
Well-Known Member
May 22, 2018
Going into the open relationship call I was anticipating and planning on using the option to break up with Nicole. Seeing the discussion here it occurs to me that part of the reasoning for that is because I was prepared for the call based on scenes we see with Nicole. For the MC the suggestion comes utterly out of the blue during a call where they have a very short amount of time to speak with each other and he has 5 more years of history with her than we do I can see why he wouldn't immediately jump to the break up option, then he is immediately off with Vicky so there is not really time to reflect either.

I basically consider the MC and Nicole broken up at this point, just given her rules she doesn't want to hear about it until I've picked out my LI(s) to pursue. I agree with some of the comments here about how controlling she is with the MC and how uncomfortable the dynamic was with the two of them in the beginning scenes. Gerald and Nicole seem to get along better than the MC does with either of them.

Did anyone think it was weird that the MC acted so shocked that his dad might have cheated on Ashley? MC even comments about how his dad cheated on his mom with Ashley so it seemed a little odd to me.

If I could remove any character from the game I think it would be Ashley. Maybe she can decide she needs to go on another multi-month vacation and inform everyone by note. It may just be the writing but it seems weird that she is so cagey about explaining things to the MC if the only reason for the breakup was Gerald cheating. Cutting Lacey off from contacting them seems like an overreaction too and I wish the MC hadn't accepted her reasoning on that so easily.

I also find it creepy how much she is pursuing the MC. She even acknowledges that he doesn't seem interested in a few responses and she still manipulated the MC into the shower scene and kisses him on the lips. I have some suspicions that Ashley was attracted to the MC when he was 15 or concerns about the relationship between MC and the sister and that contributed to her dramatic departure and breaking off contact.

It is also disturbing that Ashley is more concerned with throwing herself at the MC and avoiding questions that would greatly improve the dynamic between the MC and sister. Her nonchalance at disappearing for months and leaving her daughter to sink or swim with a failing hotel and refusal to really take responsibility for some horrific parenting mistakes for both her daughter and the MC is off-putting.

Terrible parents do seem to be a strong theme in this game (Gerald, Ashley, Ashley's sister, their parents kicking Ashley out, orgy priest dad, psycho murder chef and maybe others I'm not thinking about now). I hope we don't get any bad revelations about Mr. Roshi, he seems pretty great.
Ashley has a such a bad explanation as to why they couldn't keep in contact and the MC just sweeps it under the rug while he should be mad. Especially if she tries to kiss him afterward. Not even any contact after the MC becomes an adult and lives on his own till a couple days ago. I was expecting maybe something along the lines of Gerald starting to look at sis as more than a daughter to justify it.
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
I forget the part where she forces you into it. Where is the manipulation when you are free to say no to the idea?
You mean where she literally gets the idea from her sister to manipulate you into then, then after all the bitching she does beforehand, she proposes this "solution" as some grand invention and makes it rather obvious that you should take this choice? She was manipulative from the very first day, I don't know what story you were following so far.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2020
You can say no but what is your other option? To stay in a relationship with someone that just said by all accounts that she is at the very least thinking about fucking someone else as a way to "fix" your relationship? Is that even a logical train of thought? We are having issues so let's bring in more pieces to the puzzle because we all know that adding more to something only makes it more likely it will go wrong.
Check my previous reply. She gets the idea from two sources. 1st is her client on the divorce case who wonders if she had done the open marriage thing when the idea was first presented if she would be getting a divorce. 2nd is Georgina. Georgina is in an open relationship with F and D and it works for her. She is very happy with her relationship. So, Nicole gets curious since they are forced apart for a few months. She floats the idea. Nicole and the MC have a good enough relationship where they can talk to each other. Nicole makes it clear that she hasn't done anything and is just curious what he thinks.
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Active Member
May 9, 2020
Possibly, if like Nicole you are dealing with a messy divorce case where the woman says she wonders if she had done the open relationship when she had the chance would she be getting divorced. Then your sister also throws the idea out there that it could be something that helps the relationship, since she is in an open relationship and it is working perfectly for her. Also, she offers the suggestion, she doesn't say do it. She gives you the option to say no and goes along with your decision if you say no. Its not like she plucked the idea out of thin air.
Even then you can't possibly think that as the first solution.
How about first talk to your partner, put the cards on the table about your feelings what you think and so on, listen the other side. After that you can suggest what you think it may work or that you want to try, you can't just jump from a monogamous relationship to a open relationship out of the blue.
Explain your feelings and your worries let the other side know what is on your mind and see his response don't act like that telling it's a good things to be apart from each other some time and one week later suggest a open relationship.
This mc is already slow I would say dumb too but even him can't be that slow to not put 2+2.
For me her train of thoughts and actions that suggestion in not a good warning or even close to it.

