After Mamaragan's reasoning about the barstools from S1, I'm inclinded to believe it is the house - they're scouting it out to see if it's suitable maybe? The other two girls there might be the ones moving out so that it's vacant in three weeks? Or they might be the ones showing them around.
Mila does mention it has a big living room now that I check the end scene of season 1. Other things - the render of Robing with Cheeto could easily be in the same place as they're checking out their sweet possible pad, the alcove door looks like it could lead to several different rooms.
So that might mean Zara is with them to keep them company, or maybe Sasha's with Robin for the same reason, just curious maybe? But there's no Nika in sight, so it seems there's two unaccounted women, and Robin is definitely the 4th roommate.
Yes I said roommate, non ironically.