Abso-fucking-lutely no chance! None whatso-fucking-ever!
Ocean had his chance to tell a darker story and he utterly backtracked. This could have been an engaging story about someone lost in a very dark place due to some very traumatic events that slowly crawls back into the light. Could have delved into subjects like suicide, death, psychopathy etc... Instead we have the story of a weird dude that's kind of a prick and suffers from mild anxiety because his teen crush moved out of town a few years ago.
This story is so ludicrously sanitized you can barely argue with a straight face that is directed at an adult audience. This is dating sim level shit. This is teen romance novel type shit. Straight up. The lack of mature themes in SG is about as inconspicuous as a naked 300 pound man dancing in front of your eyes. Besides the nudity what do you have?
- Drugs? No.
- Violence? No.
- Sex? Fucking LOL

- Smoking? Wasn't the smoking lady in the café cinematic removed too?

- Guns? That's gone. Unless you count Bella's lighter.
- Sexual harrassment? Only if the victim is male, cuz that's funny. The other way around it would be a nono for publishers.
- Strong or offensive language? Only if you think "cunt" or "fuck"crosses a line you soy fuck.
Bottom line? SG is as vanilla and mainstream as vanilla and mainstream get. It won't get darker than you've already seen. If you want a more mature story try the Twilight Saga. Play the original Life is Strange.
I agree with you on WiAB though. That should be a more grown up story but still very mild considering it's going to Steam.