Communicating it's fundamental so you can't change a relationship that way out of nowhere without communicating what troubles you.
At least is how I see a functional relationship


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Exactly what do you believe an open relationship is?
You are obviously new to the world of porn games.This not the real world.
Let me explain how devs are using open relationship in no NTR games.Not to mention that most NTR games are not NTR at all.
When some of the girls/women starts to talk about open relationship,it leads to harem.
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2020
Nicole was going to straight up ask for a break. Georgina is the one that suggests an open relationship. She sees that Nicole loves the MC and offers an alternative where they can stay in a relationship but make the most of their time apart. Georgina does not manipulate Nicole into anything, she offers an alternative to breaking up. Nicole does not manipulate the MC into anything. She just makes a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2020
You are obviously new to the world of porn games.This not the real world.
Let me explain how devs are using open relationship in no NTR games.Not to mention that most NTR games are not NTR at all.
When some of the girls/women starts to talk about open relationship,it leads to harem.
Is this your first MrDots game? He doesn't do NTR or Harem games. He has already confirmed that if you choose the open relationship path that we the player will not see any of that content and since one of Nicole's rules was to not discuss any encounters, we will not have to hear about it either.


Feb 11, 2018
So the DEV decides to make Georgina and the MC have an open relationship in DMD? I am so glad I stopped playing that as she was my favorite character and the only reason I even played as long as I did.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2020
So the DEV decides to make Georgina and the MC have an open relationship in DMD? I am so glad I stopped playing that as she was my favorite character and the only reason I even played as long as I did.
Its a shared universe. You have to choose one canon ending. In this story Melody makes it as a successful singer, but there are multiple endings to Melody. What if the ending you chose was with Melody's aunt? D makes it as a successful model, but what if in your game she doesn't? Your choice isn't reflected, because the Dev chose the one he wanted to be the ending when making his games.


Feb 11, 2018
Its a shared universe. You have to choose one canon ending. In this story Melody makes it as a successful singer, but there are multiple endings to Melody. What if the ending you chose was with Melody's aunt? D makes it as a successful model, but what if in your game she doesn't? Your choice isn't reflected, because the Dev chose the one he wanted to be the ending when making his games.
Yes and by doing so makes your complete play through invalid if you would than play this after. That is a great way to give a big fuck you to your fans, right?


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
funny how you guys still "assume" stuff, which is never even written.
After i told you what might happen and what might not happen, you still continued...
Even after Jeff (one of the 3 devs) told you what probably will happen and what not, you still continue....
Why do you care about stuff that "MAYBE could happen in your imagination" rather than starting to listen and believe.

*irony on:
I might suggest to stop playing at all, because it might happen that all women suddenly change look like the old women on nude beach in previous game.
Also it is possible that MrDots does a time-warp forwards, and show the MC as an impotent 80 year old senile man.
Or maybe all women with no sexual interaction to MC right now (except Vicky) feel attracted to Lukas for some reason
... there are so many "theoretical possible" things that might happen...
... but when a dev tells you what really is planned, you can't believe .... ;) :unsure:
*irony off
Although in most of his annoying posts Hyperserver sounds like a condescending asshat (English is obviously not his native language so he probably can't really understand why) he is right.

This game is pretty mediocre and boring and really does not deserve copious amounts of text walls about one missed choice developer should have included to give players the illusion of having a significant choice.

Just fast forward to the point in-game that you might find interesting enough or if you find the whole game too lame, move on to other games. God knows there are tons of games here for everyone's taste.


Active Member
May 9, 2020
So the DEV decides to make Georgina and the MC have an open relationship in DMD? I am so glad I stopped playing that as she was my favorite character and the only reason I even played as long as I did.
Yes, because if she didn't want that see would be using her dildo only. So her only choice would be share him with D or not have him. So she isn't a good example.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
In the game Timestamps, MC's girlfriend wants to have an open relationship too, but in the next sentence, she says she doesn't need any other man because MC is already sufficient for her. In short, it's the writer opening the possibility for the protagonist to have sex with other girls because he is already in a relationship with that girl and I think this applies in this game too.
I have seen this in many games, and they all have the girl saying immediately that she only wants him.
We did not get that next sentence from Nicole.
With how Nicole has been acting towards the MC, and that there was already discussions on how people would react if Nicole got involved with someone else (back in June, I think), it is not surprising that people reacted the way they did.
I am wondering how long it will be before we know exactly what Nicole wants (in game, and not just comments from a dev)
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