Of course, what I meant is that she doesn't seem to be the type of girl who wants to be in the spotlight.
Not that I disagree, but what we really know about Sasha ? Aside from her problems with married - and I assume- much older man we don't really know nothing about Sasha, we assume a lot of things but know very little.
Especially with a significant male gaze. I can't see her being happy about that in the least.
Case in point. This is a very fair interpretations given her history and dialogues, but when receiving the new uniforms Sasha has nothing to say about it, nor does she has a render showing how she is uncomfortable being exposed, as do Sonya, and although she does not dresses seeking the male gaze, is not like she is actively repelling it. Sasha so far is a mirror that we can project whatever we want - curious how in the book club her conversation with Nika revolves around projection- some of what we think will be true, is not like she is completely empty, but she also is not as defined as Bella or Nami or Zara.
So a photoshoot, professionally made, in a safe environment as a art project is not something inconceivable, maybe Sasha wants to be a model, Mila wants to play golf, Zara tennis maybe modeling is Sasha's dream, we simply don't know.