
Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021


Welcome to the 9th Dev Log.

Progress on Chapter 4 has been good. I'm currently also writing a lot more again (Future chapters and changing/Polishing other chapters.)
As mentioned in the last log, today I will give a little more insight on how much is left.
I'm currently 1300 still renders in and I'm around 200 to 300 renders away from finishing the "normal" part of the update. The one that isn't in the Tabletop session.
So the normal part of the update (excluded cinematics) is pretty much 85% done.
The Tabletop part is 45% done.

A few more details about the last two weeks and what I did there... I was building a new environment for the real timeline and I was lacking some assets.
You need to know... I have almost zero experience at modeling stuff but I needed a damn floodlight and while I could've used a primitive plane or so as one, I wanted something with more quality.
View attachment 1655387
In the background, you can see the floodlight boy I created.

As you all know, I work alone. I do pretty much everything alone beside the coding. (Thanks Cursen, Eni and SLim.)
But pretty much 98% of my time is spent on creating the visuals. When I make the move to Blender after Season 1, I want to hire a freelancer who specializes in creating environments, etc.
A person passionate about it and not just in for the bucks. Cause it will show in the end product.
Chapter 4 will actually offer my first completely unique environment modeled by a freelancer. (Thanks Wibble!)
It will be previewed in the last dev log before the release.

Alright, let's get to some more visual previews.
I had some real trouble finding renders I could show without spoilering.
Here's a first sideboob peak of one of Nick's daughters.
View attachment 1655386
"Going in there would be a brilliant idea."
View attachment 1655388
"Cheeto Love."
View attachment 1655385
And at last, another sneaky peek on one of the daughters.
View attachment 1655389
4k res of all images attached.

So yeah, in the next Dev Log I will elaborate on my current work ethics and give some numbers about productivity... Now that I've located and tackled my biggest limiter.

- Ocean
so nick´s daughter is rambo girl? i would recognize those lips anywhere... do not ask me why!

i might be wrong...

also how come Nick´s other daughter looks exactly like a carbon copy of Nami? ... oh shit thats Nami...but like a 3 years younger Nami

vampire Bella...
Also purple? it´s an imperial color but Sasha´s color is white or light blue like the sky!

hope you get better soon!

I cannot destroy all these heretics on my own! I get lazy after a couple of dead bodies ruin my clothes.
totally its totally not because you carry around a suit of armor that is like 200kg´s!

afraid of a few cuts are you? damn leaches always squirming about the loss of a single drop of blood!
you guys are going to have to take my place until I return I'm counting on you to win this war
win? you so cute!

now excuse me as i finish executing the remnants of team Miss Marla, the fuckers assumed they could hide from my wrath!


May 4, 2018


Welcome to the 9th Dev Log.

Progress on Chapter 4 has been good. I'm currently also writing a lot more again (Future chapters and changing/Polishing other chapters.)
As mentioned in the last log, today I will give a little more insight on how much is left.
I'm currently 1300 still renders in and I'm around 200 to 300 renders away from finishing the "normal" part of the update. The one that isn't in the Tabletop session.
So the normal part of the update (excluded cinematics) is pretty much 85% done.
The Tabletop part is 45% done.

A few more details about the last two weeks and what I did there... I was building a new environment for the real timeline and I was lacking some assets.
You need to know... I have almost zero experience at modeling stuff but I needed a damn floodlight and while I could've used a primitive plane or so as one, I wanted something with more quality.
View attachment 1655387
In the background, you can see the floodlight boy I created.

As you all know, I work alone. I do pretty much everything alone beside the coding. (Thanks Cursen, Eni and SLim.)
But pretty much 98% of my time is spent on creating the visuals. When I make the move to Blender after Season 1, I want to hire a freelancer who specializes in creating environments, etc.
A person passionate about it and not just in for the bucks. Cause it will show in the end product.
Chapter 4 will actually offer my first completely unique environment modeled by a freelancer. (Thanks Wibble!)
It will be previewed in the last dev log before the release.

Alright, let's get to some more visual previews.
I had some real trouble finding renders I could show without spoilering.
Here's a first sideboob peak of one of Nick's daughters.
View attachment 1655386
"Going in there would be a brilliant idea."
View attachment 1655388
"Cheeto Love."
View attachment 1655385
And at last, another sneaky peek on one of the daughters.
View attachment 1655389
4k res of all images attached.

So yeah, in the next Dev Log I will elaborate on my current work ethics and give some numbers about productivity... Now that I've located and tackled my biggest limiter.

