Im kinda whatever about summer, she can stay away or come back (if the comeback is good and not cringe/stereotype) but there really nees to be some closure/explanation at some point imo otherwise this is all too nonsensical.
I think it would have worked best (exploring mental health problems) if summer simply would have died but it doesnt look like that case and if shes alive, she will come back at some point anyway.
I would hate the Zane's as antagonists, they have way to much advantages and the odds would be stacked way too much against Nika, and him still being able to handle that (despite all his problems) would feel cringe/undeserved/mary sue like.
Even more as all his sheming skills and his cunning just really really sucks ass, all his ideas in this department are super idiotic immature bullshit lmao (its similar to young willy

I kiiiinda maaaaaaybe like the idea of Nika and Nami being kids of the wiab antagonist(s), would still make Nika somewhat of a "prince" but of a dead legacy/lineage.
I disagree about this, and people like Emilia are there because its not (just) a bookclub, its more like a unisex gentlemens club, yeah they read books but its mainly to chat and to establish or keep connections. These are (partially) powerful women and not bored housewifes.
Add Claire, Nojiko, Katie, Amber, Sasha, Robin, adriana (problabl Miru's daughter), maybe Emilia to that list and whos left at this point anymore?