I very mich doubt it. I don"t speak it, I never tried.
Edit: So, out of curiosity I tried...
Yes, it works! This is what I get when entering Jenny's shower, with Google Translate enabled and language 'ar' active in the game (the coding is automatically being dumped into the generated translation files as soon as a translation is being made online):
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_26473f4a:
# "( Hmm, it's so steamy... )"
anon "(حسنًا ، إنه مشبع بالبخار ...)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_2db17454:
# "( I can't quite make out- )"
anon "(لا أستطيع أن أفهم تمامًا-)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_71520a84:
# "( Hello, {b}[jen_name]{/b}... )"
anon "(مرحبًا {b} [jen_name] {/ b} ...)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_6e2880d9:
# "( Oh, here we go. )"
anon "( يا هنا نذهب. )"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_edb9198f:
# "( Hehe, it's {b}[jen_name]{/b} again! )"
anon "(Hehe ، إنه {b} [jen_name] {/ b} مرة أخرى!)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_c5a781ff:
# "( I can't believe how much has happened between us! )"
anon "(لا أصدق كم حدث بيننا!)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_5e80376b:
# "( She should take her webcam in there with her, she'd probably make a fortune... )"
anon "(يجب أن تأخذ كاميرا الويب الخاصة بها معها ، من المحتمل أنها ستجني ثروة ...)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_2dc0fdef:
# "( Oh man, she would be so pissed if she knew I was spying on her! )"
anon "(يا رجل ، ستكون غاضبة جدًا إذا علمت أنني أتجسس عليها!)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_71b148c5:
# "( A few weeks ago she would have freaked out about this, but now... )"
anon "(قبل أسابيع قليلة كانت ستفزع من هذا الأمر ، لكن الآن ...)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_f1fb1e39:
# "( Whoa!! )"
anon "(قف !!)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_9c0186a1:
# "( I hope I haven't missed the show! )"
anon "(أتمنى ألا يفوتني العرض!)"
translate ar shower_jenny_shower_spy_repeat_c27e88e4:
# "( It's {b}[jen_name]{/b}! )"
anon "(إنه {b} [jen_name] {/ b}!)"
View attachment 1579014
So, in principle, from what I see this should be OK. I do not know if the right-to-left mechanism of the arabic language is working in every aspect, though.
HOWEVER -- and this is a BIG however! -- this does not quite work, actually. Problem is that there is no arabic translation pack available right now, meaning that all texts in the game (we are talking about more than 70000 texts here) need to be translated. At an average speed of 2 texts per second, this will take a while. Moreover, I do not think that Google is so happy about their service being abused that way, meaning that they might block your address during the process or even take further measures when several hundred people try start doing such a thing...
This is why I stated that an up-to-date translation pack needs to be installed, i.e. only about 2000 translations actually missing (the most recent packs are from version 0.20.11 and only the new content of 0.20.12 is untranslated).
So, no, I fear it will not quite work out for you, unless someone makes an official arabic translation pack.
Edit 2: Yes, it seems that the mix between left-to-right and right-to-left is a problem, so even if it's technically possible to translate the game into arabic, it still leaves a lot to do. Also, Google is messing up the text tags, e.g. it makes {/b} into {/ b} with a space in between, which will lead to problems in the game. This does not happen for translation into German. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent Google from doing such things, so a manual correction is always necessary.