- Ocean
That's a good devlog right there, 3 Nami previews. And the update is ~70% finished! So around 2 months till the update.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I guess people do enjoy watching you remaining still in the elegance and beauty in your coffin most of the day and the full moon.
I do my best to always look fabulous!

Except when eating chocolate. Then, I become an animal with no self control. Chocolate stains are harsh!


May 4, 2018
Not necessarily. Future speed may not be identical to previous speed.

Also, life happens. So we may have to wait more.
Sure he said that the tabletop takes a bit more time but it's nice to know that the update will drop late April or May if everything works out fine. I'm looking forward to the tabletop session because at first I was not interested at all in that but with the previews and the time ocean is investing I'm getting really curious about it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Brother, when you said I'm executing the remnants of Marla's team, did you mean "Oh God, please spare me, I realized how stupid I was, Bella's team is the most powerful and large-scale"? :KEK:
any of you weaklings have still to beat me in battle, i have sent Ayhsel into his coffin more times that i can count... the fucker always gets back so its not so much that i can not beat him in battle its that he is annoying and refuses to stay dead!

team Bella is the most numerous indeed... its like a cockroach infestation but it will be dealt with in time!


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
team Bella is the most numerous indeed... its like a cockroach infestation but it will be dealt with in time!
Yikes!! I hate bugs!!

I like to think we are more like shining stars! So many, so vibrant and magical!
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I got covid I'm just waiting until I was back to full strength

but then I felt a great power so this is where it was coming from magnificent
Hope you get well soon mate.


Welcome to the 9th Dev Log.

Progress on Chapter 4 has been good. I'm currently also writing a lot more again (Future chapters and changing/Polishing other chapters.)
As mentioned in the last log, today I will give a little more insight on how much is left.
I'm currently 1300 still renders in and I'm around 200 to 300 renders away from finishing the "normal" part of the update. The one that isn't in the Tabletop session.
So the normal part of the update (excluded cinematics) is pretty much 85% done.
The Tabletop part is 45% done.

A few more details about the last two weeks and what I did there... I was building a new environment for the real timeline and I was lacking some assets.
You need to know... I have almost zero experience at modeling stuff but I needed a damn floodlight and while I could've used a primitive plane or so as one, I wanted something with more quality.
View attachment 1655387
In the background, you can see the floodlight boy I created.

As you all know, I work alone. I do pretty much everything alone beside the coding. (Thanks Cursen, Eni and SLim.)
But pretty much 98% of my time is spent on creating the visuals. When I make the move to Blender after Season 1, I want to hire a freelancer who specializes in creating environments, etc.
A person passionate about it and not just in for the bucks. Cause it will show in the end product.
Chapter 4 will actually offer my first completely unique environment modeled by a freelancer. (Thanks Wibble!)
It will be previewed in the last dev log before the release.

Alright, let's get to some more visual previews.
I had some real trouble finding renders I could show without spoilering.
Here's a first sideboob peak of one of Nick's daughters.
View attachment 1655386
"Going in there would be a brilliant idea."
View attachment 1655388
"Cheeto Love."
View attachment 1655385
And at last, another sneaky peek on one of the daughters.
View attachment 1655389
4k res of all images attached.

So yeah, in the next Dev Log I will elaborate on my current work ethics and give some numbers about productivity... Now that I've located and tackled my biggest limiter.

- Ocean
Fluctuation of emotions, heh. No Bella preview so :cry: but Nami previews :love:, heh.
The tabletop previews have been going on for quite a while now by Ocean, so I'm just wondering whether this tabletop games (that MC plays with his friends) is an ongoing thing throughout multiple updates, or whether it's just a limited thing (1 or 2 updates?) :unsure:

Boehser Onkel

Forum Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021
anyone else getting bad vibe´s about the "nick" situation ?
idk why - but i have em :unsure:
i mean - single father (loving and caring or dom?), two daughters ( spoiled brat´s? ,or well tamed ;) )

are there more infos about him so far?

and the way the game goes so far , there will be alot more drama with them :cautious:


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Yeah just to warn you in my City is a student residence which has cockroaches since 1960 they never manged to get them out.
that technically should depend on the type of soil that residence is on! if its sand then its impossible to get rid of them without poisoning the sould to a degree where its actually dangerous to humans!

but if its not then that residence just needs to hire a proper desigestation system and do a 3 turn sweep! problem with cockroaches is that their egg´s are trully resilient so even if you wipe out the entire population as long as there are eggs left they will ressurface once humidity and heat gets to a certain level and that is when you must apply the 2nd heavy dose and the 3rd is just to make sure!

