Ok, so, if I'm looking to play the game the way it was meant to be played originally storywise, what version/mod should I install?
Ocean's intent is for you to play Season 1 unmodded, which leads to Season 2.
- you can play the old Ch2, and get all the dark lord energy, but that path has been abandoned and reworked, it's not going to get you to and end result.
- you can play the old Ch4, and see all the original lewds, which mostly consist of limp dick pics, or unpenetrated vaginas, there's no sex between characters, except for one grinding scene. This also won't be continued, you won't be able to use a save from this for Season 2.
- you can install the uncut mod, which is fan based, and see what a fan thinks OCean's intention should have been, but Ocean delivered Ocean's version, whether for good or bad. We have no idea whether the mod will break a save going into Season 2, or whether it will make sense with Ocean writing a new lewd scene in season 2 to directly replace the major one he cut.
Whatever anyone says, the unmodded Season 1 is what Ocean released as the canon story, regardless of any of our preferences. Everything else is a development dead end. Consider them abandoned drafts. The official release is the only one that the developer is ...developing.