Since you seem to have an adverse reaction to irony, I will try to skip it this time, the point is there maybe, MAYBE is merit to the review system, seeing that you liked 3/3 from the top games and you dismissing/ridiculing that guy just for stating that, makes you look a bit hypocritical/phony ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have never played Unbroken, so I can't give my opinion on it. There are street artists/singers in random villages in the world that no one will ever get to hear that are as good as the top musicians in the world, does that take away from the talent of the ones from the top? How is that even an argument you want to make, of course there are VNs I've never played, how can I mention them If I have no idea about them?
Most of best rated games on the 1st page simply have better writing/characters/more content(hello?) than SG and no amount of dick riding, copium and mental gymnastics are gonna change that. Even the dev seems to agree since he is reworking his games, removing from the cringy, try-hard 'Im 14 and this is deep' dialogue
and taking writing lessons. Apart from art and cinematography there is nothing underrated about this VN, in fact it seems to harbor some of the most fanatic fanbases, bar ICSTOR and DPC patreon simps, that will defend and praise everything, even the most innocuous critiques...
If this doesn't help you, I promise to return with a bucket of sand and try drawing it for you