How dairy !...Okay, let's play a game... We finish up all the chocolate bar that's piled in Warscarred's big ass skull with no control just like when werewolves meet vampires. You know what the world hates the most right ?...People who waste chocolates. So one of us who emerges with less stains wins.
stay away from my pepper 90% cocoa black chocolate, its for special occasions not for peasants like you who can not even recognize the difference between a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Shiraz, ignorant fools!

Bella's team has captured everything, the loss is inevitable, we will rule forever *winks* Since we are immortal.
you sure about that young one? cause i seem to recall you might have issues if you run out of sun cream...

I think Warscared is right, Rambo is one of the daughters. They got the same beauty spot.
i did not knew why but i was sure it her... then you have the why but not the certainty! Isalute your keen obersation!

anyone else getting bad vibe´s about the "nick" situation ?
idk why - but i have em :unsure:
i mean - single father (loving and caring or dom?), two daughters ( spoiled brat´s? ,or well tamed ;) )

are there more infos about him so far?

and the way the game goes so far , there will be alot more drama with them :cautious:
totally an abusive asshole for sure! i mean you saw how little well socialized his daughter his with a massive over competitive edge!
talk about daddy issues... also he is dating a single mother with 2 kids... we know his dating pool options are probably either not the best or he "met" Nami and is like totally dating Nojiko to get a go at Nami´s ass! but hey he could be a good role model for a dark path MC teaching him how to corrupt Bella and make her his sex slave! we know the kid has the potential and there is nothing so sad as wasted potencial!

that would be just dom play , i think ;)
that`s a way of life for some, just like for team Bela being the subs in a femdom game is their way of life!
fuck it i will trade a 3 over a 8 if she is willing to be a sex slave...
hey do not judge me, fat ugly girls deserve love too!
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Boehser Onkel

Forum Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021

totally an abusive asshole for sure! i mean you saw how little well socialized his daughter his with a massive over competitive edge!
talk about daddy issues... also he is dating a single mother with 2 kids... we know his dating pool options are probably either not the best or he "met" Nami and is like totally dating Nojiko to get a go at Nami´s ass! but hey he could be a good role model for a dark path MC teaching him how to corrupt Bella and make her his sex slave! we know the kid has the potential and there is nothing so sad as wasted potencial!
if he just look the wrong way on poor innocent nami ... :mad:


nah , but now for "real" -- smell something like this coming...
and for "dark path" - thats imo not the definition of "dark"for this game ( dont want to start again this discussion :ROFLMAO: )
that would be just dom play , i think ;)


May 18, 2020


Welcome to the 9th Dev Log.

Progress on Chapter 4 has been good. I'm currently also writing a lot more again (Future chapters and changing/Polishing other chapters.)
As mentioned in the last log, today I will give a little more insight on how much is left.
I'm currently 1300 still renders in and I'm around 200 to 300 renders away from finishing the "normal" part of the update. The one that isn't in the Tabletop session.
So the normal part of the update (excluded cinematics) is pretty much 85% done.
The Tabletop part is 45% done.

A few more details about the last two weeks and what I did there... I was building a new environment for the real timeline and I was lacking some assets.
You need to know... I have almost zero experience at modeling stuff but I needed a damn floodlight and while I could've used a primitive plane or so as one, I wanted something with more quality.
View attachment 1655387
In the background, you can see the floodlight boy I created.

As you all know, I work alone. I do pretty much everything alone beside the coding. (Thanks Cursen, Eni and SLim.)
But pretty much 98% of my time is spent on creating the visuals. When I make the move to Blender after Season 1, I want to hire a freelancer who specializes in creating environments, etc.
A person passionate about it and not just in for the bucks. Cause it will show in the end product.
Chapter 4 will actually offer my first completely unique environment modeled by a freelancer. (Thanks Wibble!)
It will be previewed in the last dev log before the release.

Alright, let's get to some more visual previews.
I had some real trouble finding renders I could show without spoilering.
Here's a first sideboob peak of one of Nick's daughters.
View attachment 1655386
"Going in there would be a brilliant idea."
View attachment 1655388
"Cheeto Love."
View attachment 1655385
And at last, another sneaky peek on one of the daughters.
View attachment 1655389
4k res of all images attached.

So yeah, in the next Dev Log I will elaborate on my current work ethics and give some numbers about productivity... Now that I've located and tackled my biggest limiter.

- Ocean


fuck yes :love:
4.30 star(s) 505 Votes