew... Do you have a sense of deja vu that we've discussed all this once or twice or seven times here in this thread? I mean, us as people who have been in this thread for quite a while. :HideThePain:

No shot you just learned that yesterday! The game has been getting retroactively changed since before the reworks even started... How in the fuck did you miss that?
Of course, I am ready to share your grief, but point by point. :KEK:

1. Fluid relationships. Really? Is this even a topic in 2024? Do I really need to tell you about certain crowdfunding platforms, their attitude towards certain adult themes, the sudden crusade against certain types of content, all that stuff?
If you still want to discuss family relationships in adult games, then first please give me a link to WiAB's Patreon. :rolleyes:
I mean I can relate to taking a long time to accept that nothing in Ocean's stories is ever set in stone but I did at least notice it. Can you imagine a best selling author publishing a novel then a couple of months after the publishing a new edition comes out with changes to the entire story. Then 3 months later another one. By the first year anniversary, and 5 editions later, characters have popped out of nowhere and we're supposed to pretend they were there all along. Names get changed. Personalities altered. Physical features replaced. And the story is so far removed from the original edition it's barely recognizable anymore.
2. Fluid content. So after five years you still haven't realized that this isn't a finished book in a gift cover but a work in progress, alpha version, early access, draft script, yada yada... unfinished work that can be changed? The fact that most authors prefer not to change anything while they are working on their scripts or visuals, even if they are not happy with the result, does not mean that this is a rule and that everyone should follow it. Seriously, you should have hung out in some other threads for those five years (I can suggest some good places :Kappa:), and then just come here and get the officially published version on Steam. Then you would have a finished piece of Summer's Gone without five years of suffering and pain :HideThePain:

Now if he starts seriously changing the first season released on Steam, that would be really strange. Bugfixes and micro changes don't count, of course.
Sounds insane when you think of it as a book or a show/movie right? Because this isn't how good stories are told. When you see a new chapter from a manga coming out, how often does it make sweeping changes to the previously established chapters?
True, although if a show doesn't live up to the creators' expectations, they simply close it in the middle of the season and start something different. Just like some of the AVN developers. :HideThePain:

But then again, we're talking about an indie developer releasing an unfinished game in parts to early access for his supporters. Public release of the first season only happened at 10 May, 2024 on Steam.

By the way, I was supporting a couple of fantasy authors, and they use the same workflow as the AVN authors on patreon. So they too had rewrites and changes to previously written chapters, although not very often. But this happened until the next book was finished and posted to online stores. So I don't see much difference with AVN authors here.
This being a VN with continuous development, with chapters and seasons doesn't excuse the shitty storytelling.
Sure, if it was really shitty, but this is the best storytelling you'll find in AVNs. Problems? :KEK:
It just makes me think that Ocean may not only be clueless about where all of this is heading but also not care enough about his stories to fight for their integrity. :confused:
He clueless about everything, it was established five years ago. No need to repeat it, just do it better than him.
So far, he is the only one who delivers, despite all his cluelessness. :KEK:
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