I enjoy the wallpapers and the few other 'in AVN' renders Ocean is currently sharing with us.
They are, for me, a reminder of how much I enjoy SG and the characters he has created.
I'm happy to support Ocean with a monthly subscription as well.
Ocean is a full-time developer and, setting aside monthly living expenses (which he can't - in RL), he needs to pay for electricity, software and hardware, freelancer support, music and more throughout the year, not just on the months when he releases an AVN update.
IF everyone took the attitude of supporting 98% of the devs they actually support with $ and giving the dev $ only on the month of a release, the market would adjust - and not in a kind way.
Most devs would be pushed to give monthly releases and story/continuity be damned.
So what if renders had to be redone or the story had to be reworked repeatedly (not for a Steam release either) since the 'new' paradigm would favor monthly output versus story quality and cohesiveness.
Work to create monthly content that did not end mid scene and maintained a cohesive story would actually Slow down overall development since any dev focused on a monthly delivery model would have to manage story delivery and scene/animation creation with that in mind.
I support a number of devs who produce content monthly and I rarely play each monthly update - no immersion - and I, for one, actually enjoy getting immersed in the story.
I'm looking forward to the first release of Summers Gone, Season 2.
Am I a big fan of waiting - of course not, but quality takes time, and Ocean has repeatedly delivered IMO.
While I wait - I have a backlog of other AVNs to play/get immersed in courtesy of F95, so I don't lack for things to do, outside of RL OC.